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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2023 Pryce, T. O. A partial prehistory of the Southwest Silk Road: archaeometallurgical networks along the Sub-Himalayan Corridor Cambridge Archaeological Journal [Pryce, 2023 #37222]
Journal Article 2018 Berger, Daniel Tin isotope fractionation during experimental cassiterite smelting and its implication for tracing the tin sources of prehistoric metal artefacts Journal of Archaeological Science [Berger, 2018 #26816]
Journal Article 2016 Carter, Alison Kyra Geologic provenience analysis of agate and carnelian beads using laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS): a case study from iron age Cambodia and Thailand Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports [Carter, 2016 #27740]
Book Section in a Series 2016 Carter, Alison K. Determining the provenience of garnet beads using LA-ICP-MS Recent Advances in Laser Ablation ICP-MS for Archaeology [Carter, 2016 #25345]
Journal Article 2015 Niziolek, Lisa C. A compositional study of a selection of Song Dynasty Chinese ceramics from the <i>Java Sea Shipwreck</i>: results from LA-ICP-MS analysis Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology [Niziolek, 2015 #27652]
Journal Article 2014 Makoundi, Charles Geology, geochemistry and metallogenesis of the Selinsing gold deposit, central Malaysia Gondwana Research [Makoundi, 2014 #28057]
Journal Article 2014 Reinecke, Andreas Projear, Kambodscha: Eine Benchmark für das frühe Goldhandwerk in Südostasien e-Forschungs Berichte [Reinecke, 2014 #27732]
Book Section 2013 Lankton, James W. Early glass in Southeast Asia Modern methods for analysing archaeological and historic glass [Lankton, 2013 #22356]
Journal Article 2012 Schlosser, Sandra Cambodian gold and silver from Prohear: composition, trace elements and gilding Journal of Archaeological Science [Schlosser, 2012 #28313]
Journal Article 2009 Torrence, Robin Mid-Holocene social interaction in Melanesia: new evidence from hammer-dressed obsidian stemmed tools Asian Perspectives (2009) [Torrence, 2009 #29220]
Thesis 2001 Dussubieux, Laure L'apport de l'ablation laser couplée à l'ICP-MS à la caractérisation des verres : application à l'étude du verre archéologique de l'Océan Indien Chemistry [Dussubieux, 2001 #36322]