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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Thesis 1994 Armstrong, Lisa A. Interacting technologies: the analysis of ingot molds and associated industrial ceramics from Non Pa Wai, a prehistoric copper smelting site in central Thailand [Armstrong, 1994 #36389]
Book in a Series 1969 Harrisson, Tom Excavations of the prehistoric iron industry in west Borneo [Harrisson, 1969 #21941]
Book in a Series 1976 Rowlands, M. J. The production and distribution of metalwork in the Middle Bronze Age in Southern Britain [Rowlands, 1976 #21747]
Book in a Series 1978 Mukherjee, Meera Metalcraftsmen of India [Mukherjee, 1978 #21712]
Book (Edited) 1996 Schmidt, Peter R. The culture and technology of African iron production [Schmidt, 1996 #21496]
Book (Edited) 2003 Craddock, Paul Mining and metal production through the ages [Craddock, 2003 #21494]
Book (Edited) 1993 La Niece, Susan Metal plating and patination: cultural and historical developments [La 1993 #21473]
Book 1988 Barnes, J. W. Ores and minerals: introducing economic geology [Barnes, 1988 #20654]
Book 1973 Davies, G. J. Solidification and casting [Davies, 1973 #20635]
Book 1978 Eliade, Mircea The forge and the crucible [Eliade, 1978 #20631]
Book 1985 Wagner, Donald B. Dabieshan: traditional Chinese iron-production techniques practised in southern Henan in the twentieth century [Wagner, 1985 #20124]
Book 1989 Wagner, Donald B. Toward the reconstruction of ancient Chinese techniques for the production of malleable cast iron [Wagner, 1989 #20123]
Journal Article 1991 Bayley, Justine Anglo-Saxon non-ferrous metalworking: a survey World Archaeology [Bayley, 1991 #31788]
Journal Article 1995 Reid, Andrew Symbolism and the social contexts of iron production in Karagwe World Archaeology [Reid, 1995 #29730]
Journal Article 1971 Rowlands, M. J. The archaeological interpretation of prehistoric metalworking World Archaeology [Rowlands, 1971 #29722]
Journal Article 2009 Juleff, G. Technology and evolution: a root and branch view of Asian iron from first-millennium BC Sri Lanka to Japanese steel World Archaeology [Juleff, 2009 #28410]
Newspaper Article 1975 Alsop, Joseph Rewriting Human History Washington Post [Alsop, 1975 #36121]
Book Section 2022 Pigott, Vincent C. Prehistoric copper production and exchange in Southeast Asia The Oxford Handbook of Early Southeast Asia [Pigott, 2022 #37032]
Book Section in a Series 1980 Barnard, Noel The origins and development of metallurgy in China, with special reference to the crucible The Diffusion of Material Culture: 28th International Congress of Orientalists, proceedings of Seminar E, Canberra, January 1971 [Barnard, 1980 #26010]
Book Section 1996 Goucher, Candice L. The blooms of Banjeli: technology and gender in West African iron making The culture and technology of African iron production [Goucher, 1996 #23842]
Book Section in a Series 1999 Rehder, J. E. High temperature technology in antiquity: a sourcebook on the design and operation of ancient furnaces The beginnings of metallurgy: proceedings of the International Conference "The Beginnings of Metallurgy", Bochum, 1995 [Rehder, 1999 #25765]
Book Section in a Series 2000 Sun Shuyun, A study of casting and manufacturing techniques of early copper and bronze artifacts found in Gansu The beginnings of metallurgy in China [Sun 2000 #25674]
Book Section 1988 Chakrabarti, Dilip K. The old copper mines of eastern India The Beginning of the Use of Metals and Alloys. Papers from the Second International Conference on the Beginning of the Use of Metals and Alloys, Zhengzhou, China, 21-26 October 1986 [Chakrabarti, 1988 #24915]
Book Section in a Series 1993 Rowlands, Michael J. The magical production of iron in the Cameroon grassfields The archaeology of Africa: food, metals, and towns [Rowlands, 1993 #25763]
Journal Article 1994 Bronson, Bennet Eyewitness accounts of the early mining and smelting of metals in mainland Southeast Asia SPAFA Journal [Bronson, 1994 #29214]
Book Section 1997 Pigott, Vincent C. The archaeology of copper production: excavations in the Khao Wong Prachan Valley, central Thailand Southeast Asian Archaeology 1992: Proceedings of the 4th Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Pigott, 1997 #24854]
BAR Section 1990 Christie, Jan Wisseman Trade and the Santubong iron industry Southeast Asian Archaeology 1986: Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe [Christie, 1990 #19714]
BAR Section 1990 Coote, Vanessa J. Ancient base metal mines and mining in southwest Thailand Southeast Asian Archaeology 1986: Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe [Coote, 1990 #19713]
Book Section 1998 Pigott, Vincent C. Prehistoric copper mining in the context of emerging community craft specialisation in northeast Thailand Social approaches to an industrial past: the archaeology and anthropology of mining [Pigott, 1998 #24856]
Journal Article 1982 Shimada, Izumi Batán Grande: a prehistoric metallurgical center in Peru Science [Shimada, 1982 #29709]