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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book in a Series 1966 Alfred, Eric R. Observations on the fauna of Pulau Tioman and Pulau Tulai [Alfred, 1966 #21841]
Journal Article 1984 Allen, Jim Optimal estimations of individuals in archaeological faunal assemblages: how minimal is the MNI? Archaeology in Oceania [Allen, 1984 #32377]
Journal Article 2001 Allen, Melinda S. Traditional Rotuman fishing in temporal and regional context International Journal of Osteoarchaeology [Allen, 2001 #33891]
Journal Article 2001 Allen, Melinda S. Pacific 'babes': issues in the origins and dispersal of Pacific pigs and the potential of mitochondrial DNA analysis International Journal of Osteoarchaeology [Allen, 2001 #33892]
Thesis 2011 Amano, Noel The faunal remains of Nagsabaran in Cagayan, northern Philippines: subsistence stratagies in the late Holocene Archaeological Studies [Amano, 2011 #36317]
Journal Article 2001 Anderson, Atholl No meat on that beautiful shore: the prehistoric abandonment of subtropical Polynesian Islands International Journal of Osteoarchaeology [Anderson, 2001 #33890]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Aplin, Ken Mammals and other vertebrates from late quaternary archaeological sites on Pulau Kobroor, Aru Islands, eastern Indonesia The archaeology of the Aru Islands, eastern Indonesia [Aplin, 2007 #25400]
Journal Article 1938 Arambourg, Camille Le gisement quaternaire de Tam Hang: sa stratigraphie et ses faunes Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences [Arambourg, 1938 #31960]
Book Section 2012 Auetrakulvit, Prasit New excavation at Moh Khiew site, southern Thailand Crossing borders: selected papers from the 13th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Auetrakulvit, 2012 #22891]
Journal Article 2018 Bacon, Anne-Marie Nam Lot (MIS 5) and Duoi U'Oi (MIS 4) Southeast Asian sites revisited: zooarchaeological and isotopic evidences Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Bacon, 2018 #26709]
Journal Article 2018 Bacon, Anne-Marie Testing the savannah corridor hypothesis during MIS2: The Boh Dambang hyena site in southern Cambodia Quaternary International [Bacon, 2018 #26861]
Journal Article 2004 Bacon, Anne-Marie The Pleistocene Ma U'Oi cave, northern Vietnam: palaeontology, sedimentology, and palaeoenvironments (La grotte Pléistocène de Ma U'Oi, au nord du Viêt-Nam: paléontologie, sédimentologie et paléoenvironnement) Geobios [Bacon, 2004 #27747]
Journal Article 2008 Bacon, Anne-Marie The Late Pleistocene Duoi U'Oi cave in northern Vietnam: palaeontology, sedimentology, taphonomy and palaeoenvironments Quaternary Science Reviews [Bacon, 2008 #27753]
Journal Article 2015 Bacon, Anne-Marie Late Pleistocene mammalian assemblages of Southeast Asia: new dating, mortality profiles and evolution of the predator–prey relationships in an environmental context Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Bacon, 2015 #27758]
Journal Article 2011 Bacon, Anne-Marie The middle Pleistocene mammalian fauna from Tam Hang karstic deposit, northern Laos: new data and evolutionary hypothesis Quaternary International [Bacon, 2011 #28551]
Book Section 2024 Bacon, Anne-Marie Environments, terrestrial ecosystems and mammalian species: An overview of Southeast Asia in the Late Pleistocene Quarternary Palaeontology and Archaeology of Sumatra [Bacon, 2024 #37331]
Journal Article 2002 Balasse, Marie Early weaning of neolithic domestic cattle (Bercy, France) revealed by intra-tooth variation in nitrogen isotope ratios Journal of Archaeological Science [Balasse, 2002 #31829]
Journal Article 1927 Barbour, George Geological study of deposits of the Sankanho Basin Bulletin of the Geological Society of China [Barbour, 1927 #37141]
Journal Article 1991 Bautista, Angel P. Recent zooarchaeological researches in the Philippines Jurnal Arkeologi Malaysia [Bautista, 1991 #31525]
Journal Article 1972 Beden, M. La faune du Phnom Loang (Cambodge): comparison avec les faunes pleistocenes du Nord de l'Indochine Archives géologique du Vietnam [Beden, 1972 #34088]
Book (Edited) 1980 Behrensmeyer, Anna K. Fossils in the making: vertebrate taphonomy and paleoecology [Behrensmeyer, 1980 #21522]
Book Section 2007 Bouteaux, Anne Palaeontology, palaeoecology and taphonomy of Middle Pleistocene mammals in the hominid site of Sangiran dome (Central Java, Indonesia) Recent Advances on Southeast Asian Paleoanthropology and Archaeology: Proceedings International Seminar on Southeast Asian Paleoanthropology [Bouteaux, 2007 #23746]
Book Section in a Series 1993 Boyle, Katherine V. Upper Palaeolithic Procurement and Processing Strategies in Southwest France Hunting and Animal Exploitation in the Later Palaeolithic and Mesolithic of Eurasia [Boyle, 1993 #25236]
Journal Article 2002 Burger, J. Species determination using species-discriminating PCR-RFLP of ancient DNA from prehistoric skeletal remains Ancient Biomolecules [Burger, 2002 #32458]
Journal Article 1981 Burleigh, R. Radiocarbon dating of freshwater shells from Leang Burung Cave 2: part 2 Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia [Burleigh, 1981 #29917]
Journal Article 1998 Butler, V. L. Ancient DNA from salmon bone: a preliminary study Ancient Biomolecules [Butler, 1998 #32417]
Journal Article 2001 Butler, Virginia L. Changing fish use on Mangaia, southern Cook Islands: resource depression and the prey choice model International Journal of Osteoarchaeology [Butler, 2001 #33889]
Journal Article 2017 Cai, Yanjun The age of human remains and associated fauna from Zhiren Cave in Guangxi, southern China Quaternary International [Cai, 2017 #27358]
Journal Article 1968 Carbonnel, Jean-Pierre Industrie osseuse et prèsence humaine dans le gisement pléistocène inférieur du Phnom Loang (Cambodge) Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Série D [Carbonnel, 1968 #27885]
Journal Article 1968 Carbonnel, Jean-Pierre. Guth, Christian Le gisement pléistocène inférieur du Phnom Loang (Cambodge), stratigraphie, et faune Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Série D [Carbonnel, 1968 #27886]