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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2015 Guodong Jia, Biogeochemical evidence of Holocene East Asian summer and winter monsoon variability from a tropical maar lake in southern China Quaternary Science Reviews [Guodong 2015 #28045]
Journal Article 2011 Marwick, Ben Late Pleistocene monsoon variability in northwest Thailand: an oxygen isotope sequence from the bivalve <i>Margaritanopsis laosensis</i> excavated in Mae Hong Son province Quaternary Science Reviews [Marwick, 2011 #28694]
Journal Article 2011 Fuller, Dorian Q. The contribution of rice agriculture and livestock pastoralism to prehistoric methane levels: an archaeological assessment Holocene [Fuller, 2011 #28453]
Journal Article 2009 Dodson, J. Early bronze in two Holocene archaeological sites in Gansu, NW China Quaternary Research [Dodson, 2009 #29048]
Journal Article 2007 Tran, Trong Hoa Permo-Triassic intermediate-felsic magmatism of the Truong Son belt, eastern margin of Indochina Comptes Rendus Geoscience [Tran, 2007 #27750]
Book Section in a Series 2004 Koulkova, M. A. Applications of geochemistry to paleoenvironmental reconstruction in southern Siberia Impact of the environment on human migration in Eurasia [Koulkova, 2004 #25694]
Journal Article 2003 McGregor, Helen V. Diagenesis and geochemistry of <i>Porites</i> corals from Papua New Guinea: implications for paleoclimate reconstruction Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta [McGregor, 2003 #28586]
Thesis 2001 Carter, Melinda Lee Sensitivity of stable isotopes (<sup> 13</sup>C, <sup> 15</sup>N, and <sup> 18</sup>O) in bone to dietary specialization and niche separation among sympatric primates in Kibale National Park, Uganda Department of Anthropology [Carter, 2001 #36405]
Book Section 2001 Ehleringer, James R. Photosynthetic pathways and climate Global biogeochemical cycles in the climate system [Ehleringer, 2001 #24464]
Book Section 2001 Buchmann, Nina Carbon isotope discrimination of terrestrial ecosystems- how well do observed and modeled results match? Global biogeochemical cycles in the climate system [Buchmann, 2001 #24463]
Book Section 2001 Evershed, R. P. Lipids in archaeology Handbook of archaeological sciences [Evershed, 2001 #23467]
Book (Edited) 2001 Schulze, Ernst-Detlef Global biogeochemical cycles in the climate system [Schulze, 2001 #21582]
Journal Article 1997 Christanty, L. ‘Without bamboo, the land dies’: A conceptual model of the biogeochemical role of bamboo in an Indonesian agroforestry system Forest Ecology and Management [Christanty, 1997 #28848]
Book Section 1996 Crowhurst, P. V. Thermochronological and geochemical constraints on the tectonic evolution of nothern Papua New Guinea Tectonic evolution of Southeast Asia [Crowhurst, 1996 #23112]
Book 1995 Larcher, Walter Physiological plant ecology. Ecophysiology and stress physiology of functional groups [Larcher, 1995 #20973]
Book Section 1994 Lajitha, K. Sources of variation in the stable isotopic composition of plants Stable isotopes in ecology and environmental science [Lajitha, 1994 #24455]
Book Section 1994 Nadelhoffer, K. J. Nitrogen isotope studies in forest ecosystems Stable isotopes in ecology and environmental science [Nadelhoffer, 1994 #24454]
Book Section 1994 Koch, P. L. Tracing the diets of fossil animals using stable isotopes Stable isotopes in ecology and environmental science [Koch, 1994 #24453]
Book Section 1994 Yoshinari, T. The use of stable isotopes for the study of gaseous nitrogen species in marine environments Stable isotopes in ecology and environmental science [Yoshinari, 1994 #24452]
Book Section 1994 Michener, R. H. Stable isotope ratios as tracers in marine aquatic food webs Stable isotopes in ecology and environmental science [Michener, 1994 #24451]
Book Section 1994 Coffin, R. B. The use of stable carbon isotopes to study microbial processes in estuaries Stable isotopes in ecology and environmental science [Coffin, 1994 #24450]
Book Section 1994 Macko, S. A. Compound-specific approaches using stable isotopes Stable isotopes in ecology and environmental science [Macko, 1994 #24449]
Book in a Series 1994 Lajtha, Kate Stable isotopes in ecology and environmental science [Lajtha, 1994 #21891]
Book Section 1990 Herz, N. Stable isotope geochemistry applied to archaeology Archaeological Geology of North America [Herz, 1990 #24598]
Book Section 1989 Ehleringer, J. R. Stable isotopes: history, units, and instrumentation Stable isotopes in ecological research [Ehleringer, 1989 #24461]
Book Section 1989 Farquhar, G. D. Carbon isotope fractionation and plant water-use efficiency Stable isotopes in ecological research [Farquhar, 1989 #24459]
Book Section 1989 Tieszen, L. L. Stable carbon isotopes in terrestrial ecosystem research Stable isotopes in ecological research [Tieszen, 1989 #24458]
Book Section 1989 Virgina, R. A. The use of variation in the natural abundance of <sup>15</sup>N to assess symbiotic nitrogen fixation by woody plants Stable isotopes in ecological research [Virgina, 1989 #24457]
Book Section 1989 Fry, B. delta<sup>13</sup>C measurements as indicators of carbon flow in marine and freshwater ecosystems Stable isotopes in ecological research [Fry, 1989 #24456]
Book in a Series 1989 Rundel, P. W. Stable isotopes in ecological research [Rundel, 1989 #21892]