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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book 1834 Begbie, Peter James The Malayan Peninsula [Begbie, 1834 #21101]
Journal Article 1863 Earl, G. W. On the shell-mounds of Province Wellesley in the Malay Peninsula Transactions of the Ethnological Society, New Series [Earl, 1863 #35913]
Book 1883 Bird, Isabella The Golden Chersonese and the way thither [Bird, 1883 #20746]
Journal Article 1892 Balfour, Henry Stone implements from the Malay peninsula in the Pitt-Rivers Museum Archaeologia Oxoniensis [Balfour, 1892 #34117]
Journal Article 1894 Louis, Henry On the River Telubin Geographical Journal [Louis, 1894 #28557]
Journal Article 1897 Wray, L. The cave-dwellers of Perak Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland [Wray, 1897 #35903]
Journal Article 1901 Rosenhain, Walter Notes on Malay metal-work Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland [Rosenhain, 1901 #35592]
Journal Article 1904 Swan, Robert M. W. Note on stone implements from Pahang Man [Swan, 1904 #31386]
Book 1905 Martin, Rudolf Die Inlandstämme der Malayischen Halbinsel: Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse einer Reise durch die Vereinigten Malayischen Staaten [Martin, 1905 #21183]
Journal Article 1905 Wray, L. Further notes on the cave dwellers of Perak Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums [Wray, 1905 #35904]
Book 1906 Skeat, Walter William Pagan races of the Malay Peninsula [Skeat, 1906 #20819]
Journal Article 1918 Evans, Ivor H. N. Preliminary report on cave exploration, near Lenggong, Upper Perak Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums [Evans, 1918 #35984]
Journal Article 1920 Evans, Ivor H. N. Cave-dwellings in Pahang Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums [Evans, 1920 #35985]
Journal Article 1922 Evans, Ivor H. N. A rock-shelter at Gunong Pondok Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums [Evans, 1922 #31349]
Journal Article 1926 Schebesta, Pater P. The jungle tribes of the Malay Peninsula Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, University of London [Schebesta, 1926 #28827]
Book 1927 Evans, Ivor H. N. Papers on the ethnology and archaeology of the Malay Peninsula [Evans, 1927 #21259]
Journal Article 1928 Evans, Ivor H. N. Further excavations at Gunong Pondok Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums [Evans, 1928 #31354]
Journal Article 1928 Evans, Ivor H. N. On slab-built graves in Perak Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums [Evans, 1928 #34000]
Journal Article 1928 Stein Callenfels, P. V. van Report on cave excavation in Perak Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums [Stein 1928 #35828]
Journal Article 1928 Evans, Ivor H. N. On a find of stone implements associated with pottery Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums [Evans, 1928 #35993]
Journal Article 1930 Cœdès, George Les inscriptions malaises de Çrīvijaya Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Cœdès, 1930 #27135]
Journal Article 1930 Linehan, W. Notes on some further archaeological discoveries in Pahang Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society [Linehan, 1930 #34001]
Journal Article 1931 Evans, Ivor H. N. Excavations at Nyong, Tembeling River, Pahang Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums [Evans, 1931 #35987]
Journal Article 1935 Braddell, Sir Roland An introduction to the study of ancient times in the Malay Peninsula and the Straits of Malacca Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society [Braddell, 1935 #31943]
Journal Article 1936 Collings, H. D. Report of an archaeological excavation in Kedah, Malay Peninsula Bulletin of the Raffles Museum, Series B [Collings, 1936 #35981]
Journal Article 1937 Collings, H. D. A collection of stone tools in the Raffles museum from the Kuantan district, Pahang Bulletin of the Raffles Museum, Series B [Collings, 1937 #31330]
Journal Article 1937 Collings, H. D. Recent finds of iron-age sites in southern Perak and Selangor, Federated Malay States Bulletin of the Raffles Museum, Series B [Collings, 1937 #31331]
Book Section in a Series 1938 Beck, Horace C. Beads from slab graves in Malaya Recent finds of iron-age sites in southern Perak and Selangor [Beck, 1938 #26083]
Journal Article 1938 Collings, H. D. An excavation at Bukit Chuping, Perlis Bulletin of the Raffles Museum, Series B [Collings, 1938 #35982]
Journal Article 1939 Evans, Ivor H. N. Notes on two types of stone implements from the Malay Peninsula Man [Evans, 1939 #31655]