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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book 1826 Anderson, John A mission to the east coast of Sumatra [Anderson, 1826 #20776]
Journal Article 1885 Forbes, H. O. On the Kubrus of Sumatra Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland [Forbes, 1885 #29728]
Journal Article 1910 van Dongen, G. J. De Koeboes in de onderafdeeling koeboestreken der residentie Palembang Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde [van 1910 #29781]
Journal Article 1914 Sarasin, Paul Neue lithocrone Funde im Innern von Sumatra Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel [Sarasin, 1914 #35960]
Journal Article 1930 Cœdès, George Les inscriptions malaises de Çrīvijaya Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Cœdès, 1930 #27135]
Book 1932 van der Hoop, A. N. J. Megalithic remains in South Sumatra [van 1932 #20514]
Thesis-PhD 1934 Cockrell, R. A. An anatomical structure of eighty Sumatran woods [Cockrell, 1934 #36505]
Book 1935 Loeb, Edwin Meyer Sumatra: its history and its people [Loeb, 1935 #20436]
Book Section in a Series 1935 Heine-Geldern, Robert The archaeology and art of Sumatra Sumatra: its history and its people [Heine-Geldern, 1935 #25739]
Book 1937 Schnitger, F. M. Archaeology of Hindoo Sumatra [Schnitger, 1937 #20195]
Book 1942 Cockrell, R. A. An anatomical structure of eighty Sumatran woods [Cockrell, 1942 #20677]
Journal Article 1943 Schnitger, F. M. Monuments mégalithiques de Sumatra-septentrional Revue des Arts Asiatiques [Schnitger, 1943 #28759]
Journal Article 1952 Smit Sibinga, G. L. Interference of glacial eustasy with crustal movements and rhythmic sedimentation in Java and Sumatra Geologie en Mijnbouw [Smit 1952 #30302]
Journal Article 1952 Smit Sibinga, G. L. Pleistocene eustasy and glacial chronology in Java and Sumatra Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Nederlands geologisch mijnbouwkundig Genootschap [Smit 1952 #30303]
Journal Article 1962 Damais, L.-C. Études soumatranaises: I. La date de l'inscription de Hujun Lanit («Bawan») Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Damais, 1962 #32146]
Journal Article 1963 Hill, A. H. The coming of Islam to north Sumatra Journal of Southeast Asian History [Hill, 1963 #32320]
Book 1964 Vergouwen, J. C. The social organisation and customary law of the Toba-Batak of Northern Sumatra Translation series / Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde [Vergouwen, 1964 #19853]
Book 1964 Schnitger, F. M. Forgotten kingdoms in Sumatra [Schnitger, 1964 #20187]
Journal Article 1966 Tugby, Donald J. A stone artifact from Lower Mandailing, Sumatra Asian Perspectives (1964) [Tugby, 1966 #33467]
Book Section in a Series 1972 Ashton, Peter S. The Quaternary geomorphological history of western Malesia and lowland forest phytogeography Transactions of the Second Aberdeen-Hull Symposium on Malesian Ecology [Ashton, 1972 #26176]
Report 1973 Bronson, Bennet The prehistory and early history of Sumatra [Bronson, 1973 #36261]
Book in a Series (Edited) 1975 Reid, Anthony Pre-colonial state systems in Southeast Asia [Reid, 1975 #22054]
Book Section in a Series 1975 Dobbin, Christine The exercise of authority in Minangkabau in the late 18th century Pre-colonial state systems in Southeast Asia [Dobbin, 1975 #25726]
Journal Article 1975 Maloney, Bernard K. Hydroseral changes at Pea Sim-sim swamp, North Sumatra Sumatra Research Bulletin [Maloney, 1975 #35713]
Book 1976 McKinnon, Edmund Edwards Oriental ceramics excavated in North Sumatra Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society [McKinnon, 1976 #19738]
Book 1976 LeBar, Frank M. Insular Southeast Asia: ethnographic studies HRAFlex Books. Ethnography series. [LeBar, 1976 #19965]
Journal Article 1976 Bronson, Bennet Prehistoric investigations at Tianko Panjang cave, Sumatra: an interim report Asian Perspectives (1975) [Bronson, 1976 #29926]
Journal Article 1976 Marschall, Wolfgang Nias-Studien: 1. Die metallenen Öllampen von Süd-Nias Ethno Logische Zeitschrift Zürich [Marschall, 1976 #34004]
Journal Article 1976 Brandt, R. W. The Hoabinhian of Sumatra: some remarks Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia [Brandt, 1976 #35827]
Book Section 1978 Young, R. D. The Tangse copper-molybdenum prospect, northern Sumatra Proceedings of the Third Regional Conference on Geology and Mineral Resources of Southeast Asia [Young, 1978 #23060]