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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1872 Barron Note on stone implements from the Naga Hills Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland [Barron 1872 #34076]
Journal Article 1875 Ball, Valentine On some stone implements of the Barmese type, found in Pargana Dalbhum, District of Singbhum, Chota-Nagpur Division Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal [Ball, 1875 #34116]
Journal Article 1892 Balfour, Henry Stone implements from the Malay peninsula in the Pitt-Rivers Museum Archaeologia Oxoniensis [Balfour, 1892 #34117]
Journal Article 1900 Brown, John Allen Stone implements from Pitcairn Island Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland [Brown, 1900 #34050]
Journal Article 1901 Bodding, P. O. Ancient stone implements in the Santâl Parganas Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal [Bodding, 1901 #34065]
Journal Article 1904 Bodding, P. O. Shoulder-headed and other forms of stone implements in the Santâl Parganas Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal [Bodding, 1904 #34064]
Journal Article 1907 Hildburgh, W. L. Chinese methods of cutting hard stones Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland [Hildburgh, 1907 #29547]
Journal Article 1909 Brown, J. C. Stone implements from the Tengyüeh District, Yünan Province, Western China Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal [Brown, 1909 #37143]
Journal Article 1910 Coggin Brown, J. Stone implements from the Teng-yueh district, Yunnan province, western China Journal and proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal [Coggin 1910 #37185]
Book 1911 Barthere, F. Noter pour servir à l'étude du préhistorique indo-chinois Société archéologique de Provence [Barthere, 1911 #37142]
Journal Article 1914 Coggin Brown, J. Further descriptions of stone implements from Yunnan Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal [Coggin 1914 #29856]
Journal Article 1920 Mansuy, H. L’industrie de la pierre et du bronze dans la région de Luang Prabang, Haut-Laos Bulletin du Service Géologique de l'Indochine [Mansuy, 1920 #29315]
Journal Article 1922 Evans, Ivor H. N. On the find of stone implements at Tanjong Malim Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums [Evans, 1922 #31347]
Journal Article 1928 Heanley, C. M. Hong Kong celts Bulletin of the Geological Society of China [Heanley, 1928 #31648]
Journal Article 1930 Evans, Ivor H. N. On a stone spear-head from Kelantan Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums [Evans, 1930 #31361]
Journal Article 1930 Evans, Ivor H. N. Further notes on stone implements from Pahang Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums [Evans, 1930 #31362]
Journal Article 1930 Evans, Ivor H. N. Malayan types of stone implements in India, Burma, and the Andamans Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums [Evans, 1930 #31363]
Journal Article 1931 Evans, Ivor H. N. Stone objects from Surat, peninsular Siam Journal of the Siam Society [Evans, 1931 #31589]
Journal Article 1931 Brown, J. Coggin Relics of the stone age in Burma Journal of the Burma Research Society [Brown, 1931 #37181]
Journal Article 1932 Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre The lithic industry of the Sinanthropus deposits in Choukoutien Bulletin of the Geological Society of China [Teilhard 1932 #35932]
Journal Article 1935 van der Hoop, A. N. J. Steenkistgraven in Goenoeng Kidoel Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde [van 1935 #29532]
Journal Article 1936 Stein Callenfels, P. V. van Recent discoveries of skulls and pleistocene stone implements in Java Man [Stein 1936 #30275]
Journal Article 1936 Von Koenigswald, Gustav Heinrich Ralph Early Palaeolithic stone implements from Java Bulletin of the Raffles Museum [Von 1936 #36015]
Journal Article 1937 Collings, H. D. A collection of stone tools in the Raffles museum from the Kuantan district, Pahang Bulletin of the Raffles Museum, Series B [Collings, 1937 #31330]
Book Section 1940 Stein Callenfels, P. V. van Miscellaneous notes on the prehistory of South-East Asia : the palaeoliths from Java Proceedings of the Third Congress of Prehistorians of the Far East, Singapore, 24th January-30th January, 1938 [Stein 1940 #24140]
Journal Article 1941 Seidenfaden, Erik On a find of Neolithic implements Journal of the Siam Society [Seidenfaden, 1941 #35445]
Journal Article 1942 Cheng Te-k'un, The lithic industries of prehistoric Szechwan Journal of the West China Border Research Society [Cheng 1942 #31936]
Journal Article 1951 Bandi, Hans-Georg Obsidianindustrie der Umgebung von Bandung in Westjava Südseestudien (South Sea studies) [Bandi, 1951 #34094]
Journal Article 1952 Saurin, Edmond Station néolithique avec outillage en silex à Nhommalat (Cammon, Laos) Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Saurin, 1952 #32167]
Journal Article 1952 Condominas, G. Le lithophone préhistorique de Ndut Lieng Krak Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Condominas, 1952 #32173]