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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Thesis-PhD 1997 Takamiya, Hiroto Subsistence adaptation processes in the prehistory of Okinawa [Takamiya, 1997 #36616]
Thesis-PhD 2000 Harrison, Roman Gastrell Paleodiet studies using stable carbon isotopes from bone apatite and collagen [Harrison, 2000 #36575]
Thesis-PhD 1984 Bumsted, Mary Pamela Human variation: delta<sup>13</sup>C in adult bone collagen and the relation to diet in an isochronous C<sub>4</sub> (maize) archaeological population [Bumsted, 1984 #36563]
Thesis-PhD 2002 Pechenkina, Ekaterina Alexandrovna Diet and health changes among the millet-growing farmers of northern China in prehistory [Pechenkina, 2002 #36550]
Thesis-PhD 2001 Garvie-Lok, Sandra Jean Loaves and fishes: a stable isotope reconstruction of diet in medieval Greece [Garvie-Lok, 2001 #36548]
Thesis-MA 2001 Webster, Monica Prehistoric diet and human adaptation in West Central Chihuahua, Mexico [Webster, 2001 #36461]
Thesis 1989 Lee-Thorp, Julia A. Stable carbon isotopes in deep time: The diets of fossil fauna and hominids Archaeology [Lee-Thorp, 1989 #36412]
Thesis 2006 King, Christopher A. Paleodietary change among Pre-State Metal Age societies in Northeast Thailand: A stable isotope approach Department of Anthropology [King, 2006 #36394]
Thesis 2015 Willis, Anna Corinna Juanita The bioarchaeology of An Son and Hoa Diem: biosocial insights into prehistoric southern Vietnam [Willis, 2015 #36268]
Journal Article 1991 Ambrose, Stanley H. Effects of diet, climate and physiology on nitrogen isotope abundances in terrestrial foodwebs Journal of Archaeological Science [Ambrose, 1991 #34809]
Journal Article 1986 Ambrose, Stanley H. Reconstruction of African human diet using bone collagen carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios Nature [Ambrose, 1986 #34806]
Journal Article 1997 Baschetti, R. Paleolithic nutrition European Journal of Clinical Nutrition [Baschetti, 1997 #34794]
Journal Article 1981 Blakely, R. L. Trace elements, nutritional status, and social stratification at Etowah, Georgia Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences [Blakely, 1981 #34786]
Journal Article 1997 Bocherens, Hervé Isotopic biogeochemistry as a marker of Neandertal diet Anthropologischer Anzeiger [Bocherens, 1997 #34784]
Journal Article 1994 Bocherens, Hervé Diet, physiology and ecology of fossil mammals as inferred from stable carbon and nitrogen isotope biogeochemistry: implications for Pleistocene bears Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Bocherens, 1994 #34783]
Journal Article 1997 Bocherens, Hervé Comments on: diet, physiology and ecology of fossil mammals as inferred from stable carbon and nitrogen isotope biogeochemistry: implications for Pleistocene bear by Bocherens et al Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Bocherens, 1997 #34780]
Journal Article 1991 Boutton, T. W. Stable carbon isotopes and the study of prehistoric human diet Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition [Boutton, 1991 #34777]
Journal Article 1990 Burton, James H. The ratio of barium to strontium as a paleodietary indicator of consumption of marine resources Journal of Archaeological Science [Burton, 1990 #34770]
Journal Article 1997 Cachel, Susan Dietary shifts and the European Upper Paleolithic transition Current Anthropology [Cachel, 1997 #34766]
Journal Article 1997 Cerling, Thure E. Dietary and environmental reconstruction with stable isotope analyses of herbivore tooth enamel from the Miocene locality of Fort Ternan, Kenya Journal of Human Evolution [Cerling, 1997 #34762]
Journal Article 1988 Chisholm, Brian S. Study of paleodiet using stable-carbon isotopic analysis Archaeology and Natural Science [Chisholm, 1988 #34759]
Journal Article 1988 Chisholm, Brian S. Tanso Antei Douitai Hihou ni yoru Kodai Shokusei no Kenkyu (Research on paleodiet by means of stable carbon isotope ratios) Kokogaku to Shizenkagaku [Chisholm, 1988 #34758]
Journal Article 1994 Chisholm, Brian S. Carbon and nitrogen isotopic evidence of Basketmaker II diet at Cedar Mesa, Utah Kiva [Chisholm, 1994 #34757]
Journal Article 1983 Chisholm, Brian S. Carbon isotope measurement techniques for bone collagen: note for the archaeologist Journal of Archaeological Science [Chisholm, 1983 #34756]
Journal Article 1983 Chisholm, Brian S. Marine and terrestrial protein in prehistoric diets on the British Columbia Coast Current Anthropology [Chisholm, 1983 #34754]
Journal Article 1984 Connor, Melissa Diachronic study of Inuit diets utilizing trace element analysis Arctic Anthropology [Connor, 1984 #34747]
Journal Article 1985 DeNiro, Michael J. Postmortem preservation and alteration of <i>in vivo</i> bone collagen isotope ratios in relation to palaeodietary reconstruction Nature [DeNiro, 1985 #34742]
Journal Article 1994 Ezzo, Joseph A. Zinc as a paleodietary indicator: an issue of theoretical validity in bone-chemistry analysis American Antiquity [Ezzo, 1994 #34717]
Journal Article 1994 Ezzo, Joseph A. Putting the "chemistry" back into archaeological bone chemistry analysis: modeling potential paleodietary indicators Journal of Archaeological Science [Ezzo, 1994 #34715]
Journal Article 1995 Ezzo, Joseph A. Elemental signatures of human diets from the Georgia Bight American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Ezzo, 1995 #34714]