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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2022 Grono, Elle Site formation processes of outdoor spaces in tropical environments: A micro-geoarchaeological case study from backyard Lo Gach, southern Vietnam Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [Grono, 2022 #37282]
Journal Article 2021 Xie, Guangmao Stratigraphy and chronology of the palaeolithic industry in Bose Basin, South China: Excavation of Gaolingpo Archaeological Research in Asia [Xie, 2021 #37132]
Journal Article 2022 Maloney, Tim Ryan A late Pleistocene to Holocene archaeological record from East Kalimantan, Borneo Quaternary Science Reviews [Maloney, 2022 #37089]
Journal Article 2022 McAdams, Conor Late Pleistocene shell midden microstratigraphy indicates a complex history of human–environment interactions in the uplands of northern Vietnam Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B [McAdams, 2022 #37081]
Journal Article September 2022 Grono, Elle The identification of dwellings and site formation processes at archaeological settlements in the tropics: A micro-geoarchaeological case study from neolithic Loc Giang, southern Vietnam Quaternary Science Reviews [Grono, September 2022 #37062]
Journal Article November 2022 Berghuis, H. W. K. The eastern Kendeg Hills (Java, Indonesia) and the hominin-bearing beds of Mojokerto, a re-interpretation. Quaternary Science Reviews [Berghuis, November 2022 #37058]
Journal Article 2022 Grono, Elle Microstratigraphy reveals cycles of occupation and abandonment at the
Mid Holocene coastal site of Thach Lac, Northern-central Vietnam
Archaeological Research in Asia [Grono, 2022 #37052]
Thesis-MA 2000 Onsuwan, Chureekamol Excavation of Ban Mai Chaimongkol, Nakhon Sawan Province, central Thailand: a study of site stratigraphy, chronology and its implications for the prehistory of central Thailand [Onsuwan, 2000 #36444]
Thesis 1981 Bunopas, S. Paleogeographic history of western Thailand and adjacent parts of South-East Asia : a plate tectonics interpretation Geology [Bunopas, 1981 #36344]
Thesis 1997 Vuong, Nguyen Van Étude structurale de la chaîne de Truong Son (Viêt-Nam Central): étude tectonique d'une zone de cisaillement polyphasée [Vuong, 1997 #36343]
Journal Article 1985 Vondra, Carl F. Plio-Pleistocene stratigraphy and paleoenvironments, Cagayan Basin, northern Luzon, Philippines Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia [Vondra, 1985 #34847]
Journal Article 2001 Schwarcz, H. P. Dating methods for sediments of caves and rockshelters with examples from the Mediterranean region Geoarchaeology [Schwarcz, 2001 #33710]
Journal Article 1960 Wellman, H. W. The stratigraphy of human occupation layers in North Island coastal sections, New Zealand Asian Perspectives (1959) [Wellman, 1960 #33621]
Journal Article 1974 Mohr, Albert Cultural sequence in Western Kyshu Asian Perspectives (1973) [Mohr, 1974 #33244]
Journal Article 1981 Flenley, J.R. Stratigraphic evidence of environmental change on Easter Island Asian Perspectives (1979) [Flenley, 1981 #33109]
Journal Article 1994 Steadman, David W. Stratigraphy, chronology, and cultural context of an early faunal assemblage from Easter Island Asian Perspectives (1994) [Steadman, 1994 #32876]
Journal Article 1983 Dumarçay, J. La stratigraphie de la tranchée est du Barobudur Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Dumarçay, 1983 #32051]
Journal Article 1938 Arambourg, Camille Le gisement quaternaire de Tam Hang: sa stratigraphie et ses faunes Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences [Arambourg, 1938 #31960]
Journal Article 1936 Fromaget, J. Sur la stratigraphie des formations récentes de la chaîne annamitique septentrionnale et sur l'existence de l'homme dans le Quaternaire inférieur de cette partie de l'Indochine Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences [Fromaget, 1936 #29683]
Journal Article 1965 Matthews, J. M. Stratigraphic disturbance: the human element Antiquity [Matthews, 1965 #29289]
Journal Article 2003 O’Connor, Sue Direct dating of shell beads from Lene Hara Cave, East Timor Australian Archaeology [O’Connor, 2003 #29282]
Journal Article 2005 Schimanski, A. Deglacial and Holocene evolution of the Vietnam shelf: stratigraphy, sediments and sea-level change Marine Geology [Schimanski, 2005 #28856]
Journal Article 2000 Sinsakul, Sin Late quaternary geology of the Lower Central Plain, Thailand Journal of Asian Earth Sciences [Sinsakul, 2000 #28542]
Journal Article 1984 Hahn, L. The Indosinian orogeny in Thailand and adjacent areas Mémoires de la Société Géologique de France, Nouvelle Serie [Hahn, 1984 #28437]
Journal Article 1984 Helmcke, D. The orogenic evolution (Permian-Triassic) of central Thailand Mémoires de la Société Géologique de France, Nouvelle Serie [Helmcke, 1984 #28436]
Journal Article 1991 Barr, S. M. Toward a late Palaeozoic- early Mesozoic tectonic model for Thailand Journal of Thai Geosciences [Barr, 1991 #28418]
Journal Article 1984 Metcalfe, I. Stratigraphy, paleontology and paleogeography of the Carboniferous of Southeast Asia Mémoires de la Société Géologique de France [Metcalfe, 1984 #28408]
Journal Article 1988 Metcalfe, I. Origin and assembly of South-East Asian continental terranes Geological Society, London, Special Publications [Metcalfe, 1988 #28406]
Journal Article 1990 Metcalfe, I. Allochthonous terrane processes in Southeast Asia [and discussion] Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences [Metcalfe, 1990 #28405]
Journal Article 1996 Metcalfe, I. Pre-Cretaceous evolution of Southeast Asian terranes Geological Society, London, Special Publications [Metcalfe, 1996 #28404]