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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section Hogan, L. M. Metallographic analysis of iron artifacts from Non Phrik, Thailand Ancient Chinese and Southeast Asian bronze age cultures [Hogan, #24861]
Book Section 2015 Bennett, Anna Manufacture, use and trade of late prehistoric iron billhooks from mainland Southeast Asia Metals and civilizations [Bennett, 2015 #22402]
Journal Article 2003 Veldhuijzen, Harald Alexander 'Slag_Fun' - a new tool for archaeometallurgy: development of an analytical (P)ED-XRF method for iron-rich materials Papers from the Institute of Archaeology [Veldhuijzen, 2003 #28541]
Journal Article 1989 Hogan, L. M. Metallurgical analysis of iron artefacts from Thailand Journal of the Historical Metallurgy Society [Hogan, 1989 #35582]
Thesis 1988 Hogan, L. M. Metallographic analysis of four iron artifacts excavated in northeast Thailand. Appendix 4 to The prehistory of western Udon Thani and Loei Provinces, northeast Thailand, by p. 327-386 [Hogan, 1988 #36422]
Book Section 1984 Pigott, Vincent C. Prehistoric iron in Southeast Asia: new evidence from northeast Thailand Southeast Asian Archaeology at the XV Pacific Science Congress: The Origins of Agriculture, Metallurgy, and the State in Mainland Southeast Asia [Pigott, 1984 #25053]
Thesis 1982 Bennett, Anna Metallurgical analysis of iron artifacts from Ban Don Ta Phet, Thailand Institute of Archaeology [Bennett, 1982 #36424]