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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1962 Shutler, Richard, Jr. Application of Palynology to archaeological and environmental problems in the Pacific Asian Perspectives (1961) [Shutler, 1962 #33563]
Journal Article 1963 Guinet, Ph. Apports récents de la palynologie à l'étude du quaternaire en Inde Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Guinet, 1963 #32140]
Journal Article 1966 Faegri, K. Some problems of representativity in pollen analysis Palaeobotanist [Faegri, 1966 #35692]
Journal Article 1968 Echlin, Patrick Pollen Scientific American [Echlin, 1968 #33868]
Book 1972 Huang, T-C. Pollen flora of Taiwan [Huang, 1972 #21008]
Book Section in a Series 1972 Flenley, John R. Evidence of Quaternary vegetational change in New Guinea Transactions of the Second Aberdeen-Hull Symposium on Malesian Ecology [Flenley, 1972 #26255]
Conference Proceeding 1972 Fuji, Norio Palynological study on 200 meters core sample of Lake Biwa in Japan Proceedings on the Japan Academy [Fuji, 1972 #26553]
Journal Article 1974 Nguyen Ngoc Nang, Excavation at Bung Cave (Hoa Binh) - results of the palynological Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1974 #31123]
Book Section 1975 Vishnu-Mittre The archaeobotanical and palynological evidence for the early origin of agriculture in South and Southeast Asia Gastronomy: the anthropology of food and food habits [Vishnu-Mittre 1975 #23326]
Book Section 1975 Muller, Jan Pollen analytical studies of peat and coal from northwest Borneo Modern Quaternary research in Southeast Asia: papers read at the Symposium on Modern Quaternary Research in Indonesia in Memory of Dr. H. R. van Heekeren, Groningen, 16 May 1974 [Muller, 1975 #24511]
Journal Article 1975 Maloney, Bernard K. Hydroseral changes at Pea Sim-sim swamp, North Sumatra Sumatra Research Bulletin [Maloney, 1975 #35713]
Book 1978 Moore, P. D. An illustrated guide to pollen analysis [Moore, 1978 #21128]
Book Section 1978 Chi-Tuan, Yang On the characteristics and age of palynological assemblages of "Hsiangchi series" Proceedings of the Third Regional Conference on Geology and Mineral Resources of Southeast Asia [Chi-Tuan, 1978 #23030]
Journal Article 1980 Tran Dinh Nghia, Ve cong tac nghien cuu co thuc vat trong khao co hoc [ About palaeobotanic investigation in archaeology] Khao Co Hoc [Tran 1980 #31308]
Journal Article 1980 Hoang Van Du, Phuong phap bao tu phan hoa va kha nang dong gop cua no voi khao co hoc [ The palynology and its possible contribution to the archaeological study] Khao Co Hoc [Hoang 1980 #31323]
Journal Article 1980 Maloney, Bernard K. Pollen analytical evidence for early forest clearance in North Sumatra Nature [Maloney, 1980 #35711]
Journal Article 1981 Maloney, Bernard K. A pollen diagram from Tao Sipinggan, a lake site in the Batak Highlands of North Sumatra, Indonesia Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia [Maloney, 1981 #35710]
Journal Article 1982 Maloney, Bernard K. A fossil pollen diagram from the Toba highlands of north Sumatra and its relevance to cultural history Indonesia Circle [Maloney, 1982 #33852]
Journal Article 1982 Morley, R. J. A palaeoecological interpretation of a 10,000 year pollen record from Danau Padang, central Sumatra, Indonesia Journal of Biogeography [Morley, 1982 #35665]
Journal Article 1982 Maloney, Bernard K. A fossil pollen diagram from the Taba Highlands of North Sumatra and its relevance to cultural history Indonesia Circle [Maloney, 1982 #35709]
Journal Article 1982 Hope, G. S. A preliminary pollen sequence from Aneityum Island, southern Vanuatu Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Hope, 1982 #35777]
Journal Article 1982 Sémah, Anne-Marie A preliminary report on a Sangiran pollen diagram Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia [Sémah, 1982 #36006]
BAR Section 1983 Thanikaimoni, G. Pollen analysis Satingpra I: the environmental and economic archaeology of south Thailand [Thanikaimoni, 1983 #19671]
Book Section 1983 Pramojanee, P. Geomorphological and palynological investigation of sea level changes in Chantaburi, SE Thailand Proceedings of the First Symposium on Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology of Thailand, 28-29 October 1983 [Pramojanee, 1983 #23183]
Book Section in a Series 1983 Hastings, Paul J. Palynology and the vegetation development of a lowland peat swamp in Narathiwat, Thailand Proceedings of the Annual Technical Meeting, 1982 [Hastings, 1983 #26069]
Journal Article 1983 Thanikaimoni, G. Palynological investigation on the Borobudur monument Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Thanikaimoni, 1983 #32052]
Book Section in a Series 1984 Maloney, Bernard K. Inverted and other anomalous radiocarbon dates from Southeast Asian pollen sites: some comments Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia [Maloney, 1984 #26068]
Journal Article 1984 Maloney, Bernard K. Pollen of Ulmus (Ulmaceae) in the subfossil record from north Sumatra - a note Blumea [Maloney, 1984 #33865]
Journal Article 1984 Maloney, Bernard K. Pollen of Ulmus (Ulmaceae) in the sub-fossil record from North Sumatra: a note Blumea [Maloney, 1984 #35703]
Journal Article 1984 Maloney, Bernard K. A preliminary pollen diagram for Pea Sijajap, North Sumatra Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia [Maloney, 1984 #35704]