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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1959 Steadman, L. T. Trace elements in ancient Indian teeth Journal of Dental Research [Steadman, 1959 #34489]
Journal Article 1984 Reichart, P. Streptococcus mutans and caries prevalence in Lisu and Karen of northern Thailand Journal of Dental Research [Reichart, 1984 #35119]
Journal Article 1964 Gupta, O. P. An epidemiological study of periodontal disease in Trivandrum, India (Abstract) Journal of Dental Research [Gupta, 1964 #34920]
Journal Article 1982 Howden, G. F. Betel-nut chewing and dental health in Aua Island Papua New Guinea (Abstract) Journal of Dental Research [Howden, 1982 #34912]
Journal Article 1994 Jeng, J. H. Genotoxic and non-genotoxic effects of betel quid ingredients on oral mucosal fibroblasts in vitro Journal of Dental Research [Jeng, 1994 #34907]
Journal Article 1967 Hanihara, Kazuro Racial characteristics in the dentition Journal of Dental Research [Hanihara, 1967 #35372]