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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 1993 Williams, John A. Benefits and obstacles of routine elemental and isotopic analysis in bioarchaeological research contracts Investigations of ancient human tissue: chemical analyses in anthropology [Williams, 1993 #24712]
Book Section 1993 Klepinger, Linda L. Culture, health and chemistry: a technological approach to discovery Investigations of ancient human tissue: chemical analyses in anthropology [Klepinger, 1993 #24704]
Book Section 1993 Sandford, Mary K. Understanding the biogenic-diagenetic continuum: interpreting elemental concentrations of archaeological bone Investigations of ancient human tissue: chemical analyses in anthropology [Sandford, 1993 #24678]
Book Section 1993 Verano, John W. Local or foreigners? Morphological, biometric and isotopic approaches to the question of group affinity in human skeletal remains recovered from unusual archaeological contexts Investigations of ancient human tissue: chemical analyses in anthropology [Verano, 1993 #24677]
Book Section 1993 Radosevich, Stefan C. The six deadly sins of trace element analysis: a case of wishful thinking in science Investigations of ancient human tissue: chemical analyses in anthropology [Radosevich, 1993 #24670]
Book Section 1993 Edward, Jeremy B. The effect of diagenesis on the Paloma skeletal material Investigations of ancient human tissue: chemical analyses in anthropology [Edward, 1993 #24662]
Book Section 1993 Ambrose, Stanley H. Isotopic analysis of paleodiets: methodological and interpretive considerations Investigations of ancient human tissue: chemical analyses in anthropology [Ambrose, 1993 #24644]