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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 1983 Abdullah, Abdul Hamid The marine fish resources of Southeast Asia Natural resources in tropical countries [Abdullah, 1983 #24994]
Book Section in a Series 1984 Agrawal, D. P. Origin of metallurgy in Asia: myth and reality Southeast Asian Archaeology at the XV Pacific Science Congress: The Origins of Agriculture, Metallurgy, and the State in Mainland Asia [Agrawal, 1984 #26380]
Journal Article 2010 Aijmer, Goran Rice, death, and chiefly power in central Borneo Anthropos [Aijmer, 2010 #28611]
Book (Edited) 2001 Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y. Areal diffusion and genetic inheritance: Problems in comparative linguistics [Aikhenvald, 2001 #21548]
Book Section 1970 Alexander, John The domestication of yams: a multi-disciplinary approach Science in Archeology: A Survey of Progress and Research [Alexander, 1970 #37138]
Book Section 2011 Ali, Daud The early inscriptions of Indonesia and the problem of the Sanskrit Cosmopolis Early interactions between South and Southeast Asia: reflections on cross-cultural exchange [Ali, 2011 #23014]
Journal Article 1987 Allen, Harry R. Holocene mangroves and midden in northern Australia and Southeast Asia Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Allen, 1987 #34811]
Book (Edited) 1977 Allen, Jim Sunda and Sahul: prehistoric studies in Southeast Asia, Melanesia and Australia [Allen, 1977 #21634]
Book Section 1977 Allen, Jim Sea traffic, trade and expanding horizons Sunda and Sahul: prehistoric studies in Southeast Asia, Melanesia and Australia [Allen, 1977 #25174]
Journal Article 2015 Alves, Mark J. Etyma for 'chicken', 'duck', and 'goose' among language phyla in China and Southeast Asia Journal of Southeast Asian Linguistics Society [Alves, 2015 #27790]
Journal Article 2008 Anderson, Atholl Indo-Pacific migration and colonization—introduction Asian Perspectives (2008) [Anderson, 2008 #29414]
Journal Article 2005 Anderson, Douglas The use of caves in peninsular Thailand in the late Pleistocene and early and middle Holocene Asian Perspectives (2005) [Anderson, 2005 #30560]
Book in a Series (Edited) 1976 Ashton, Peter S. The classification and mapping of Southeast Asian ecosystems. Transactions of the fourth Aberdeen-Hull Symposium on Malesian ecology, Aberdeen 1975 [Ashton, 1976 #22121]
Book Section 1988 Ashton, Peter S. A question of sustainable use People of the tropical rain forest [Ashton, 1988 #24993]
Book 2010 Atsawawirunhakan, Praphot The ascendancy of Theravada Buddhism in Southeast Asia [Atsawawirunhakan, 2010 #20051]
Journal Article 2008 Bacon, Anne-Marie Redécouverte d'une faune pléistocène dans les remplissages karstiques de Tam Hang au Laos: premiers résultats (The discovery of a Pleistocene fauna in karstic fills at Tam Hang in Laos: preliminary results) Comptes Rendus Palevol [Bacon, 2008 #29230]
Book Section 2024 Bacon, Anne-Marie Environments, terrestrial ecosystems and mammalian species: An overview of Southeast Asia in the Late Pleistocene Quarternary Palaeontology and Archaeology of Sumatra [Bacon, 2024 #37331]
Book (Edited) 2006 Bacus, Elisabeth A. Uncovering Southeast Asia's past: selected papers from the 10th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Bacus, 2006 #21539]
Book Section in a Series 2006 Bacus, Elisabeth A. Gender in East and Southeast Asian archaeology Handbook of gender in archaeology [Bacus, 2006 #25888]
Journal Article 1995 Baer, A. S. Human genes and biocultural history in Southeast Asia Asian Perspectives (1995) [Baer, 1995 #32843]
Thesis-MA 2007 Bakara, M. R. Re-examination and meaning of the Pacitanian assemblages in the context of South-east Asian prehistory [Bakara, 2007 #36443]
Journal Article 2008 Baker, Patrick J. The impacts of large-scale, low-intensity fires on the forests of continental South-east Asia International Journal of Wildland Fire [Baker, 2008 #28276]
Journal Article 2004 Ballard, C. The ship as symbol in the prehistory of Scandinavia and Southeast Asia World Archaeology [Ballard, 2004 #29051]
Journal Article 1992 Ballinger, S. W. Southeast Asian mitochondrial DNA analysis reveals genetic continuity of ancient Monogloid migrations Genetics [Ballinger, 1992 #34796]
Journal Article 2005 Barker, Graeme The human use of caves in peninsular and island Southeast Asia: research themes Asian Perspectives (2005) [Barker, 2005 #30568]
Journal Article 1966 Barker, Milton E. Linguistics Asian Perspectives (1964) [Barker, 1966 #33446]
Journal Article 1964 Barker, Milton E. Linguistics Asian Perspectives (1963) [Barker, 1964 #33483]
Journal Article 1963 Barker, Milton E. Linguistics Asian Perspectives (1962) [Barker, 1963 #33523]
Journal Article 1961 Barker, Milton E. Linguistics Asian Perspectives (1960) [Barker, 1961 #33604]
Book 2004 Barker, Randolph Evolution of irrigation in South and Southeast Asia [Barker, 2004 #20075]