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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Thesis 1946 Shiah, N. Ancient Egyptian beads Egyptology [Shiah, 1946 #36351]
Book 1947 Brain, C. K. The hunters or the hunted?: an introduction to African cave taphonomy [Brain, 1947 #20731]
Book Section 1949 Duyvendak, J. J. L. China's discovery of Africa Lectures given at the University of London on January 22nd and 23rd, 1947 [Duyvendak, 1949 #23830]
Book 1960 Deschamps, H. Histoire de Madagascar [Deschamps, 1960 #20641]
Journal Article 1963 Vérin, Pierre Michel Rétrospective et problèmes de l’archéologie à Madagascar Asian Perspectives (1962) [Vérin, 1963 #31196]
Journal Article 1963 Vérin, Pierre Madagascar Asian Perspectives (1962) [Vérin, 1963 #33519]
Journal Article 1964 Vérin, Pierre Madagascar Asian Perspectives (1963) [Vérin, 1964 #33480]
Journal Article 1965 Batistini, R. L'importance de l'homme dans les transformations protohistoriques du milieu naturel à Madagascar Taloha [Batistini, 1965 #29969]
Journal Article 1968 Race, G. J. Ancient Nubian human bone: a chemical and ultrastructural characterization including collagen American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Race, 1968 #34546]
Book 1969 Pinto, Fernao Mendes The voyages and adventures of Fernand Mendez Pinto [Pinto, 1969 #20244]
Book 1970 Fergusson, J. Archéologie des hautes terres et de l'Afrique orientale: anthropologie [Fergusson, 1970 #20595]
Book Section 1970 Alexander, John The domestication of yams: a multi-disciplinary approach Science in Archeology: A Survey of Progress and Research [Alexander, 1970 #37138]
Book 1971 Goody, Jack Technology, tradition, and the state in Africa [Goody, 1971 #20630]
Book 1971 Bloch, Maurice Placing the dead: tombs, ancestral villages and kinship organization in Madagascar [Bloch, 1971 #20742]
Book Section 1971 Batistini, R. Temoine archéologique sur la côte Vezo Civilisation de Madagascar: art et archéologie, anthropologie sociale [Batistini, 1971 #23941]
Book 1972 Filesi, Teobaldi China and Africa in the Middle Ages [Filesi, 1972 #20593]
Thesis-PhD 1972 Davison, C. C. Glass beads in African archaeology: results of neutron activation analysis, supplemented by results of X-ray fluorescence analysis [Davison, 1972 #36502]
Journal Article 1973 Kahlke, H. D. A review of the Pleistocene history of the Orang-Utan (Pongo Lacépède 1799) Asian Perspectives (1972) [Kahlke, 1973 #33266]
Book Section 1974 Santhanam, V. Cotton Evolutionary studies in world crops [Santhanam, 1974 #23317]
Book (Edited) 1975 Chittick, N. East Africa and the Orient: cultural syntheses in pre-colonial times [Chittick, 1975 #21513]
Journal Article 1978 DeNiro, Michael J. Carbon isotopic evidence for difference feeding patterns in two hyrax species occupying the same habitat Science [DeNiro, 1978 #34739]
Book 1979 Lee, Richard B. The !Kung San: men, women, and work in a foraging society [Lee, 1979 #20445]
Journal Article 1979 Verin, Pierre Archaeological research in Madagaskar Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Verin, 1979 #29190]
Journal Article 1979 Vérin, Pierre Archaeological research in Madagascar Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Vérin, 1979 #35772]
Journal Article 1980 Casson, Lionel Rome's trade with the east: the sea voyage to Africa and India Transactions of the American Philological Society [Casson, 1980 #29905]
Magazine Article 1980 Francis, Peter, Jr. Bead report III: beads in Egypt Ornament [Francis, 1980 #36063]
Journal Article 1981 Whitcomb, Donald Egypt and the spice trade Archaeology [Whitcomb, 1981 #29269]
Journal Article 1983 Gorelick, L Ancient Egyptian stone-drilling: an experimental perspective on a scholarly disagreement Expedition [Gorelick, 1983 #29639]
Journal Article 1983 Allibert, Claude Le site de Bagamoyo (Mayotte, archipel des Comores) Études Océan Indien [Allibert, 1983 #30002]
Journal Article 1984 Garlake, P. S. Ken Mufaka and Great Zimbabwe Antiquity [Garlake, 1984 #29671]