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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 1967 Angel, J. Lawrence Porotic Hyperostosis or Osteoporosis Symmetrica Diseases in Antiquity: A Survey of the Diseases, Injuries and Surgery of Early Populations [Angel, 1967 #37139]
Book Section 1990 Armelagos, George J. Health and disease in prehistoric populations in transition Disease in populations in transition [Armelagos, 1990 #24640]
Journal Article 1975 Bahou, Wadie F. The relationships of particular trace elements to various bone pathologies in the Dickson Mounds skeletal population Paleopathology Newsletter [Bahou, 1975 #30584]
Journal Article 2016 Balzeau, Antoine What do cranial bones of LB1 tell us about <i>Homo floresiensis?</i> Journal of Human Evolution [Balzeau, 2016 #26651]
Book (Edited) 1967 Brothwell, Don R. Diseases in antiquity, a survey of the diseases, injuries, and surgery of early populations [Brothwell, 1967 #21588]
Journal Article 2003 Buckley, H. R. Skeletal pathology in a prehistoric Pacific island sample: issues in lesion recording, quantification, and interpretation American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Buckley, 2003 #31251]
Journal Article 2003 Buckley, H. R. The functional cost of tertiary yaws (Treponema pertenue) in a prehistoric Pacific island skeletal sample Journal of Archaeological Science [Buckley, 2003 #31825]
Journal Article 2003 Buckley, Hallie R. Review of "Backbone of history: health and nutrition in the western hemisphere," Richard H. Steckel and Jerome C Rose, editors International Journal of Osteoarchaeology [Buckley, 2003 #31840]
Journal Article 2002 Buckley, Hallie R. A possible fatal wounding in the prehistoric Pacific Islands International Journal of Osteoarchaeology [Buckley, 2002 #32515]
Journal Article 2002 Buckley, Hallie R. The distribution of skeletal lesions in treponemal disease: is the lymphatic system responsibile? International Journal of Osteoarchaeology [Buckley, 2002 #32516]
Journal Article 2000 Buckley, Hallie R. Subadult health and disease in prehistoric Tonga, Polynesia American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Buckley, 2000 #32538]
Book in a Series (Edited) 2015 Buckley, Hallie R. Bioarchaeology in the Pacific Islands: a temporal and geographical examination of nutritional and infectious disease The Routledge Handbook of Bioarchaeology in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands [Buckley, 2015 #37176]
Book Section 1981 Buikstra, Jane E. Mortuary practices, palaeodemography and palaeopathology: a case study from the Koster site (Illinois) The archaeology of death [Buikstra, 1981 #24645]
Journal Article 2023 Case, D. Troy Health indicators in skeletons from Iron Age central Thailand: a preliminary report from the site of Phromthin Tai, Lopburi Province SPAFA Journal [Case, 2023 #37219]
Thesis 2012 Chin-hsin Liu, Human skeletal health and dietary assessment of metal age central Thailand: the impact of changing social complexity and regional variation Anthropology [Chin-hsin 2012 #36330]
Book 1977 Cohen, Mark Nathan The food crisis in prehistory: overpopulation and the origins of agriculture [Cohen, 1977 #21118]
Book 1988 Cohen, Mark Nathan Health and the rise of civilization [Cohen, 1988 #21132]
Book 1984 Cohen, Mark Nathan Paleopathology at the origins of agriculture [Cohen, 1984 #21140]
Book Section 1984 Cohen, Mark Nathan Paleopathology at the origins of agriculture: editors' summation Paleopathology at the origins of agriculture [Cohen, 1984 #24628]
Book Section 1997 Cohen, Mark Nathan Does paleopathology measure community health? A rebuttal of "the osteological paradox" and its implication for world history Integrating archaeological demography: multidisciplinary approaches to prehistoric population [Cohen, 1997 #24629]
Journal Article 1994 Cohen, Mark Nathan The osteological paradox reconsidered Current Anthropology [Cohen, 1994 #34751]
Journal Article 1992 Cohen, Mark Nathan Comments on the "The Osteological Paradox": problems in inferring prehistoric health from skeletal samples Current Anthropology [Cohen, 1992 #34752]
Journal Article 1999 Cordain, L. Scant evidence of periodic starvation among hunter-gatherers Diabetologia [Cordain, 1999 #34746]
Thesis-MA 1984 Crownover, Christopher Scott Rate of Harris Line formation and levels of trace elements in archaeological skeletal series [Crownover, 1984 #36473]
Journal Article 1999 Danforth, Marie Elaine Nutrition and politics in prehistory Annual Review of Anthropology [Danforth, 1999 #32535]
Journal Article 2001 Dixon, Ronald A. Modern and ancient scourges: the application of ancient DNA to the analysis of tuberculosis and leprosy from archaeologically derived human remains Ancient Biomolecules [Dixon, 2001 #32449]
Book Section 2000 Domett, K. M. An introduction to the prehistoric people of Ban Lum Khao, Northeast Thailand The origins of the civilisation of Angkor: the final report to the National Research Council of Thailand. [Domett, 2000 #23836]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Domett, Kate Population health from the Bronze to the Iron Age in the Mun River Valley, northeastern Thailand Ancient health: skeletal indicators of agricultural and economic intensification [Domett, 2007 #25686]
Journal Article 2017 Domett, Kate Interpreting osteoarthritis in bioarchaeology: highlighting the importance of a clinical approach through case studies from prehistoric Thailand Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports [Domett, 2017 #37269]
BAR Book 2001 Domett, Kathryn M. Health in late prehistoric Thailand [Domett, 2001 #19645]