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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 1984 Miller, Daniel 'Malwa' and 'Jorwe' in the chalcolithic of India South Asian Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Cambridge University 5-10 July 1981 [Miller, 1984 #23348]
Book Section 1984 Gropp, Gerd A Namazga II find in Eastern Iran (abstract) South Asian Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Cambridge University 5-10 July 1981 [Gropp, 1984 #23359]
Book Section 1984 Fiandra, E. A proposal for a multi-stage approach to research on clay sealings in protohistorical administrative procedures South Asian Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Cambridge University 5-10 July 1981 [Fiandra, 1984 #23360]
Book Section 1984 van Lohuizen de Leeuw, J. E. A unique piece of ivory carving - the oldest known chessman South Asian Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Cambridge University 5-10 July 1981 [van 1984 #23344]
Book Section 1984 Sherrier, J. An important relic stupa with four free-standing figures South Asian Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Cambridge University 5-10 July 1981 [Sherrier, 1984 #23342]
Book Section 1984 Ahmed, Nazimuddin An uncommon group of pre-Mughal monuments in Bangladesh South Asian Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Cambridge University 5-10 July 1981 [Ahmed, 1984 #23332]
Book Section 1984 Clason, A. T. Animal-man relationship in southern Asia during the Holocene South Asian Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Cambridge University 5-10 July 1981 [Clason, 1984 #23328]
Book Section 1984 Biscione, R. Baluchistan presence in the ceramic assemblage of Period I at Shahr-i Sokhta South Asian Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Cambridge University 5-10 July 1981 [Biscione, 1984 #23365]
Book Section 1984 Jarrige, J.-F. Chronology of the earlier period of the Greater Indus as seen from Mehrgarh, Pakistan South Asian Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Cambridge University 5-10 July 1981 [Jarrige, 1984 #23706]
Book Section 1984 Mariani, Luca Craftsmen's quarters in the proto-urban settlements of the Middle East: the surface analysis South Asian Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Cambridge University 5-10 July 1981 [Mariani, 1984 #23361]
Book Section 1984 Stacul, Giorgio Cultural change in the Swat Valley and beyond, c. 3000- 1400 BC South Asian Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Cambridge University 5-10 July 1981 [Stacul, 1984 #23349]
Book Section 1984 Hojgaard, Karen Dental anthropology in relation to the north-west coast of the Indian sub-continent in the third millennium BC South Asian Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Cambridge University 5-10 July 1981 [Hojgaard, 1984 #23350]
Book Section 1984 Taddei, Maurizio Evidence of a fire cult at Tapa Sardar, Ghazni (Afghanistan) South Asian Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Cambridge University 5-10 July 1981 [Taddei, 1984 #23340]
Book Section 1984 Verardi, Giovanni Gandharan imagery at Tapa Sardar South Asian Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Cambridge University 5-10 July 1981 [Verardi, 1984 #23341]
Book Section 1984 Fairservis, Walter A. Harappan civilisation according to its writing South Asian Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Cambridge University 5-10 July 1981 [Fairservis, 1984 #23356]
Book Section 1984 Weisgerber, Gerd Makan and Meluhha - third millennium BC copper production in Oman and the evidence of contact with the Indus Valley South Asian Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Cambridge University 5-10 July 1981 [Weisgerber, 1984 #23351]
Book Section 1984 Deo, S. B. Megalithic problems of the Deccan South Asian Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Cambridge University 5-10 July 1981 [Deo, 1984 #23347]
Book Section 1984 Seeley, Nigel J. Metallurgical investigations of three early Indian coinages: implications for metal trading and dynastic chronology South Asian Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Cambridge University 5-10 July 1981 [Seeley, 1984 #23329]
Book Section 1984 Parpola, Asko New correspondences between Harappan and Near Eastern glyptic art South Asian Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Cambridge University 5-10 July 1981 [Parpola, 1984 #23352]
Book Section 1984 von Dewall, Magdalene New evidence on the ancient bronze kettle-drum of Southeast Asia from recent Chinese finds South Asian Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Cambridge University 5-10 July 1981 [von 1984 #23849]
Book Section 1984 Baker, Piers New work on Shahr-i Zohak, Afghanistan: a summary South Asian Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Cambridge University 5-10 July 1981 [Baker, 1984 #23339]
Book Section 1984 Meadow, R. H. Notes on the faunal remains from Mehrgarh, Pakistan, with a focus on cattle South Asian Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Cambridge University 5-10 July 1981 [Meadow, 1984 #23578]
Book Section 1984 Yule, P. On the state of research of early South Asian metalwork South Asian Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Cambridge University 5-10 July 1981 [Yule, 1984 #23330]
Book Section 1984 Dumarcay, Jacques Perspective effects in the Airavatesvara temple, Darasuram South Asian Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Cambridge University 5-10 July 1981 [Dumarcay, 1984 #23335]
Book Section 1984 Antonini, Chiara Silvi Planning a campaign in Nepal South Asian Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Cambridge University 5-10 July 1981 [Antonini, 1984 #23331]
Book Section 1984 Pracchia, Stephano Preliminary analysis of the Shahr-i Sokhta II Buff ware painted figuration: some observations for a systematic classification South Asian Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Cambridge University 5-10 July 1981 [Pracchia, 1984 #23363]
Book Section 1984 Jansen, Michael Preliminary results of two years' documentation in Mohenjo-daro South Asian Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Cambridge University 5-10 July 1981 [Jansen, 1984 #23357]
Book Section 1984 Santoni, Marielle Sibri and the South Cemetery of Mehrgarh: third millennium connections between the northern Kachi Plain (Pakistan) and Central Asia South Asian Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Cambridge University 5-10 July 1981 [Santoni, 1984 #23367]
Book Section 1984 Nalesini, O. Social implications of the morphological variability of the decorative motifs of Shahr-i Sokhta II Buff ware: an outline South Asian Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Cambridge University 5-10 July 1981 [Nalesini, 1984 #23362]
Book Section 1984 Puskas, Ildiko Society and religion in the Indus Valley civilization South Asian Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Cambridge University 5-10 July 1981 [Puskas, 1984 #23355]