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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1990 Wright, Michael Sacrifice and the underworld: death and fertility in Siamese myth and ritual Journal of the Siam Society [Wright, 1990 #36719]
Journal Article 2016 Willman, John C. Incisor ablation among the late upper paleolithic people of Tam Hang (Northern Laos): Social identity, mortuary practice, and oral health American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Willman, 2016 #37191]
Journal Article 1991 Wichikana, M. Prehistoric sacrifices at Noen U-Loke Muang Boran Journal [Wichikana, 1991 #32509]
Journal Article 1976 Walker, Anthony R. A Lahu Nyi (Red Lahu) prayer at childbirth: Lahu text and brief ethnographic note Journal of the Siam Society [Walker, 1976 #36819]
Journal Article 1972 Walker, Anthony R. Aw ha hku ve: the Lahu Nyi rite for the recall of a wandering soul Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland [Walker, 1972 #35213]
Journal Article 1974 Walker, Anthony R. Three Lahu Nyi (Red Lahu) marriage prayers: Lahu texts and ethnographic notes Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland [Walker, 1974 #35207]
Journal Article 1972 Walker, Anthony R. Blessing feasts and ancestor propitiation among the Lahu Nyi (Red Lahu) Journal of the Siam Society [Walker, 1972 #34221]
BAR Section 1990 Vera, Elenita Z. de Pigs and rituals on Bohol Island, Philippines Southeast Asian Archaeology 1986: Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe [Vera, 1990 #19704]
Journal Article 2000 Underhill, Anne P. An analysis of mortuary ritual at the Dawenkou site, Shandong, China Journal of East Asian Archaeology [Underhill, 2000 #33687]
Book 1986 Traube, Elizabeth G. Cosmology and social life: ritual exchange among the Mambai of East Timor [Traube, 1986 #19877]
Book (Edited) 1992 Terwiel, B. J. Tai Ahoms and the stars: three ritual texts to ward off danger [Terwiel, 1992 #21602]
Book Section 1978 Temiyabandha, Vivat Rituals in house building Northern domestic architecture and rituals in house-building [Temiyabandha, 1978 #25110]
Book Section 2007 Telle, Kari G. Nurturance and the spectre of neglect: Sasak ways of dealing with the dead Kinship and food in South East Asia [Telle, 2007 #22585]
Book Section 2000 Tapp, Nicholas Ritual relations and identity: Hmong and others Civility and Savagery [Tapp, 2000 #23258]
Book 1986 T'ien, Ju-k'ang Religious cults of the Pai-i along the Burma-Yunnan border Southeast Asia Program Series [T'ien, 1986 #21058]
Journal Article 2009 Sprenger, Guido Invisible blood: self-censorship and the public in uplander ritual, Laos Asian Journal of Social Science [Sprenger, 2009 #28659]
Journal Article 2006 Sprenger, Guido The end of rituals: a dialogue between theory and ethnography in Laos Paideuma [Sprenger, 2006 #28657]
Journal Article 2002 Spielmann, Katherine A. Feasting, craft specialization, and the ritual mode of production in small-scale societies American Anthropologist [Spielmann, 2002 #33646]
Book Section 2007 Sparkes, Stephen Rice for the ancestors: food offerings, kinship and merit among the Isan of Northeast Thailand Kinship and food in South East Asia [Sparkes, 2007 #22581]
Journal Article 2008 Smith, Barbara Li Mortuary treatment, pathology, and social relations of the Jiahu community Asian Perspectives (2008) [Smith, 2008 #29238]
Journal Article 1990 Smith-Hefner, Nancy J. The litany of "The World's Beginning": a Hindu-Javanese purification text Journal of Southeast Asian History [Smith-Hefner, 1990 #32289]
Book Section 2011 Slaczka, Anna A. 'The depositing of the embryo' - temple consecration rituals in the Hundu tradition of South and Southeast Asia: a study of the textual and archaeological evidence Early interactions between South and Southeast Asia: reflections on cross-cultural exchange [Slaczka, 2011 #23006]
Book Section 2011 Skilling, Peter Buddhism and the circulation of ritual in early peninsular Southeast Asia Early interactions between South and Southeast Asia: reflections on cross-cultural exchange [Skilling, 2011 #23009]
Journal Article 1996 Shelach, Gideon The Qiang and the question of human sacrifice in the late Shang period Asian Perspectives (1996) [Shelach, 1996 #32826]
Book 1997 Schiller, Anne Small sacrifices: religious change and cultural identity among the Ngaju of Indonesia [Schiller, 1997 #20804]
Book Section 2003 Sakai, Minako Publicizing rituals and privatizing meanings: negotiating an identity of the Gumai in Sumatra Founders' cults in Southeast Asia: ancestors, polity, and identity [Sakai, 2003 #23238]
Book in a Series 1989 Russell, Susan Diana Ritual, power, and economy: upland-lowland contrasts in mainland Southeast Asia [Russell, 1989 #21795]
Book 1991 Roseman, Marina Healing sounds from the Malaysian rainforest: Teminar music and medicine Comparative Studies of Health Systems and Medical Care [Roseman, 1991 #19881]
Journal Article 1979 Rittenberg, William Formal structures of coordination in a Thai ceremony Human Studies [Rittenberg, 1979 #30327]
Journal Article 1987 Rhum, Michael R. The cosmology of power in Lanna Journal of the Siam Society [Rhum, 1987 #34293]