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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1960 Shutler, Dick, Jr. Melanesia Asian Perspectives (1959) [Shutler, 1960 #33627]
Journal Article 1961 Shutler, Richard, Jr. Melanesia Asian Perspectives (1960) [Shutler, 1961 #33591]
Journal Article 1962 Shutler, Richard, Jr. Melanesia Asian Perspectives (1961) [Shutler, 1962 #33547]
Journal Article 1962 McCarthy, Frederick D. Report on Australia and Melanesia Asian Perspectives (1961) [McCarthy, 1962 #33552]
Journal Article 1963 Sahlins, Marshall D. Poor man, rich man, big-man, chief: political types in Melanesia and Polynesia Comparative Studies in Society and History [Sahlins, 1963 #28203]
Journal Article 1964 Shulter, Richard, Jr. Melanesia Asian Perspectives (1963) [Shulter, 1964 #33479]
Journal Article 1967 White, J. Peter Ethno-archaeology in New Guinea: two examples The Australian Journal of Anthropology [White, 1967 #35924]
Journal Article 1967 Heider, Karl G. Archaeological assumptions and ethnographical facts: a cautionary tale from New Guinea Southwestern Journal of Anthropology [Heider, 1967 #35974]
Journal Article 1969 Shutler, Richard, Jr. Melanesia: 1966-1967 Asian Perspectives (1967) [Shutler, 1969 #33355]
Journal Article 1969 White, J. Peter Typologies for some prehistoric flaked stone artefacts of the Australian New Guinea highlands Archaeology and Physical Anthropology in Oceania [White, 1969 #35910]
Book 1971 Brookfield, H. C. Melanesia: a geographical interpretation of an island world [Brookfield, 1971 #20726]
Book Section in a Series 1972 Flenley, John R. Evidence of Quaternary vegetational change in New Guinea Transactions of the Second Aberdeen-Hull Symposium on Malesian Ecology [Flenley, 1972 #26255]
Journal Article 1972 Allen, Jim The first decade in New Guinea archaeology Antiquity [Allen, 1972 #26784]
Journal Article 1973 Key, C. A. Pottery manufacturing techniques in Papua-New Guinea Asian Perspectives (1971) [Key, 1973 #26866]
Journal Article 1973 Egloff, B. J. Archaeological research in the Collingwood Bay area of Papua Asian Perspectives (1971) [Egloff, 1973 #26867]
Journal Article 1973 Green, Roger C. Southeast Solomons fieldwork Asian Perspectives (1972) [Green, 1973 #33267]
Journal Article 1973 Shutler, Mary Elizabeth Pottery making in Espiritu Santo Asian Perspectives (1971) [Shutler, 1973 #33283]
Journal Article 1973 Shutler, Richard, Jr. Melanesia Asian Perspectives (1971) [Shutler, 1973 #33290]
Journal Article 1973 Egloff, B. J. Archaeological research in the territory of Papua and New Guinea Asian Perspectives (1971) [Egloff, 1973 #33292]
Journal Article 1973 Eyde, David B. Review of "An ethnographic bibliography of New Guinea" by the Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Australian National University Asian Perspectives (1972) [Eyde, 1973 #33300]
Journal Article 1974 Bloom, A. L. Quaternary sea level fluctuations on a tectonic coast: New \+30\+TH/\+234\+Udates from the Huon Peninsula, New Guinea Quaternary Research [Bloom, 1974 #35256]
Journal Article 1975 Hooijer, Dirk Albert Quaternary mammals west and east of Wallace's Line Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia [Hooijer, 1975 #35976]
Book in a Series 1976 Pietrusewsky, Michael Prehistoric human skeletal remains from Papua New Guinea and the Marquesas [Pietrusewsky, 1976 #21938]
Book 1977 Watson, Virginia D. Prehistory of the eastern highlands of New Guinea [Watson, 1977 #21012]
Book Section 1977 Ohtsuka, Ryutaro The sago eaters: an ecological discussion with special reference to the Oriomo Papuans Sunda and Sahul: prehistoric studies in Southeast Asia, Melanesia and Australia [Ohtsuka, 1977 #25043]
Book Section 1977 Jones, Rhys Man as an element of the continental fauna: the case of the sundering of the Bassian bridge Sunda and Sahul: prehistoric studies in Southeast Asia, Melanesia and Australia [Jones, 1977 #25129]
Journal Article 1978 Turner, Christy G., II The dentition of New Britain West Nakanai Melanesians, VIII. Peopling of the Pacific American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Turner, 1978 #34464]
Journal Article 1979 Allen, Jim The physical and cultural setting of Motupore Island, Central Province, Papua New Guinea Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Allen, 1979 #35768]
Report 1979 Spriggs, Matthew The early New Hebrideans [Spriggs, 1979 #36213]
Journal Article 1980 Riley, Thomas J. Review of "Southeast Solomon Islands culture history: a preliminary survey," R. C. Green and M. M. Cresswell, editors Asian Perspectives (1978) [Riley, 1980 #33129]