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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 2024 Octavianus, Harry The rise of the Metal Age in Sumatra: Evidence from
Harimau Cave in South Sumatra
[Octavianus, 2024 #37335]
Book Section 2017 Bellwood, Peter Island Southeast Asia as a canvas for human migration [Bellwood, 2017 #37072]
Book Section 1986 Ceci, Lynn The anthropology of shell beads [Ceci, 1986 #23901]
Book Section 1992 Johnson, J. Mark The ceramics at Ban Don Ta Phet: a preliminary report with special reference to the classification of ceramic fabrics [Johnson, 1992 #23703]
Book Section 2001 Spriggs, Matthew Who cares what time it is?: the importance of chronology in Pacific archaeology [Spriggs, 2001 #23598]
Book Section 1990 Sitthithaworn, E. Metallogenic map of Thailand [Sitthithaworn, 1990 #23150]
Book Section 1974 Brandt, Rolf A. M. The non-marine aquatic mollusca of Thailand [Brandt, 1974 #22343]
Book Section 2012 LaMotta, Vincent M. Behavioral archaeology [LaMotta, 2012 #22215]
Book Section 2014 Reinecke, Andreas 东南亚早的金器 (Early gold in Southeast Asia) 汉代西域考古与汉文化 (Archaeology in the western regions of the Han dynasty and Han Culture) [Reinecke, 2014 #22417]
Book Section 2012 Krais, Simone The bioanthropology of the early iron age site of Prohear (Cambodia) Zeutschrift für Archäologie Außsereuropäischer Kulturen [Krais, 2012 #22474]
Book Section 1984 Thiramongkol, Narong Quaternary stratigraphy of Thailand Workshop on Stratigraphic Correlation of Thailand and Malaysian, Haad Yai, Thailand, 8-10 September 1983 [Thiramongkol, 1984 #25052]
Book Section 2003 Price, Lisa Leimar Farm women's rights and roles in wild plant food gathering and management in Northeast Thailand Women and plants: gender relations in biodiversity management and conservation [Price, 2003 #24212]
Book Section 1981 Estioko-Griffin, Agnes Woman the hunter: the Agta Woman the gatherer [Estioko-Griffin, 1981 #24750]
Book Section 1986 Tsukada, Matsuo Vegetation in prehistoric Japan: the last 20,000 years Windows on the Japanese past [Tsukada, 1986 #23327]
Book Section 1996 Rozin, Paul Sociocultural influences on human food selection Why we eat what we eat: the psychology of eating [Rozin, 1996 #24675]
Book Section 2011 Barker, G. Transitions to farming in island Southeast Asia: archaeological, biomolecular, and palaeoecological perspectives Why cultivate? Anthropological and archaeological approachesto foraging-farming transitions in Southeast Asia? [Barker, 2011 #22374]
Book Section 2011 Belharte, S. The ecological view: management of woody perennials and the transition to vegeculture in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Why cultivate? Anthropological and archaeological approaches to foraging farming transitions in Southeast Asia [Belharte, 2011 #22353]
Book Section 1981 Ashton, Peter S. Forest conditions in the tropics of Asia and the Far East Where have all the flowers gone?: deforestation in the Third World [Ashton, 1981 #24490]
Book Section 1989 Brown, James Allison The beginnings of pottery as an economic process What's new?: a closer look at the process of innovation [Brown, 1989 #23902]
Book Section 2008 Makela, Anne-Maire Temples and tourism – transfer from or to poverty? Welterbe und Tourismus [Makela, 2008 #22748]
Book Section 2008 Feneley, Marnie Reconstructing the West Mebon Vishnu: a marriage of the traditional artefectual analysis with digital 3D visualization Virtual Systems and Multimedia: 13th International Conference [Feneley, 2008 #22485]
Book Section 1982 Shaw, John C. A comment on the Vietnamese-Thai connection Vietnamese ceramics [Shaw, 1982 #24793]
Book Section 2010 Lorrillard, Michel Vientane et le Mékong: situation de la ville dans l'espace régional et la longue durée Vientane, architectures d'une capitale [Lorrillard, 2010 #22314]
Book Section 2010 Lorrillard, Michel Vientane au regard de l'archéologie Vientane, architectures d'une capitale [Lorrillard, 2010 #22313]
Book Section 2002 Spriggs, Matthew Taro cropping systems in the Southeast Asian-Pacific Region: an archaeological update Vegeculture in eastern Asia and Oceania [Spriggs, 2002 #23595]
Book Section 1996 Spriggs, Matthew La culture d'irrigation du taro au Vanuatu Vanuatu Océanie: arts des îles de cendre et de corail: [exposition] Port-Vila, Musée, 28 juin 1996-10 août 1996, Nouméa, Musée territorial de Nouvelle-Calédonie, 3 septembre 1996-30 octobre 1996, Bâle, Museum für Völkerkunde, 15 mars 1997-10 août 199 [Spriggs, 1996 #23609]
Book Section 1996 Spriggs, Matthew L'archéologie du Vanuatu dans le contexte de l'Océanie Vanuatu Océanie: arts des îles de cendre et de corail: [exposition] Port-Vila, Musée, 28 juin 1996-10 août 1996, Nouméa, Musée territorial de Nouvelle-Calédonia, 3 septembre 1996-30 octobre 1996, Bâle, Museum für Völkerkunde, 15 mars 1997-10 août 199 [Spriggs, 1996 #23611]
Book Section 2010 Feldberg, Wouter A civilized nation with smart traders: seventeenth century notes from a Dutch merchant in the kingdom of Lan Xang Van Wuysthoff and the Lan Xang Kingdom: a Dutch Merchant's Visit to Laos in 1641 [Feldberg, 2010 #22229]
Book Section 2010 Kobiki, Harunobu Recent archaeological finds in downtown Vientiane Van Wuysthoff and the Lan Xang Kingdom: a Dutch Merchant's Visit to Laos in 1641 [Kobiki, 2010 #22228]
Book Section 2010 van Krieken-Pieters, Juliette Van Wuysthoff's <i>Journael</i> in perspective: the king, Lao Buddhism and the environment Van Wuysthoff and the Lan Xang Kingdom: a Dutch Merchant's Visit to Laos in 1641 [van 2010 #22227]