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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book 1992 Ba Shu qing tong qi [ 1992 #20155]
Book Section 1993 Zhu, Shoukang Studies of ancient Chinese mirrors and other bronze artefacts Metal plating and patination: cultural, technical, and historical developments [Zhu, 1993 #23799]
Book 1995 Zhu, Fenghan Gudai Zhongguo qingtongqi [Zhu, 1995 #20037]
Book Section in a Series 2020 Zahorka, Herwig The hidden, unique, bronze battleship from Mt. Dobo, East Flores, Indonesia, assumed to date to the Dong-So'n period EurASEAA14: papers from the Fourteenth International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists. Volume 1: ancient and living traditions [Zahorka, 2020 #36739]
Journal Article 2020 Yun, Yali Characteristic features of metal artifacts excavated in western Yunnan in the Bronze Age Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [Yun, 2020 #36659]
Journal Article 1992 Yokokura, M. Dongson bronze drums from Thailand Journal of Southeast Asian Archaeology [Yokokura, 1992 #29002]
Journal Article 2010 Yao, Alice Recent developments in the archaeology of Southwestern China Journal of Archaeological Research [Yao, 2010 #28838]
Journal Article 2024 Yang, Zishu New evidence of metal exchange in Southeast Asia during the Iron Age: scientific analysis of excavated bronze in Vilabouly, Laos Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [Yang, 2024 #37303]
Journal Article 1997 Yang, Y. I. Shenzhen ji linjin diqu xian Qin qingtongqi zhuzao jishu de kaocha (a study of pre-Qin bronze casting techniques in Shanzhen and surrounding areas) Kaogu [Yang, 1997 #28323]
Book Section in a Series 2006 Yan Sun, Cultural and political control in north China: style and use of the bronzes of Yan at Liulihe during the early Western Zhou Contact and Exchange in the Ancient World [Yan 2006 #25734]
Journal Article 2001 Yamagata, Mariko Western Han bronze mirrors recently discovered in central and southern Viet Nam Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Yamagata, 2001 #34037]
Journal Article 2016 Xiaopan Fan, Sourcing copper ores for produciton of bronzes excavated at Shuangyantangm a western Zhou (1046-771 BC) site in Chonqing (Southwest China): evidence from lead isotope analysis Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [Xiaopan 2016 #26804]
Thesis 2010 Wo, Haowei Archäometrische untersuchungen an antiken chinesischen bronzen der Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften [Wo, 2010 #36346]
Book Section 2014 White, Joyce C. The transmission of early bronze technology to Thailand: new perspectives Archaeometallurgy in global perspective: methods and syntheses [White, 2014 #22780]
Journal Article 1964 Wertime, T. A. Man's first encounters with metallurgy Science [Wertime, 1964 #33755]
Book Section 1988 Wayman, Michael L. Bronze metallurgy at Roccagloriosa Proceedings of the 26th International Archaeometry Symposium [Wayman, 1988 #23800]
Book Section 2009 Wang, Quanyu Some Observations on Recent Studies of Bronze Casting Technology in Ancient China Metals and societies: studies in honour of Barbara S. Ottaway [Wang, 2009 #22926]
BAR Book 2002 Wang, Quanyu Metalworking technology and deterioration of Jin bronzes from the Tianma-Qucun site, Shanxi, China [Wang, 2002 #19638]
Book Section in a Series 1951 Voce, E. Examination of specimens from the Pitt Rivers Museum Notes on the prehistoric metallurgy of copper and bronze in the Old World [Voce, 1951 #25756]
Thesis 2012 Vincent, Brice Étude de la métallurgie du bronze dans le Cambodge angkorien (fin du XIe début du XIIIe siècle) Language, Civilization and Eastern societies [Vincent, 2012 #36345]
Book Section 2012 Vincent, Brice Khmer bronze metallurgy during the Angkorian period (twelfth to thirteenth centuries): technical investigation of a new selected corpus of artifacts from the National Museum of Cambodia, Phnom Penh Scientific research on ancient Asian metallurgy: proceedings of the Fifth Forbes Symposium at the Freer Gallery of Art [Vincent, 2012 #22647]
Journal Article 1954 van Heekeren, H. R. Bronzen keteltrommen Oriëntatie [van 1954 #29560]
Journal Article 2008 TzeHuey Chiou-Peng, Dian bronze art: its source and formation Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [TzeHuey 2008 #29488]
Journal Article 1985 Tylecote, R. F. The apparent tinning of bronze axes and other artifacts Journal of the Historical Metallurgy Society [Tylecote, 1985 #29702]
Journal Article 1992 Swann, C. P. Recent applications of PIXE spectrometry in archaeology I. Characterization of bronzes with special consideration of the influence of corrosion processes on data reliability Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms [Swann, 1992 #29703]
Book Section in a Series 2000 Sun Shuyun, Report on a bronze fragment (WT196H617:14) from Longshan Phase IV at Wangchenggang, Dengfeng The beginnings of metallurgy in China [Sun 2000 #25671]
Book Section in a Series 2000 Sun Shuyun, Test results on bronzes found at Yinjiacheng (Yueshi culture) in Sishui County, Shandong The beginnings of metallurgy in China [Sun 2000 #25668]
Journal Article 2009 Stratton, Carol Sop-Li, a late fifteenth century bronze workshop in Lan Na Journal of the Siam Society [Stratton, 2009 #36675]
Book Section 2013 Srinivasan, Sharada Techno-cultural perspectives on medieval Southeast Asia and southern India: pallava bronzes and beyond Materializing Southeast Asia's past: selected papers from the 12th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Srinivasan, 2013 #22793]
Book Section 2015 Srinivasan, Sharada Bronze image casting in Tanjavur District, Tamil Nadu: ethnoarchaeological and archaeometallurgical insights Metals and civilizations [Srinivasan, 2015 #22385]