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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book (Edited) 2015 Cairns, Malcolm F. Shifting cultivation and environmental change: indigenous people, agriculture and forest conservation [Cairns, 2015 #21399]
Book Section 2005 Ticsay, Mariliza V. Fragmentation of the Ifugao agroecological landscape Conserving nature in culture: case studies from Southeast Asia [Ticsay, 2005 #22594]
Book in a Series 2001 Yin, Shaoting People and forests: Yunnan swidden agriculture in human-ecological perspective [Yin, 2001 #21836]
Journal Article 1995 White, Joyce C. Modeling the development of early rice agriculture: ethnoecological perspectives from northeast Thailand Asian Perspectives (1995) [White, 1995 #32842]
Journal Article 1993 Christensen, Hanne The risk of avoidance strategy of traditional shifting cultivation in Borneo Sarawak Museum Journal [Christensen, 1993 #31415]
Journal Article 1991 Helliwell, Christine Evolution and ethnicity: a note on rice cultivation practices in Borneo Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Helliwell, 1991 #35621]
Journal Article 1991 Jessup, Timothy C. Persistence and change in the practice of shifting cultivation in the Apo Kayan, East Kalimantan, Indonesia Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Jessup, 1991 #35616]
Journal Article 1991 Brosius, J. Peter Foraging in tropical rain forests: the case of the Penan of Sarawak, East Malaysia (Borneo) Human Ecology [Brosius, 1991 #34814]
Book Section in a Series 1989 Dove, Michael R. The transition from stone to steel in the prehistoric swidden agricultural technology of the Kantu' of Kalimantan, Indonesia Foraging and farming: the evolution of plant exploitation [Dove, 1989 #26276]
Journal Article 1988 Padoch, Christine Agriculture in interior Borneo: shifting cultivation and its alternatives Expedition [Padoch, 1988 #35852]
Journal Article 1987 Nguyen Duy Hinh, Chien luoc Calo cua nguoi thoi dai Hung Vuong o Thanh Hoa [ The calorie strategy of the people in the Hung Kings' epoch period in Thanh Hoa ] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1987 #31094]
Book Section 1987 Kunstadter, Peter Swiddeners in transition: Lua' farmers in northern Thailand Comparative farming systems [Kunstadter, 1987 #22538]
Book Section in a Series 1986 Condominas, Georges Ritual technology in Mnong Gar swidden agriculture Rice societies: Asian problems and prospects [Condominas, 1986 #26336]
Book Section 1986 Prill-Brett, June The Bontok: traditional wet-rice and swidden cultivators of the Philippines Traditional agriculture in Southeast Asia: a human ecology perspective [Prill-Brett, 1986 #24997]
Book Section 1986 Srimongkol, Katin Traditional agriculture in northern Thailand Traditional agriculture in Southeast Asia: a human ecology perspective [Srimongkol, 1986 #24996]
Book Section 1986 Abdoellah, Oekan S. The complementary roles of homegardens, upland fields, and rice fields for meeting nutritional needs in West Java Traditional agriculture in Southeast Asia: a human ecology perspective [Abdoellah, 1986 #24995]
Book Section 1986 Christanty, Linda Shifting cultivation and tropical soils: patterns, problems, and possible improvements Traditional agriculture in Southeast Asia: a human ecology perspective [Christanty, 1986 #24989]
Book 1985 Dove, Michael R. Swidden agriculture in Indonesia: the subsistence strategies of the Kalimantan Kantu [Dove, 1985 #21281]
Journal Article 1983 Rambo, A. Terry Fire and the engery efficiency of Swidden agriculture Asian Perspectives (1980) [Rambo, 1983 #33092]
Book Section 1983 Fogg, Wayne H. Swidden cultivation of foxtail millet by Taiwan aborigines: a cultural analogue of the domestication of Setaria italica in China The origins of Chinese civilization [Fogg, 1983 #25160]
Journal Article 1980 Dang Nghiem Van, Cac hinh thuc trong lua: tr lieu dan toc hoc [ Various forms of rice - cultivation: ethnographical data] Khao Co Hoc [Dang 1980 #31613]
Journal Article 1979 Higham, Charles F. W. Ban Chiang and northeast Thailand: the palaeoenvironment and economy Journal of Archaeological Science [Higham, 1979 #35688]
Book in a Series 1979 Van Setten van der Meer, Nancy Claire Sawah cultivation in ancient Java: aspects of development during the Indo-Javanese period, 5th to 15th century [Van 1979 #21837]
Book 1979 Schlegel, Stuart Tiruray subsistence: from shifting cultivation to plow agriculture [Schlegel, 1979 #21141]
Book Section 1978 Kunstadter, Peter Problems of shifting cultivation and economic development in northern Thailand Farmers in the forest: economic development and marginal agriculture in northern Thailand [Kunstadter, 1978 #24963]
Book Section 1978 Komkris, Thiem Forestry aspects of land use in areas of swidden cultivation Farmers in the forest: economic development and marginal agriculture in northern Thailand [Komkris, 1978 #24961]
Book Section 1978 Zinke, Paul J. Soil fertility aspects of the Lua' forest fallow system of shifting cultivation Farmers in the forest: economic development and marginal agriculture in northern Thailand [Zinke, 1978 #24959]
Book Section 1978 Sabhasri, Sanga Effects of forest fallow cultivation on forest production and soil Farmers in the forest: economic development and marginal agriculture in northern Thailand [Sabhasri, 1978 #24958]
Book Section 1978 Hinton, Peter Declining production among sedentary swidden cultivators: the case of the Pwo Karen Farmers in the forest: economic development and marginal agriculture in northern Thailand [Hinton, 1978 #24957]
Book Section 1978 Chapman, E. C. Shifting cultivation and economic development in the lowlands of northern Thailand Farmers in the forest: economic development and marginal agriculture in northern Thailand [Chapman, 1978 #24954]