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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1979 Chandler, David P. Folk memories of the decline of Angkor in nineteenth-century Cambodia: the legend of the leper king Journal of the Siam Society [Chandler, 1979 #34271]
Book Section in a Series 1987 Hagesteijn, Renée R. The Angkor state: rise, fall and in between Early state dynamics [Hagesteijn, 1987 #26259]
Journal Article 1990 Knapp, A. Bernard Review of "Paradise gained and paradise lost: intensification, specialization, complexity, collapse" Asian Perspectives (1988-1989) [Knapp, 1990 #32971]
Journal Article 1992 Sweeney, Maria Settlement pattern change in Hawai'i: testing a model for the cultural response to population collapse Asian Perspectives (1992) [Sweeney, 1992 #32930]
Book Section 1997 Neiman, Fraser Conspicuous Consumption as Wasteful Advertising: a Darwinian Perspective on Spatial Patterns in Classic Maya Terminal Monument Dates Rediscovering Darwin: evolutionary theory and archeological explanation [Neiman, 1997 #22142]
Book Section 2006 Stark, Miriam T. From Funan to Angkor: collapse and regeneration in ancient Cambodia After collapse: the regeneration of complex societies [Stark, 2006 #23978]
Journal Article 2010 Buckley, Brendan M. Climate as a contributing factor in the demise of Angkor, Cambodia PNAS [Buckley, 2010 #28646]
Journal Article 2012 Day, Mary Beth Paleonvironmental history of the West Baray, Angkor (Cambodia) PNAS [Day, 2012 #28085]
Book Section in a Series 2014 Wilkinson, T. J. Comparative Landscape Analysis: Contrasting the Middle East and Maya Regions The Resilience and Vulnerability of Ancient Landscapes: Transforming Maya Archaeology through IHOPE [Wilkinson, 2014 #25194]
Book Section in a Series 2014 Nelson, Ben A. Transformative Relocation in the U.S. Southwest and Mesoamerica The Resilience and Vulnerability of Ancient Landscapes: Transforming Maya Archaeology through IHOPE [Nelson, 2014 #25195]
Book Section in a Series 2014 Iannone, Gyles Resilience and Vulnerability in the Maya Hinterlands The Resilience and Vulnerability of Ancient Landscapes: Transforming Maya Archaeology through IHOPE [Iannone, 2014 #25196]
Book Section in a Series 2014 Chase, Diane Z. Path Dependency in the Rise and Denouement of a Classic Maya City: The Case of Caracol, Belize The Resilience and Vulnerability of Ancient Landscapes: Transforming Maya Archaeology through IHOPE [Chase, 2014 #25197]
Book Section in a Series 2014 Gunn, Joel D. Agent Risk and Sustainability in the Western Maya Lowlands The Resilience and Vulnerability of Ancient Landscapes: Transforming Maya Archaeology through IHOPE [Gunn, 2014 #25199]
Book Section in a Series 2014 Cobos, Rafael Ancient Climate and Archaeology The Resilience and Vulnerability of Ancient Landscapes: Transforming Maya Archaeology through IHOPE [Cobos, 2014 #25202]
Book Section in a Series 2014 Isendahl, Christian Growth and Decline in Classic Maya Puuc Political Economies The Resilience and Vulnerability of Ancient Landscapes: Transforming Maya Archaeology through IHOPE [Isendahl, 2014 #25203]
Journal Article 2017 Kidder, Tristram R. Bridging theoretical gaps in geoarchaeology: archaeology, geoarchaeology, and history in the Yellow River valley, China Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [Kidder, 2017 #26808]
Journal Article 2019 Carter, Alison K. Temple occupation and the tempo of collapse at Angkor Wat, Cambodia PNAS [Carter, 2019 #18956]
Journal Article 2019 Penny, Dan Geoarchaeological evidence from Angkor, Cambodia, reveals a gradual decline rather than a catastrophic 15th-century collapse PNAS [Penny, 2019 #36839]
Journal Article 2021 Penny, Dan Historical socioecological transformations in the global tropics as an Anthropocene analogue Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences [Penny, 2021 #36993]