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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 1978 Gocht, W. Application of geochemical prospecting methods for tin deposits by investigation of heavy mineral associated with cassiterite Proceedings of the Third Regional Conference on Geology and Mineral Resources of Southeast Asia [Gocht, 1978 #23068]
Book in a Series 1989 Rundel, P. W. Stable isotopes in ecological research [Rundel, 1989 #21892]
Book Section 1989 Fry, B. delta<sup>13</sup>C measurements as indicators of carbon flow in marine and freshwater ecosystems Stable isotopes in ecological research [Fry, 1989 #24456]
Book Section 1989 Virgina, R. A. The use of variation in the natural abundance of <sup>15</sup>N to assess symbiotic nitrogen fixation by woody plants Stable isotopes in ecological research [Virgina, 1989 #24457]
Book Section 1989 Tieszen, L. L. Stable carbon isotopes in terrestrial ecosystem research Stable isotopes in ecological research [Tieszen, 1989 #24458]
Book Section 1989 Farquhar, G. D. Carbon isotope fractionation and plant water-use efficiency Stable isotopes in ecological research [Farquhar, 1989 #24459]
Book Section 1989 Ehleringer, J. R. Stable isotopes: history, units, and instrumentation Stable isotopes in ecological research [Ehleringer, 1989 #24461]
Book Section 1990 Herz, N. Stable isotope geochemistry applied to archaeology Archaeological Geology of North America [Herz, 1990 #24598]
Book in a Series 1994 Lajtha, Kate Stable isotopes in ecology and environmental science [Lajtha, 1994 #21891]
Book Section 1994 Macko, S. A. Compound-specific approaches using stable isotopes Stable isotopes in ecology and environmental science [Macko, 1994 #24449]
Book Section 1994 Coffin, R. B. The use of stable carbon isotopes to study microbial processes in estuaries Stable isotopes in ecology and environmental science [Coffin, 1994 #24450]
Book Section 1994 Michener, R. H. Stable isotope ratios as tracers in marine aquatic food webs Stable isotopes in ecology and environmental science [Michener, 1994 #24451]
Book Section 1994 Yoshinari, T. The use of stable isotopes for the study of gaseous nitrogen species in marine environments Stable isotopes in ecology and environmental science [Yoshinari, 1994 #24452]
Book Section 1994 Koch, P. L. Tracing the diets of fossil animals using stable isotopes Stable isotopes in ecology and environmental science [Koch, 1994 #24453]
Book Section 1994 Nadelhoffer, K. J. Nitrogen isotope studies in forest ecosystems Stable isotopes in ecology and environmental science [Nadelhoffer, 1994 #24454]
Book Section 1994 Lajitha, K. Sources of variation in the stable isotopic composition of plants Stable isotopes in ecology and environmental science [Lajitha, 1994 #24455]
Book 1995 Larcher, Walter Physiological plant ecology. Ecophysiology and stress physiology of functional groups [Larcher, 1995 #20973]
Book Section 1996 Crowhurst, P. V. Thermochronological and geochemical constraints on the tectonic evolution of nothern Papua New Guinea Tectonic evolution of Southeast Asia [Crowhurst, 1996 #23112]
Journal Article 1997 Christanty, L. ‘Without bamboo, the land dies’: A conceptual model of the biogeochemical role of bamboo in an Indonesian agroforestry system Forest Ecology and Management [Christanty, 1997 #28848]
Book (Edited) 2001 Schulze, Ernst-Detlef Global biogeochemical cycles in the climate system [Schulze, 2001 #21582]
Book Section 2001 Evershed, R. P. Lipids in archaeology Handbook of archaeological sciences [Evershed, 2001 #23467]
Book Section 2001 Buchmann, Nina Carbon isotope discrimination of terrestrial ecosystems- how well do observed and modeled results match? Global biogeochemical cycles in the climate system [Buchmann, 2001 #24463]
Book Section 2001 Ehleringer, James R. Photosynthetic pathways and climate Global biogeochemical cycles in the climate system [Ehleringer, 2001 #24464]
Thesis 2001 Carter, Melinda Lee Sensitivity of stable isotopes (<sup> 13</sup>C, <sup> 15</sup>N, and <sup> 18</sup>O) in bone to dietary specialization and niche separation among sympatric primates in Kibale National Park, Uganda Department of Anthropology [Carter, 2001 #36405]
Journal Article 2003 McGregor, Helen V. Diagenesis and geochemistry of <i>Porites</i> corals from Papua New Guinea: implications for paleoclimate reconstruction Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta [McGregor, 2003 #28586]
Book Section in a Series 2004 Koulkova, M. A. Applications of geochemistry to paleoenvironmental reconstruction in southern Siberia Impact of the environment on human migration in Eurasia [Koulkova, 2004 #25694]
Journal Article 2007 Tran, Trong Hoa Permo-Triassic intermediate-felsic magmatism of the Truong Son belt, eastern margin of Indochina Comptes Rendus Geoscience [Tran, 2007 #27750]
Journal Article 2009 Dodson, J. Early bronze in two Holocene archaeological sites in Gansu, NW China Quaternary Research [Dodson, 2009 #29048]
Journal Article 2011 Fuller, Dorian Q. The contribution of rice agriculture and livestock pastoralism to prehistoric methane levels: an archaeological assessment Holocene [Fuller, 2011 #28453]
Journal Article 2011 Marwick, Ben Late Pleistocene monsoon variability in northwest Thailand: an oxygen isotope sequence from the bivalve <i>Margaritanopsis laosensis</i> excavated in Mae Hong Son province Quaternary Science Reviews [Marwick, 2011 #28694]