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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article Lu, Tracey Lie-Dan From barkcloth beating to silk weaving: the textile industry from prehistory to the western Han Dynasty in south China Textile Museum Journal [Lu, #33652]
Journal Article 2023 Lu, Yongxiu Diversification of faunal exploitation strategy and human-climate interaction in Southern China and Southeast Asia during the last deglaciation Quaternary Science Reviews [Lu, 2023 #37309]
Journal Article 2023 Buckley, Christopher D. The origins of southeast Asian weaving traditions: the perspective from archaeology Asian Archaeology [Buckley, 2023 #37234]
Journal Article 2023 Chen, Xiaoying Guomo open-air sire (15-12 ka) in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, southern China: A new cobble-based industry for rethinking the definition of "Hoabinhian" Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports [Chen, 2023 #37228]
Journal Article 2023 Wu, Hong-jia Predictive modeling for neolithic settlements in the Lingnan Region, South China Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports [Wu, 2023 #37209]
Journal Article 2023 Tian, Chun New lithic evidence from Terminal Pleistocene-Early Holocene Zhongshan Rockshelter, Guangxi, southern China Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports [Tian, 2023 #37194]
Journal Article 2022 Li, Hao Mobility and settlement dynamics of Large Cutting Tool makers in the subtropical forests of South China: A simulated ecological approach Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports [Li, 2022 #37086]
Journal Article 2022 Deng, Zhenhua First farmers in the South China coast: new evidence from the Gancaoling site of Guangdong Province Frontiers in Earth Science [Deng, 2022 #37084]
Journal Article 2022 Zou, Guisen From bowl furnaces to small shaft furnaces: new evidence from ancient bloomery iron smelting site at Liuzhuoling in Guangxi, Southern China, ca. 400 to 700 AD Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [Zou, 2022 #37067]
Book Section 2022 Ciarla, Roberto The origins of the Bronze Age in Mainland Southeast Asia The Oxford Handbook of Early Southeast Asia [Ciarla, 2022 #37030]
Journal Article 2022 Feng, Yue The environmental and cultural contexts of early pottery in south China
from the perspective of behavioral diversity in the Terminal Pleistocene
Quaternary International [Feng, 2022 #36989]
Journal Article 2021 Xie, Guangmao Stratigraphy and chronology of the palaeolithic industry in Bose Basin, South China: Excavation of Gaolingpo Archaeological Research in Asia [Xie, 2021 #37132]
Journal Article 2021 Dai, Jinqi Earliest arrival of millet in the South China coast dating back to 5,500 years ago Journal of Archaeological Science [Dai, 2021 #37128]
Journal Article 2021 Li, Dawei Ecological change and human responses to the YD in a subtropical area: Archaeological evidences and isotope records from Zhongshan site, south China Quaternary International [Li, 2021 #37110]
Journal Article 2021 Sun, Xue-feng Ancient DNA and multimethod dating confirm the late arrival of anatomically modern humans in southern China PNAS [Sun, 2021 #36966]
Journal Article 2021 Zhu, Simei Subsistence and health in Middle Neolithic (9000-7000 BP) southern China: new evidence from the Dingsishan site Antiquity [Zhu, 2021 #36907]
Journal Article 2020 Tian, Chun Human behavioral responses to the 8.2 ka BP climatic event: archaeological evidence from the Zhongshandong cave site in Bubing Basin, Guangxi, southern China Quaternary International [Tian, 2020 #36862]
Journal Article 2020 Cheng, Liuling Environmental fluctuation impacted the evolution of Early Pleistocene non-human primates: biomarker and geochemical evidence from Mohui Cave (Bubing, Guangxi, southern China) Quaternary International [Cheng, 2020 #36859]
Journal Article 2020 Liang, Hua A late Middle Pleistocene mammalian fauna recovered in northeast Guangxi, southern China: implications for regional biogeography Quaternary International [Liang, 2020 #36856]
Journal Article 2020 Yao, Yanyan New discovery of Late Pleistocene modern human teeth from Chongzuo, Guangxi, southern China Quaternary International [Yao, 2020 #36854]
Journal Article 2019 Yin, Jian-Jun Rainfall variability and vegetation recovery in rocky desertification areas recorded in recently-deposited stalagmites from Guilin, South China Quaternary International [Yin, 2019 #26688]
Journal Article 2019 Gao, Yang Holocene climate dynamics derived from pollen record of Jiulongchi wetland in Fanjing Mountain, southwest China Quaternary International [Gao, 2019 #26687]
Journal Article 2019 Ge, Wei Investigating the late neolithic millet agriculture in Southeast China: new multidisciplinary evidences Quaternary International [Ge, 2019 #26686]
Journal Article 2019 Liao, Wei Mosaic dental morphology in a terminal Pleistocene hominin from Dushan Cave in southern China Scientific Reports [Liao, 2019 #26668]
Journal Article 2019 Hung, Hsiao-chun Prosperity and complexity without farming: the South China Coast, c. 5000–3000 BC Antiquity [Hung, 2019 #26663]
Journal Article 2019 Wei Ge Investigating the late neolithic millet agriculture in Southeast China: New multidisciplinary evidences Quaternary International [Wei 2019 #19020]
Journal Article 2019 Deng, Zhenhua Food and ritual resources in hunter-gatherer societies: canarium nuts in southern China and beyond Antiquity [Deng, 2019 #19012]
Journal Article 2019 Hung, Hsiao-chun Prosperity and complexity without farming: the South China Coast, c. 5000–3000 BC Antiquity [Hung, 2019 #18971]
Journal Article 2019 Li, Yinghua Luobi Cave, South China: a comparative perspective on a novel cobble-tool industry associated with bone-tool technology during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition Journal of World Prehistory [Li, 2019 #18959]
Journal Article 2019 Sun, Weiwei Holocene based on stable isotope evidence from Lake Chenghai, southwest China Quaternary Science Reviews [Sun, 2019 #18937]