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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2009 Oppenheimer, Stephen The great arc of dispersal of modern humans: Africa to Australia Quaternary International [Oppenheimer, 2009 #37250]
Journal Article 2020 Zachwieja, Alexandra J. Understanding Late Pleistocene human land preference using ecological niche models in an Australasian test case Quaternary International [Zachwieja, 2020 #36855]
Thesis-PhD 2004 Durband, Arthur C. A test of the multiregional hypothesis of modern human origins using basicranial evidence from Indonesia and Australia ({\i Homo erectus}) [Durband, 2004 #36531]
Report 2002 Spriggs, M. Report to the Australian and Pacific Science Foundation on the project "Investigation of the initial human colonisation of Vanuatu and its later transformations" for 2001 Report to the Australian and Pacific Science Foundation [Spriggs, 2002 #36194]
Report 2003 Spriggs, M. Report to the Pacific Biological Foundation on the project "Investigations on the initial human colonisation of Vanuatu and its later transformations" for 2002 Report to the Pacific Biological Foundation [Spriggs, 2003 #36193]
Report 2004 Spriggs, M. Investigations on the initial human colonisation of Vanuatu and its later transformations Report to the Pacific Biological Foundation for 2003 and final report [Spriggs, 2004 #36192]
Journal Article 1961 Gill, Edmund D. Changes in the level of the sea relative to the land in Australia during the Quaternary era Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Neue Folge [Gill, 1961 #35245]
Journal Article 1965 Hails, J. R. A critical review of sea-level changes in eastern Australia since the last glacial Australian Geographical Studies [Hails, 1965 #35243]
Journal Article 1966 Matthews, John M. The Hoabinhian affinities of some Australian assemblages Archaeology and Physical Anthropology in Oceania [Matthews, 1966 #35235]
Journal Article 1969 Thom, Bruce G. Radiocarbon evidence against higher postglacial sea levels in eastern Australia Marine Geology [Thom, 1969 #35221]
Journal Article 1979 White, J. Peter Australian prehistory: new aspects of antiquity Science [White, 1979 #35146]
Journal Article 1987 Allen, Harry R. Holocene mangroves and midden in northern Australia and Southeast Asia Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Allen, 1987 #34811]
Journal Article 1987 Collier, Stephen The importance of marine protein in the diet of coastal Australian aborigines Current Anthropology [Collier, 1987 #34749]
Journal Article 1998 Gröcke, Darren R. Carbon-isotope analysis of fossil plants as a chemostratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental tool Lethaia [Gröcke, 1998 #34687]
Journal Article 1995 Pate, F. Donald Stable carbon isotope assessment of hunter-gatherer mobility in prehistoric South Australia Journal of Archaeological Science [Pate, 1995 #34562]
Journal Article 1990 Turner, Christy G., II Major features of sundadonty and sinodonty, including suggestions about East Asian microevolution, population history, and late Pleistocene relationships with Australian Aboriginals American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Turner, 1990 #34465]
Journal Article 2001 Hutley, L. B. Monsoonal influences on evapotranspiration of savanna vegetation of northern Australia Oecologia [Hutley, 2001 #34365]
Journal Article 1997 Pate, F. Donald Bone chemistry and paleodiet: reconstructing prehistoric subsistence-settlement systems in Australia Journal of Anthropological Archaeology [Pate, 1997 #34342]
Journal Article 2002 Matisoo-Smith, Elizabeth Something old, something new: Do genetic studies of contemporary populations reliably represent prehistoric populations of Pacific <i>Rattus exulan</i>? Human Biology [Matisoo-Smith, 2002 #33721]
Journal Article 1960 McCarthy, Frederick D. Australia Asian Perspectives (1959) [McCarthy, 1960 #33623]
Journal Article 1961 McCarthy, Frederick D. Australia Asian Perspectives (1960) [McCarthy, 1961 #33596]
Journal Article 1962 McCarthy, Frederick D. Australia Asian Perspectives (1961) [McCarthy, 1962 #33568]
Journal Article 1962 McCarthy, Frederick D. Report on Australia and Melanesia Asian Perspectives (1961) [McCarthy, 1962 #33552]
Journal Article 1963 McCarthy, Frederick D. Australia Asian Perspectives (1962) [McCarthy, 1963 #33525]
Journal Article 1964 McCarthy, Frederick D. Australia Asian Perspectives (1963) [McCarthy, 1964 #33499]
Journal Article 1966 McCarthy, Frederick D. Australia Asian Perspectives (1964) [McCarthy, 1966 #33453]
Journal Article 1973 McCarthy, Frederick D. Australia: regional review 1967 to October 1969 Asian Perspectives (1971) [McCarthy, 1973 #33291]
Journal Article 1974 Gould, Richard A. Review of "Aboriginal advancement to integration" by H. P. Schapper Asian Perspectives (1973) [Gould, 1974 #33258]
Journal Article 1974 Gould, Richard A. Review of "Attitudes and social conditions" by Ronald Taft, John L. M. Dawson, and Pamela Beasley Asian Perspectives (1973) [Gould, 1974 #33256]
Journal Article 1974 Gould, Richard A. Review of "The structure and growth of Australia's aboriginal population" by F. lancaster Jones Asian Perspectives (1973) [Gould, 1974 #33243]