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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2006 Jordaan, Roy E. Why the Śailendras were not a Javanese dynasty Indonesia and the Malay World [Jordaan, 2006 #30175]
Journal Article 1975 Colless, B. E. Were the gold mines of ancient Java in Borneo? Brunei Museum Journal [Colless, 1975 #29852]
Book Section 1998 Christie, Jan Wisseman Weights and measures in early Javanese states Southeast Asian Archaeology 1996: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists, Leiden, 2-6 September 1996 [Christie, 1998 #23534]
Journal Article 2009 Bettis, E. A. Way out of Africa: early Pleistocene palaeoenvironments inhabited by <i>Homo erectus</i> in Sangiran, Java Journal of Human Evolution [Bettis, 2009 #27868]
Journal Article 2017 Sofwan Noerwidi Using dental metrical analysis to determine the terminal Pleistocene and Holocene population history of Java Terra Australis [Sofwan 2017 #27382]
Book 1991 Sutton, Richard Anderson Traditions of Gamelan music in Java: musical pluralism and regional identity Cambridge Studies in Ethnomusicology [Sutton, 1991 #19880]
Book Section 1986 Christanty, Linda Traditional agroforestry in West Java: the pekarangan (homegarden) and kebun-talun (annual-perennial rotation) cropping systems Traditional agriculture in Southeast Asia: a human ecology perspective [Christanty, 1986 #24988]
Book Section 1992 Christie, Jan Wisseman Trade and settlement in early Java: integrating the epigraphic and archaeological data Early metallurgy, trade and urban centres in Thailand and Southeast Asia [Christie, 1992 #24909]
Journal Article 1998 Nuryanti, Wiendu Tourism and regional imbalances: the case of Java Indonesia and the Malay World [Nuryanti, 1998 #29058]
Journal Article 2016 Janssen, Renée, Joordens, Josephine C. A. Tooth enamel stable isotopes of Holocene and Pleistocene fossil fauna reveal glacial and interglacial paleoenvironments of hominins in Indonesia Quaternary Science Reviews [Janssen, 2016 #26652]
Journal Article 1991 Kusnaka Adimihardja, The traditional agricultural rituals and practices of the Kasepuhan community of west Java Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Kusnaka 1991 #35615]
Journal Article 2003 Flecker, Michael The thirteenth-century Java Sea wreck: a Chinese cargo in an Indonesian ship The Mariner's Mirror [Flecker, 2003 #26988]
Book Section 2003 Soemantri, Hilda The terracotta art of Majapahit Earthenware in Southeast Asia: proceedings of the Singapore Symposium on Premodern Southeast Asian Earthenwares [Soemantri, 2003 #24387]
Book 1986 Dumarçay, J. The temples of Java [Dumarçay, 1986 #20621]
Journal Article 1998 Jordaan, R. E. The Tara temple of Kalasan in central Java Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Jordaan, 1998 #32013]
Journal Article 2005 Dennell, R. W. The Solo (Ngandong) Homo erectus assemblage: a taphonomic assessment Archaeology in Oceania [Dennell, 2005 #28510]
Journal Article 1975 Jacob, Teuku The sixth skull cap of Pithecanthropus erectus American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Jacob, 1975 #34010]
Journal Article 2004 Sémah, F. The significance of the Punung karstic area (eastern Java) for the chronology of the Javanese palaeolithic, with special reference to Song Terus Cave Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia [Sémah, 2004 #27686]
Thesis Noerwidi, S. The significance of the Holocene human skeleton Song Keplek 5 in the history of human colonization of Java: a comprehensive morphological and morphometric study [Noerwidi, #36293]
Book Section 1998 Martowikrido, Wahyono The short inscriptions of the Wonoboyo hoard Southeast Asian Archaeology 1996: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists, Leiden, 2-6 September 1996 [Martowikrido, 1998 #23527]
Book Section in a Series 2012 Zakharov, Anton O. The Śailendras reconsidered Nalada-Sriwijaya Center Working Papers [Zakharov, 2012 #25490]
Book 1960 Geertz, Clifford The religion of Java [Geertz, 1960 #20562]
Journal Article 2012 Sémah, Anne-Marie The rain forest in Java through the Quaternary and its relationships with humans (adaptation, exploitation and impact on the forest) Quaternary International [Sémah, 2012 #27688]
Book Section in a Series 1991 Wolters, Willem The political economy of kinship and marriage strategies in Java and central Luzon Cognation and social organization in Southeast Asia [Wolters, 1991 #26262]
Journal Article 2016 Sémah, Anne-Marie The palaeoenvironmental context of the Palaeolithic of Java: a brief review Quaternary International [Sémah, 2016 #27617]
Book Section 1986 Fox, James J. The ordering of generations: change and continuity in old Javanese kinship Southeast Asia in the 9th to 14th centuries [Fox, 1986 #23298]
Book Section 1968 Hooijer, Dirk Albert The middle Pleistocene fauna of Java Evolution und Hominisation [Hooijer, 1968 #24778]
Book Section 1998 Kieven, Lydia The meditation of Arjuna: its presentation in the Old-Javanese kakawin Arjunawiwāha and in some reliefs in East Java Southeast Asian Archaeology 1994: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archeologists [Kieven, 1998 #23542]
Book Section 1984 Ridho, Abu The meaning of ceramics found in the Sea of Tuban, East Java, for tracing the sea route in the archipelago Consultative workshop on research on maritime shipping and trade networks in Southeast Asia [Ridho, 1984 #23153]
Journal Article 1938 Regteren Altena, C. O. van The marine Mollusca of the Kendeng Beds (East Java), Gastropoda, part I (Fissurellidae-Vermetidae inclusive) Leidse Geologische Mededelingen [Regteren 1938 #30329]