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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1973 Kahlke, H. D. A review of the Pleistocene history of the Orang-Utan (Pongo Lacépède 1799) Asian Perspectives (1972) [Kahlke, 1973 #33266]
Journal Article 1998 Deakin, W. J. Amplification and sequencing of DNA from preserved sorghum of up to 2800 years antiquity found at Qasr Ibrim Ancient Biomolecules [Deakin, 1998 #32416]
Journal Article 2005 Dlamini, N. An investigation of the frequency of squatting facets in later stone age foragers from South Africa International Journal of Osteoarchaeology [Dlamini, 2005 #30145]
Journal Article 1996 Iacumin, P. An isotopic palaeoenvironmental study of human skeletal remains from the Nile Valley Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Iacumin, 1996 #34653]
Thesis 1946 Shiah, N. Ancient Egyptian beads Egyptology [Shiah, 1946 #36351]
Journal Article 2009 McGovern, Patrick E. Ancient Egyptian herbal wines PNAS [McGovern, 2009 #28764]
Book (Edited) 2000 Nicholson, Paul T. Ancient Egyptian materials and technology [Nicholson, 2000 #21457]
Journal Article 1983 Gorelick, L Ancient Egyptian stone-drilling: an experimental perspective on a scholarly disagreement Expedition [Gorelick, 1983 #29639]
Journal Article 1968 Race, G. J. Ancient Nubian human bone: a chemical and ultrastructural characterization including collagen American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Race, 1968 #34546]
Journal Article 1979 Vérin, Pierre Archaeological research in Madagascar Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Vérin, 1979 #35772]
Journal Article 1979 Verin, Pierre Archaeological research in Madagaskar Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Verin, 1979 #29190]
Book 1970 Fergusson, J. Archéologie des hautes terres et de l'Afrique orientale: anthropologie [Fergusson, 1970 #20595]
Journal Article 1986 Horton, Mark Asiatic colonization of the East African coast: the Manda evidence Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland [Horton, 1986 #31498]
Book Section 2000 Nenna, Marie-Dominique Ateliers primaires et secondaires en Égypte à l'époque Gréco-Romaine La route du verre- Ateliers primaires et secondaires du secondaires du second millénaire av. J.-C. au Moyen Âge [Nenna, 2000 #22747]
Journal Article 2002 Close, Angela E. Backed Bladelets Are a Foreign Country Thinking Small: Global Perspectives on Microlithization [Close, 2002 #19026]
Magazine Article 1980 Francis, Peter, Jr. Bead report III: beads in Egypt Ornament [Francis, 1980 #36063]
Journal Article 1987 Dettwyler, Katherine A. Breastfeeding and weaning in Mali: cultural context and hard data Social Science and Medicine [Dettwyler, 1987 #34730]
Book Section 2014 Killick, David Cairo to Cape: the spread of metallurgy through eastern and southern Africa Archaeometallurgy in global perspective: methods and syntheses [Killick, 2014 #22760]
Journal Article 1978 DeNiro, Michael J. Carbon isotopic evidence for difference feeding patterns in two hyrax species occupying the same habitat Science [DeNiro, 1978 #34739]
Book 1972 Filesi, Teobaldi China and Africa in the Middle Ages [Filesi, 1972 #20593]
Book Section 1949 Duyvendak, J. J. L. China's discovery of Africa Lectures given at the University of London on January 22nd and 23rd, 1947 [Duyvendak, 1949 #23830]
Book Section 1987 Rigby, Peter Class formation among east African pastoralists: Maasai of Tanzania and Kenya Power relations and state formation [Rigby, 1987 #23829]
Journal Article 1989 Ambrose, Stanley H. Climate and habitat reconstruction using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of collagen in prehistoric herbivore teeth from Kenya Quaternary Research [Ambrose, 1989 #34805]
Book Section 1974 Santhanam, V. Cotton Evolutionary studies in world crops [Santhanam, 1974 #23317]
Journal Article 1994 Lee-Thorp, Julia A. Diet of <i>Australopithecus robustus</i> at Swartkrans from stable carbon isotope analysis Journal of Human Evolution [Lee-Thorp, 1994 #34607]
Journal Article 2000 Sealy, Judith Diet, Body Size, and Landscape Use among Holocene People in the Southern Cape, South Africa Current Anthropology [Sealy, 2000 #34330]
Journal Article 1997 Cerling, Thure E. Dietary and environmental reconstruction with stable isotope analyses of herbivore tooth enamel from the Miocene locality of Fort Ternan, Kenya Journal of Human Evolution [Cerling, 1997 #34762]
Book Section 2015 Canavas, Constantin Early use of iron in Aksum - trade and technology transfer across the Ethiopian highland Metals and civilizations [Canavas, 2015 #22405]
Book (Edited) 1975 Chittick, N. East Africa and the Orient: cultural syntheses in pre-colonial times [Chittick, 1975 #21513]
Journal Article 1981 Whitcomb, Donald Egypt and the spice trade Archaeology [Whitcomb, 1981 #29269]