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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 1978 Acharyya, S. K. Mobile belts of the Burma-Malaya and the Himalaya and their implications on Gondwana and Cathaysia/ Laurasia continent configurations Proceedings of the Third Regional Conference on Geology and Mineral Resources of Southeast Asia [Acharyya, 1978 #23096]
Book 1984 Adhyatman, S. Burmese ceramics [Adhyatman, 1984 #20795]
Book Section 1990 Ajanda Rajah, Ethnicity, nationalism, and the nation-state: the Karen in Burma and Thailand Ethnic groups across national boundaries in mainland Southeast Asia [Ajanda 1990 #25036]
Journal Article 1886 Anonymous Metal-work of the Burmese Science [Anonymous 1886 #28540]
Book Section 2013 Arthayukti, Woraphat Heritage across borders: the funerary monument of King Uthumphon Protecting Siam's heritage [Arthayukti, 2013 #22721]
Book 1968 Aung Thaw Report on the excavations at Beikthano [Aung 1968 #20808]
Journal Article 1973 Aung Thaw, U. The "neolithic" culture of the Padah-lin caves Asian Perspectives (1971) [Aung 1973 #26865]
Report 1968 Aung Thaw, U. Report on the excavations at Beikthano [Aung 1968 #36256]
Book 1990 Aung-Thwin, Michael Irrigation in the heartland of Burma: foundations of the pre-colonial Burmese state Northern Illinois University, Center for Southeast Asian Studies Occasional Papers [Aung-Thwin, 1990 #19926]
Book 1998 Aung-Thwin, Michael Myth and history in the historiography of early Burma: paradigms, primary sources, and prejudices [Aung-Thwin, 1998 #20766]
Book Section 1983 Aung-Thwin, Michael Divinity, spirit, and human: conceptions of classical Burmese kingship Centers, symbols, and hierarchies: essays on the classical states of Southeast Asia [Aung-Thwin, 1983 #22536]
Journal Article 1987 Aung-Thwin, Michael Burma before Pagan: the status of archaeology today Asian Perspectives (1982-1983) [Aung-Thwin, 1987 #31959]
Journal Article 2002 Aung-Thwin, Michael Origins and development of the field of prehistory in Burma Asian Perspectives (2001) [Aung-Thwin, 2002 #32726]
Journal Article 2002 Aung-Thwin, Michael Recent developments in the archaeology of Myanma Pyay (Burma): an introduction Asian Perspectives (2001) [Aung-Thwin, 2002 #32727]
Journal Article 1985 Aung-Thwin, Michael Toungoo and Burma in Southeast Asian studies Journal of Southeast Asian Studies [Aung-Thwin, 1985 #34145]
Journal Article 2000 Aung, Myint A review of Padahlin culture Myanmar Historical Research Journal [Aung, 2000 #28967]
Book 1972 Aung, Thaw Historical sites in Burma [Aung, 1972 #20767]
Journal Article 2015 Aung, Tin Htut Palaeolithic zooarchaeology in Myanmar: a review and future prospects Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology [Aung, 2015 #27844]
Journal Article 1901 Balfour, H. A spear-head and socketed celt in bronze from the Shan States, Burma Man [Balfour, 1901 #31957]
Journal Article 1992 Bellwood, Peter Early Burmese urbanisation: inspired independence or external stimulus?, review of "The ancient Pyu of Burma.volume 1: early Pyu cities in a man-made landscape" Review of Archaeology [Bellwood, 1992 #35257]
Book (Edited) 1983 Bender, Friedrich Geology of Burma [Bender, 1983 #21521]
Journal Article 2018 Bentley, R. Alexander Social differences in Neolithic/Bronze Age Myanmar: 87Sr/86Sr in skeletal remains from Oakaie 1 and Nyaung'gan Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports [Bentley, 2018 #26744]
Book Section 2008 Berliet, Ernelle Territorial planning in Burma during the Pagan period (1044-1287): the foundation of an empire From <i>Homo erectus</i> to the living traditions [Berliet, 2008 #23679]
Book Section 2008 Berliet, Ernelle The eleven khayaing of Kyaukse: an example of territorial pattern and resources management in central Burma (Myanmar) during the Pagan period (1044-1287) From <i>Homo erectus</i> to the living traditions [Berliet, 2008 #23680]
Book 1998 Bernot, Denise Études birmanes: en hommage à Denise Bernot [Bernot, 1998 #20246]
Journal Article 2001 Beyrer, Chris Shan women and girls and the sex industry in Southeast Asia Social Science and Medicine [Beyrer, 2001 #32503]
Journal Article 1983 Bloomfield, B. C. The South Asia and Burma retrospective bibliography Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland [Bloomfield, 1983 #31507]
Journal Article 2003 Booth, Anne The Burma development disaster in comparative historical perspective SOAS Bulletin of Burma Research [Booth, 2003 #31673]
Journal Article 1997 Bradley, David What did they eat? Grain crops of the Burmic groups Mon-Khmer Studies Journal [Bradley, 1997 #28629]
Book Section 1956 Brant, Charles S. The Shans Burma [Brant, 1956 #24550]