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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book 1905 Sarasin, Paul Versuch einer Anthropologie der Insel Celebes. I: Die Toala-Hohlen von Lamontjong [Sarasin, 1905 #21220]
Book 1915 Abendanon, E. C. Midden Celebes expeditie: geologische en geographische doorkruisingen van Midden-Celebes (1909-1910) [Abendanon, 1915 #20074]
Book 1920 Kruyt, Albertus Christiaan Het ijzer in Midden-Celebes Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indiƫ [Kruyt, 1920 #20073]
Book 1927 Kaudern, W. Ethnographic studies in Celebes: results of the author's expedition to Celebes 1917-1920's [Kaudern, 1927 #20470]
Journal Article 1952 van Heekeren, Hendrik Robert Rock paintings and other prehistoric discoveries near Maros (SW Celebes) Laporan Tahunan Dinas Purbakala [van 1952 #36014]
Journal Article 1971 Mulvaney, D. J. Archaeology in Sulawesi, Indonesia Antiquity [Mulvaney, 1971 #34005]
Journal Article 1972 Mulvaney, D. J. The Australian-Indonesian archaeological expedition to Sulawesi Asian Perspectives (1970) [Mulvaney, 1972 #30380]
Book Section in a Series 1974 Crystal, Eric Man and the menhir: contemporary megalithic practice of the Sa'dan Toraja of Sulawesi, Indonesia Ethnoarchaeology [Crystal, 1974 #26107]
Book in a Series (Edited) 1975 Reid, Anthony Pre-colonial state systems in Southeast Asia [Reid, 1975 #22054]
Book Section in a Series 1975 Macknight, C. C. The emergence of civilisation in South Celebes and elsewhere Pre-colonial state systems in Southeast Asia [Macknight, 1975 #25722]
Book Section in a Series 1975 Andaya, Leonard Y. The nature of kingship in Bone Pre-colonial state systems in Southeast Asia [Andaya, 1975 #25723]
Journal Article 1975 Glover, Ian C. Ethnographic and archaeological aspects of a flaked stone collection from Seram, Eastern Indonesia Asian Perspectives (1975) [Glover, 1975 #33196]
Journal Article 1978 Bellwood, Peter Archaeological research in Minahasa and the Talaud Islands, Northeastern Indonesia Asian Perspectives (1976) [Bellwood, 1978 #33157]
Journal Article 1979 Glover, Ian C. Survey and excavation in the Maros district, south Sulawesi, Indonesia: the 1975 field season Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Glover, 1979 #35766]
Journal Article 1980 Clason, A. T. Mesolithic hunter-gatherers in Sulawesi Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Clason, 1980 #35782]
Book Section 1983 Bigalke, T. Dynamics of the Torajan slave trade in south Sulawesi Slavery, bondage, and dependency in Southeast Asia [Bigalke, 1983 #24553]
Journal Article 1985 Sukendar, Haris The living megalithic tradition in eastern Indonesia Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Sukendar, 1985 #29383]
Journal Article 1986 Andrews, R. G. Ulu Leang 2, an Iron Age jar burial cave in South Sulawesi, Indonesia Indonesia Circle [Andrews, 1986 #29654]
Journal Article 1987 Bulbeck, F. David Survey of open archaeological sites in South Sulawesi 1986-1987 Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Bulbeck, 1987 #35734]
Conference Paper 1988 Bulbeck, F. David Chinese trade ceramics in archaeological contexts from South Sulawesi, Indonesia Conference on Ancient Chinese and Southeast Asian Bronze Cultures [Bulbeck, 1988 #26524]
Book 1989 Errington, Shelly Meaning and power in a Southeast Asian realm [Errington, 1989 #19952]
Journal Article 1989 Bulbeck, F. David A first report on some combined historical and archaeological work in South Sulawesi Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Bulbeck, 1989 #35718]
Journal Article 1991 Bartstra, Gert-Jan On the dispersion of Homo sapiens in eastern Indonesia: the palaeolithic of South Sulawesi Current Anthropology [Bartstra, 1991 #29973]
Thesis-PhD 1992 Bulbeck, F. David A tale of two kingdoms: the historical archaeology of Gowa and Tallok, South Sulawesi, Indonesia [Bulbeck, 1992 #36636]
Book Section 1994 Prentice, Jack Manado Malay: product and agent of language change Language contact and change in the Austronesian world [Prentice, 1994 #23197]
Book Section 1994 Nothofer, Bernd The relationship between the languages of the Barrier Islands and the Sulawesi-Philippine languages Language contact and change in the Austronesian world [Nothofer, 1994 #23198]
Journal Article 1994 Keates, S. Island migration of early modern <i>Homo sapiens</i> in Southeast Asia: the artifacts from the Walanae Depression, Sulawesi, Indonesia Palaeohistoria [Keates, 1994 #29453]
Book Section 1996 Baker, S. Dating of Neogene igneous rocks in the Halmahera region: arc initiation and development Tectonic evolution of Southeast Asia [Baker, 1996 #23114]
Book Section 1996 Bergman, S. C. Tertiary tectonic and magmatic evolution of western Sulawesi and the Makassar Strait, Indonesia: evidence for a Miocene continent-continent collision Tectonic evolution of Southeast Asia [Bergman, 1996 #23120]
Book Section 1996 Wilson, M. E. J. The Tertiary evolution of South Sulawesi: a record in redeposited carbonates of the Tonasa Limestone Formation Tectonic evolution of Southeast Asia [Wilson, 1996 #23121]