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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2020 Zachwieja, Alexandra J. Understanding Late Pleistocene human land preference using ecological niche models in an Australasian test case Quaternary International [Zachwieja, 2020 #36855]
Journal Article 1985 Yoffee, Norman Perspectives on 'trends towards social complexity in prehistoric Australia and Papua New Guinea' Archaeology in Oceania [Yoffee, 1985 #32375]
Journal Article 2002 Yanagihara, Richard JC virus genotypes in the Western Pacific suggest Asian mainland relationships and virus association with early population movements Human Biology [Yanagihara, 2002 #33722]
Journal Article 1985 Worthing, Michael A. Sources of axes from Loloata Island, Papua New Guinea Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Worthing, 1985 #35740]
Journal Article 2001 Wilson, Meredith Dating the rock art of Vanuatu: AMS radiocarbon determinations from abandoned mud-wasp nests and charcoal pigment found in superimposition Rock Art Research [Wilson, 2001 #29296]
Journal Article 1991 Wickler, Stephen Prehistoric Melanesian exchange and interaction: recent evidence from the northern Solomon Islands Asian Perspectives (1990) [Wickler, 1991 #32956]
Journal Article 1988 Wickler, S. Pleistocene human occupation of the Solomon Islands, Melanesia Antiquity [Wickler, 1988 #29326]
Journal Article 1967 White, J. Peter Ethno-archaeology in New Guinea: two examples The Australian Journal of Anthropology [White, 1967 #35924]
Journal Article 1969 White, J. Peter Typologies for some prehistoric flaked stone artefacts of the Australian New Guinea highlands Archaeology and Physical Anthropology in Oceania [White, 1969 #35910]
Journal Article 1980 White, J. Peter Melanesian prehistory: some recent advances Science [White, 1980 #33955]
Book 1977 Watson, Virginia D. Prehistory of the eastern highlands of New Guinea [Watson, 1977 #21012]
Journal Article 1982 Vasey, Daniel E. Subsistence potential of the pre-colonial Port Moresby area, with reference to the Hiri trade Archaeology in Oceania [Vasey, 1982 #32380]
Book Section 1999 Valentin, Frédérique Sur le peuplement mélanésien de la Nouvelle-Calédonie: quelques aspects anthropologiques Le Pacifique de 5000 à 2000 avant le présent [Valentin, 1999 #23997]
Journal Article 1990 Turner, Christy G., II Major features of Sundadonty and Sinodonty, including suggestions about East Asian microevolution, population history and late Pleistocene relationships with Australian aboriginals American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Turner, 1990 #35355]
Journal Article 1978 Turner, Christy G., II The dentition of New Britain West Nakanai Melanesians, VIII. Peopling of the Pacific American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Turner, 1978 #34464]
Journal Article 2009 Torrence, Robin Mid-Holocene social interaction in Melanesia: new evidence from hammer-dressed obsidian stemmed tools Asian Perspectives (2009) [Torrence, 2009 #29220]
Book Section in a Series 1993 Torrence, Robin Obsidian tools: a study in prehistoric Melanesian trade People of the stone age: hunter-gatherers and early farmers [Torrence, 1993 #25891]
Journal Article 2001 Terrell, John Edward Foregone conclusions? In search of "Papuans" and "Austronesians" Current Anthropology [Terrell, 2001 #32471]
Journal Article 1991 Terrell, John Trade networks, a real integration, and diversity along the north coast of New Guinea Asian Perspectives (1990) [Terrell, 1991 #32958]
Journal Article 1991 Swadling, Pamela Settlements associated with the inland Sepik-Ramu Sea Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Swadling, 1991 #35570]
Journal Article 2001 Summerhayes, Glenn R. Far Western, Western, and Eastern Lapita: a re-evaluation Asian Perspectives (2000) [Summerhayes, 2001 #32750]
Journal Article 2009 Summerhayes, Glenn R. Obsidian network patterns in Melanesia - sources, characterisation and distribution Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Summerhayes, 2009 #29078]
Book Section 1992 Summerhayes, G. Recent advances in Melanesian obsidian sourcing: results of the 1990 and 1991 PIXE/PIME analyses Poterie Lapita et peuplement: actes du Colloque Lapita, Nouméa, Nouvelle Calédonie, Janvier 1992 [Summerhayes, 1992 #24074]
Report 1979 Spriggs, Matthew The early New Hebrideans [Spriggs, 1979 #36213]
Journal Article 1989 Spriggs, Matthew Archaeological research on Erromango: recent data on southern Melanesian prehistory Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Spriggs, 1989 #35719]
Journal Article 1992 Spriggs, Matthew Review of "The traditional pottery of Papua New Guinea" by Patricia May and Margaret Tuckson Asian Perspectives (1992) [Spriggs, 1992 #32926]
Book Section in a Series 1982 Spriggs, Matthew Irrigation in Melanesia: formative adaptation and intensification Melanesia: beyond diversity [Spriggs, 1982 #25630]
Book Section 1986 Spriggs, Matthew Landscape, land use and political transformation in southern Melanesia Island societies: archaeological approaches to evolution and transformation [Spriggs, 1986 #23621]
Book Section 1992 Spriggs, Matthew What happens to Lapita in Melanesia? Poterie Lapita et peuplement: actes du Colloque Lapita, Nouméa, Nouvelle Calédonie, Janvier 1992 [Spriggs, 1992 #23620]
Book Section 1996 Spriggs, Matthew Early agriculture and what went before in Island Melanesia: continuity or intrusion? The origins and spread of agriculture and pastoralism in Eurasia [Spriggs, 1996 #23615]