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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Thesis-PhD 1967 Attagara, Kingkeo The folk religion of Ban Nai, a hamlet in central Thailand [Attagara, 1967 #36610]
Thesis 1999 Kitiarsa, Pattana You may not believe, but never offend the spirits: spirit-medium cult discourses and the postmodernization of Thai religion Anthropology [Kitiarsa, 1999 #36350]
Journal Article 1972 Walker, Anthony R. Aw ha hku ve: the Lahu Nyi rite for the recall of a wandering soul Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland [Walker, 1972 #35213]
Journal Article 1987 Shari, Michael Review of "Some traditions of the Thai and other translations of Phya Anuman Rajadhon's articles on Thai customs" by Phya Anuman Rajadhon Journal of the Siam Society [Shari, 1987 #34288]
Journal Article 1996 Yanchong, Cheah More thoughts on the ancient culture of the Tai people: the impact of the Hua Xia culture Journal of the Siam Society [Yanchong, 1996 #34281]
Journal Article 1978 Terwiel, B. J. The origin and meaning of the Thai 'city pillar' Journal of the Siam Society [Terwiel, 1978 #34260]
Journal Article 1980 Durrenberger, Paul E. Annual non-Buddhist religious observances of Mae Hong Son Shan Journal of the Siam Society [Durrenberger, 1980 #34254]
Journal Article 1971 Chotisukharat, Sanguan Supernatural beliefs and practices in Chiengmai Journal of the Siam Society [Chotisukharat, 1971 #34229]
Journal Article 1972 Kauffmann, H. E. Some social and religious institutions of the Lawa (N.W.-Thailand) Part I Journal of the Siam Society [Kauffmann, 1972 #34223]
Journal Article 1972 Walker, Anthony R. Blessing feasts and ancestor propitiation among the Lahu Nyi (Red Lahu) Journal of the Siam Society [Walker, 1972 #34221]
Journal Article 1973 Foster, Brian L. Ethnic identity of the Mons in Thailand Journal of the Siam Society [Foster, 1973 #34216]
Journal Article 1980 Pitiphat, Sumitr The religion and beliefs of the Black Tai, and a note on the study of cultural origins Journal of the Siam Society [Pitiphat, 1980 #34206]
Journal Article 1969 Terwiel, B. J. Review of "Burmese supernaturalism" by Melford E. Spiro Journal of the Siam Society [Terwiel, 1969 #34190]
Journal Article 1963 Velder, Christian Chao Luang Muak Kham (the royal master with the golden crown): report on the forest-spirit of Ban Saliem Journal of the Siam Society [Velder, 1963 #34137]
Journal Article 1960 Rajadhon, Phya Anuman Fertility rites in Thailand Journal of the Siam Society [Rajadhon, 1960 #34132]
Journal Article 1962 Rajadhon, Phya Anuman The Khwan and its ceremonies Journal of the Siam Society [Rajadhon, 1962 #34119]
Journal Article 1952 Rajadhon, Phya Anuman The ceremony of Tham Khwan of a month old child Journal of the Siam Society [Rajadhon, 1952 #34083]
Journal Article 1962 Bareau, André La construction et le culte des stupa d'après le Vinayapitaka Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Bareau, 1962 #32147]
Journal Article 1984 Irvine, Walter Decline of village spirit cults and growth of urban spirit mediumship: the persistence of spirit beliefs, the position of women and modernization Mankind [Irvine, 1984 #28692]
Journal Article 1992 Muecke, Marjorie A. Monks and mediums: religious syncretism in northern Thailand Journal of the Siam Society [Muecke, 1992 #28689]
Journal Article 1909 Przyluski, J. Note sur le culte des arbres au Tonkin Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Przyluski, 1909 #27327]
Book Section in a Series 1989 Beavitt, P. The ethnoarchaeology of sacrifice: some comments on the visible and invisible with respect to human contact with the spirit world in Borneo Animal et Pratiques Religieuses: Les Manifestations Matérielles [Beavitt, 1989 #26103]
Book Section in a Series 2008 Bouté, Vanina Cultes aux esprits et bouddhisme chez les Phounoy du Nord-Laos Recherches nouvelles sur le Laos [Bouté, 2008 #25642]
Book Section 2002 Kitiarsa, Pattana You may not believe, but never offend the spirits: spirit-medium cults and popular media in modern Thailand Global goes local: popular culture in Asia [Kitiarsa, 2002 #23262]
Book Section 2000 Tanabe, Shigeharu Autochthony and the Inthakhin cult of Chiang Mai Civility and Savagery [Tanabe, 2000 #23249]
Book Section 2003 Kammerer, Cornelia Ann Introduction Founders' cults in Southeast Asia: ancestors, polity, and identity [Kammerer, 2003 #23245]
Book Section 2003 Kammerer, Cornelia Ann Spirit cults among Akha highlanders of northern Thailand Founders' cults in Southeast Asia: ancestors, polity, and identity [Kammerer, 2003 #23243]
Book Section 2003 Sakai, Minako Publicizing rituals and privatizing meanings: negotiating an identity of the Gumai in Sumatra Founders' cults in Southeast Asia: ancestors, polity, and identity [Sakai, 2003 #23238]
Book Section 2003 Hayashi, Yukio Reconfiguration of village guardian spirits among the Thai-Lao in northeast Thailand Founders' cults in Southeast Asia: ancestors, polity, and identity [Hayashi, 2003 #23237]
Book Section 2003 O'Connor, Richard A. Founders' cults in regional and historical perspective Founders' cults in Southeast Asia: ancestors, polity, and identity [O'Connor, 2003 #23233]