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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 2007 Janowski, Monica Being 'big', being 'good': feeding, kinship, potency and status among the Kelabit of Sarawak Kinship and food in South East Asia [Janowski, 2007 #22586]
Book Section 2007 Telle, Kari G. Nurturance and the spectre of neglect: Sasak ways of dealing with the dead Kinship and food in South East Asia [Telle, 2007 #22585]
Book Section 2007 Kaartinen, Timo Nurturing memories: the cycle of mortuary meals in an East Indonesian village Kinship and food in South East Asia [Kaartinen, 2007 #22584]
Book (Edited) 2007 Janowski, Monica Kinship and food in South East Asia NIAS Studies in Asian Topics [Janowski, 2007 #21396]
Journal Article 2007 Saidin, Mokhtar Sungai Perak Kuno: Sumbangannya kepada Zaman Paleolitik Malaysia Jurnal Arkeologi Malaysia [Saidin, 2007 #27966]
Journal Article 2007 Brock, Fiona Quality assurance of ultrafiltered bone dating Radiocarbon [Brock, 2007 #28014]
Journal Article 2007 Webb, Gregory E. Cryptic meteoric diagnesis in freshwater bivalves: implications for radiocarbon dating Geology [Webb, 2007 #28008]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Bennett, Gwen P. Context and meaning in late neolithic lithic production in China: the Longshan period in southeastern Shandong Province Rethinking craft specialization in complex societies: archaeological analyses of the social meaning of production [Bennett, 2007 #25373]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Hendon, Julia A. Production as social process Rethinking craft specialization in complex societies: archaeological analyses of the social meaning of production [Hendon, 2007 #25372]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Hruby, Zachary X. On "rethinking" craft specialization: responses by the authors Rethinking craft specialization in complex societies: archaeological analyses of the social meaning of production [Hruby, 2007 #25371]
Book Section 2007 Tanaka Kazuhiko Fuiripin shutsudo no tosei konro, sutoobu ni tsuite (On earthenware braziers and stoves excavated in the Philippines) Chiiku no taiyōsei to kōkogaku—Tōnan Ajia to sono shūhen (Archaeological studies on the cultural diversity in Southeast Asia and its Neighbors) [Tanaka 2007 #22632]
Journal Article 2007 Vincent, Brice Documentary research and archaeology, a case study: the D11 building of Banteay Kdei Temple Renaissance culturelle du Cambodge [Vincent, 2007 #28094]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Veth, Peter The Ujir site: an early historic maritime settlement in northwestern Aru The archaeology of the Aru Islands, eastern Indonesia [Veth, 2007 #25398]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Veth, Peter Wangil Midden: a late prehistoric site, with remarks on ethnographic pottery making The archaeology of the Aru Islands, eastern Indonesia [Veth, 2007 #25397]
Book Section in a Series 2007 O'Connor, Sue Liang Nabulei Lisa: a late Pleistocene and Holocene sequence from the Aru Islands The archaeology of the Aru Islands, eastern Indonesia [O'Connor, 2007 #25396]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Bulbeck, David Human remains from Liang Nabulei Lisa, Aru Islands The archaeology of the Aru Islands, eastern Indonesia [Bulbeck, 2007 #25395]
Book Section in a Series 2007 O'Connor, Sue Liang Lemdubu: a Pleistocene cave site in the Aru Islands The archaeology of the Aru Islands, eastern Indonesia [O'Connor, 2007 #25394]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Hiscock, Peter Artefacts on Aru: evaluation the technological sequences The archaeology of the Aru Islands, eastern Indonesia [Hiscock, 2007 #25393]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Pasveer, Juliette Bone artefacts from Liang Lemdubu and Liang Nabulei Lisa, Aru Islands The archaeology of the Aru Islands, eastern Indonesia [Pasveer, 2007 #25392]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Bulbeck, David The last glacial maximum human burial from Liang Lemdubu in northern Sahulland The archaeology of the Aru Islands, eastern Indonesia [Bulbeck, 2007 #25391]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Clarke, Simon J. Isoleucine epimerization in <i>Casurius</i> eggshells from archaeological sites in the Aru Islands, Liang Lemdubu and Liang Nabulei Lisa The archaeology of the Aru Islands, eastern Indonesia [Clarke, 2007 #25390]
Book Section in a Series 2007 O'Connor, Sue On the cultural history of the Aru Islands: some conclusions The archaeology of the Aru Islands, eastern Indonesia [O'Connor, 2007 #25389]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Pawley, Andrew The origins of early Lapita culture: the testimony of historical linguistics Oceanic explorations: Lapita and western Pacific settlement [Pawley, 2007 #25408]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Specht, Jim Small islands in the big picture: the formative period of Lapita in the Bismarck Archipelago Oceanic explorations: Lapita and western Pacific settlement [Specht, 2007 #25407]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Specht, Jim Lapita all over: land-use on the Willaumez Peninsula, Papua New Guinea Oceanic explorations: Lapita and western Pacific settlement [Specht, 2007 #25406]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Calipaud, Jean-Christophe Makué (Aore Island, Santo, Vanuatu): a new Lapita site in the ambit of New Britain obsidian distribution Oceanic explorations: Lapita and western Pacific settlement [Calipaud, 2007 #25405]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Ambrose, Wal The implements of Lapita ceramic stamped ornamentaion Oceanic explorations: Lapita and western Pacific settlement [Ambrose, 2007 #25404]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Bedford, Stuart The excavation, conservation and reconstruction of Lapita burial pots from the Teouma site, Efate, Central Vanuatu Oceanic explorations: Lapita and western Pacific settlement [Bedford, 2007 #25403]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Spriggs, Matthew The Aru Islands in perspective: a general introduction The archaeology of the Aru Islands, eastern Indonesia [Spriggs, 2007 #25402]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Hope, Geoffrey Environmental change in the Aru Islands The archaeology of the Aru Islands, eastern Indonesia [Hope, 2007 #25401]