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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book in a Series (Edited) 2019 White, Joyce C. Ban Chiang, Northeast Thailand, Volume 2C: the metal remains in regional context [White, 2019 #36914]
Thesis-PhD 1991 Coote, Vanessa J. The ultra-trace element geochemistry of tin ores and bronze using ICP-MS, and the mining and metals trade in prehistoric Thailand [Coote, 1991 #36633]
Thesis-PhD 1983 Rajpitak, Warangkhana The development of copper alloy metallurgy in Thailand in the Pre-Buddhist period with special reference to high tin bronzes [Rajpitak, 1983 #36631]
Thesis-PhD 1983 Suchitta, Pornchai The history and development of iron smelting technology in Thailand [Suchitta, 1983 #36514]
Thesis-MA 1991 Sukawasana Yenchit, The study of iron objects from Ban Nong Bua, Ratchaburi Province [Sukawasana 1991 #36477]
Thesis-MA 1994 Hinckley, Alissa A. A metallographic and analytical study of prehistoric bronzes from northeast Thailand [Hinckley, 1994 #36447]
Thesis-Bachelor 1979 Rajpitak, Warangkhana The technology of copper-alloy artifacts from Ban Don Ta Phet, Thailand [Rajpitak, 1979 #36433]
Thesis 1987 Dupaigne, Bernard Les maîtres du fer et du feu : étude de la métallurgie du fer chez les Kouy du nord du Cambodge, dans le contexte historique et ethnographie de l'ensemble Khmer [Dupaigne, 1987 #36325]
Report 1990 Hide, Christine MASCA archaeometallurgical analysis report 1/4/1990: iron artifacts from Ban Na Di [Hide, 1990 #36227]
Report Glover, I. C. Archaeometallurgical investigations in Ratchaburi Province, West-Central Thailand, March-April 1990 [Glover, #36225]
Report 2003 Nash, Samuel Report on the microstructure and chemistry of two metallic artifacts from Ban Mai Chai Monkol and Ban Pong Manao [Nash, 2003 #36219]
Report 1994 Wang, Dong Ning The archaeometallurgical analysis of copper-base artifacts from prehistoric Nil Kham Haeng, central Thailand: a preliminary report [Wang, 1994 #36182]
Electronic Source 2007 The Ban Chiang Project Metals Database: Homepage [ 2007 #26593]
Book in a Series (Edited) 2000 Linduff, Katheryn M. The beginnings of metallurgy in China [Linduff, 2000 #22075]
Book in a Series (Edited) 1991 Ehenreich, R. Metals in society: theory beyond analysis [Ehenreich, 1991 #22063]
Book in a Series (Edited) 1991 Glumac, P. Recent trends in archaeometallurgical research [Glumac, 1991 #22057]
Book in a Series (Edited) 2004 Linduff, Katheryn M. Metallurgy in ancient eastern Eurasia from the Urals to the Yellow River [Linduff, 2004 #22053]
Book in a Series (Edited) 1993 Shaw, Thurstan The archaeology of Africa: food, metals and towns [Shaw, 1993 #22043]
Book in a Series (Edited) 1954 Needham, Joseph Chemistry and chemical technology [Needham, 1954 #22031]
Book in a Series (Edited) 2018 White, Joyce C. Ban Chiang, Northeast Thailand, Volume 2B: metals and related evidence from Ban Chiang, Ban Tong, Ban Phak Top, and Don Klang [White, 2018 #22022]
Book in a Series 1988 Christie, Jan Wisseman Metal-working in Borneo: essays on iron- and silver-working in Sarawak [Christie, 1988 #21983]
Book in a Series 1984 Dizon, Eusebio Z. The metal age in the Philippines: an archaeo-metallurgical investigation [Dizon, 1984 #21930]
Book in a Series 1963 Evangelista, Alfredo E. Intimations of iron [Evangelista, 1963 #21919]
Book in a Series 1990 Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Lao People's Democratic Republic explanatory brochure [Economic 1990 #21847]
Book in a Series 1920 Mansuy, Henri Alphonse Contributions à l'étude de la préhistoire de l'Indochine I: l'industrie de la pièrre et du bronze dans la region de Luang Prabang, Haut-Laos [Mansuy, 1920 #21821]
Book in a Series 1995 Schoop, Ulf-Dietrich Die Geburt des Hephaistos: Technologie und Kulturgeschichte neolithischer Metallverwendung im Vorderen Orient [Schoop, 1995 #21763]
Book in a Series 1978 Mukherjee, Meera Metalcraftsmen of India [Mukherjee, 1978 #21712]
Book (Edited) 2003 Craddock, Paul Mining and metal production through the ages [Craddock, 2003 #21494]
Book (Edited) 1993 La Niece, Susan Metal plating and patination: cultural and historical developments [La 1993 #21473]
Book (Edited) 2011 Bunker, Emma C. Khmer bronzes: new interpretations of the past [Bunker, 2011 #21436]