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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book 1898 Cayley-Webster, H. Through new guinea and the cannibal countries [Cayley-Webster, 1898 #21172]
Journal Article 1915 Davis, G. G. Buyo cheek cancer, with special reference to etiology Journal of the American Medical Association [Davis, 1915 #35000]
Journal Article 1922 Chinnery, E. W. P. Piper methysticum in betel chewing Man [Chinnery, 1922 #35012]
Journal Article 1924 Mendelson, R. W. Cancer as a public health problem in Siam Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene [Mendelson, 1924 #34932]
Journal Article 1926 Lyons, A. P. Notes on the Gogadara tribes of West Papua Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland [Lyons, 1926 #34941]
Book 1930 Williams, F. E. Orokaiva magic [Williams, 1930 #21182]
Journal Article 1933 McCarthy, F. Areca, betel and lime - a primitive narcotic Australia Museum Magazine [McCarthy, 1933 #34936]
Journal Article 1942 Krenger, W. Betel Ciba Zeitschrift [Krenger, 1942 #34953]
Journal Article 1944 Khanolkar, V. R. Oral cancer in Bombay, India. A review of 1,000 consecutive cases Cancer Research [Khanolkar, 1944 #34899]
Journal Article 1946 Eisen, M. J. Betel chewing among natives of the Southwest Pacific Islands Cancer Research [Eisen, 1946 #34993]
Journal Article 1949 Balendra, W. Symposium on oral diseases in tropical countries. I. The effect of betel chewing on the dental and oral tissues and its possible relationship to buccal carcinoma British Dental Journal [Balendra, 1949 #34973]
Book 1951 Quisumbing, Eduardo Medicinal plants of the Philippines [Quisumbing, 1951 #21170]
Book 1952 Penzer, N. M. Poison-damsels and other essays in folklore and anthropology [Penzer, 1952 #21181]
Journal Article 1955 Mehta, F. S. Relation of betel leaf chewing to periodontal disease Journal of the American Dental Association [Mehta, 1955 #34934]
Journal Article 1956 Raghavan, V. On areca nut and its scope Science and Culture [Raghavan, 1956 #35104]
Book 1958 Conklin, Harold Betel chewing among the Hanunóo [Conklin, 1958 #21174]
Book 1958 Chopra, R. N. Chopra's Indigenous Drugs of India [Chopra, 1958 #21176]
Journal Article 1958 Raghavan, V. Areca nut. India's popular masticatory - history, chemistry and utilization Economic Botany [Raghavan, 1958 #35136]
Journal Article 1960 Muir, C. S. Betel, tobacco, and cancer of the mouth British Journal of Cancer [Muir, 1960 #35116]
Journal Article 1964 Gupta, O. P. An epidemiological study of periodontal disease in Trivandrum, India (Abstract) Journal of Dental Research [Gupta, 1964 #34920]
Journal Article 1965 Huq, S. F. Some aspects of site distribution of cancer in East Pakistan Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association [Huq, 1965 #34910]
Journal Article 1965 Millot, J. India and betel Objets Mondes [Millot, 1965 #34930]
Book 1966 Burkill, I. H. A dictionary of the economic products of the Malay peninsula [Burkill, 1966 #21177]
Journal Article 1966 Lauer, H. H. [On tradition of exotic drugs: faufal (Areca catechu L.)--the betel nut] Sudhoffs Archiv Vierteljahrsschr Gesch Med Naturwiss Pharm Math [Lauer, 1966 #34951]
Journal Article 1966 Burton-Bradley, B. G. Papua and New Guinea transcultural psychiatry: some implications of betel chewing Medical Journal of Australia [Burton-Bradley, 1966 #34962]
Journal Article 1966 Ahluwalia, H. S. Malignant tumours in Malaya British Journal of Cancer [Ahluwalia, 1966 #34985]
Journal Article 1966 Chang, K. M. Betel nut chewing and mouth cancer in Taiwan. 2. Observation of the oral mucosa in the betel nut chewer Taiwan I Hsueh Hui Tsa Chih (Journal of the Formosan Medical Association) [Chang, 1966 #35018]
Journal Article 1967 Pindborg, J. J. Studies in oral leukoplakias. Prevalence of leukoplakia among 10,000 persons in Lucknow, India, with special reference to use of tobacco and betel nut Bulletin of the World Health Organization [Pindborg, 1967 #35094]
Journal Article 1967 Reddy, D. G. Experimental production of cancer with betel nut, tobacco and slaked lime mixture Journal of the Indian Medical Association [Reddy, 1967 #35137]
Journal Article 1968 Patterson, James The use of the betel nut and betel leaf in Thailand and other parts of Asia Rocky Mountain Social Science Journal [Patterson, 1968 #30397]