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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1977 Vogel, J. C. Isotopic evidence for early maize cultivation in New York State American Antiquity [Vogel, 1977 #34451]
Journal Article 1977 Peebles, Christopher S. Some archaeological correlates of ranked societies American Antiquity [Peebles, 1977 #35841]
Journal Article 1977 Kuhnlein, H. V. Minerals in human teeth: differences between preindustrial and contemporary Hopi Indians American Journal of Clinical Nutrition [Kuhnlein, 1977 #34622]
Journal Article 1977 Turner, Christy G., II Additional features of Ainu dentition American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Turner, 1977 #35218]
Journal Article 1977 Smythies, J. R. Betel nut as a GABA blocker [letter] American Journal Psychiatry [Smythies, 1977 #35042]
Journal Article 1977 Hass, Jere D. Nutritional anthropology and biological adaptation Annual Review of Anthropology [Hass, 1977 #30129]
Journal Article 1977 Haas, Jere D. Nutritional anthropology and biological adaptation Annual Review of Anthropology [Haas, 1977 #30583]
Book Section in a Series 1977 Tambiah, Stanley J. The galactic polity : the structure of traditional kingdoms in Southeast Asia. Anthropology and the climate of opinion [Tambiah, 1977 #25971]
Journal Article 1977 Chang, Kwang-chih The continuing quest for China's origins. I. Early farmers in China Archaeology [Chang, 1977 #35304]
Journal Article 1977 Bagley, R. W. A Shang city in Hupei Artibus Asiae [Bagley, 1977 #29979]
Journal Article 1977 Legarda, Angelita G. Antique beads of the Philippine islands Arts of Asia [Legarda, 1977 #29386]
Journal Article 1977 Lodge, D. Effects of the Areca nut constituents arecaidine and guvacine on the action of GABA in the cat central nervous system Brain Research [Lodge, 1977 #34943]
Journal Article 1977 Boon, George C. Gold-in-glass beads from the ancient world Britannia [Boon, 1977 #29936]
Journal Article 1977 Pou, Saveros Inscriptions en khmer moyen de Vat Athvea (K. 261) Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Pou, 1977 #32076]
Journal Article 1977 Guillon, E. Recherches sur quelques inscriptions mônes. II. Tablettes trouvées dans l'état Shan Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Guillon, 1977 #32077]
Journal Article 1977 Malmqvist, G. Studies on the Gongyang and Guuliang commentaries, III Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities [Malmqvist, 1977 #32580]
Journal Article 1977 Gyllensvärd, B. Axel and Nora Lundgren's bequest of Chinese bronzes Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities [Gyllensvärd, 1977 #32581]
Journal Article 1977 Yueh-Jung, Pan Yuanmou man, China's earliest apeman to date China Reconstructs [Yueh-Jung, 1977 #35204]
Journal Article 1977 Schamschula, R. G. Betel chewing and caries experience in New Guinea Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology [Schamschula, 1977 #35126]
Book Section 1977 Kress, Jonathan Contemporary and prehistoric subsistence patterns on Palawan Cultural-ecological perspectives on Southeast Asia [Kress, 1977 #25152]
Journal Article 1977 Meacham, William Continuity and local evolution in the Neolithic of South China Current Anthropology [Meacham, 1977 #35878]
Journal Article 1977 Clason, A. T. Wild and domestic animals in prehistoric and early historic India Eastern Anthropologist [Clason, 1977 #29863]
Journal Article 1977 Brunken, Jere The morphology and domestication of pearl millet Economic Botany [Brunken, 1977 #35908]
Book Section in a Series 1977 Wisseman, Jan Markets and trade in pre-Majapahit Java Economic exchange and social interaction in Southeast Asia: perspectives from prehistory, history and ethnography [Wisseman, 1977 #26159]
Book Section in a Series 1977 Wilson, Constance M. Ethnic participation in the export of Thai rice, 1885-1890 Economic exchange and social interaction in Southeast Asia: perspectives from prehistory, history and ethnography [Wilson, 1977 #26160]
Book Section in a Series 1977 Whitmore, John K. The opening of Southeast Asia Economic exchange and social interaction in Southeast Asia: perspectives from prehistory, history and ethnography [Whitmore, 1977 #26161]
Book Section in a Series 1977 Peterson, Jean Treloggen Ecotones and exchange in northern Luzon Economic exchange and social interaction in Southeast Asia: perspectives from prehistory, history and ethnography [Peterson, 1977 #26162]
Book Section in a Series 1977 Omohundro, John T. Trading patterns of Philippine Chinese: strategies of sojourning middlemen Economic exchange and social interaction in Southeast Asia: perspectives from prehistory, history and ethnography [Omohundro, 1977 #26163]
Book Section in a Series 1977 Hutterer, Karl L. Prehistoric trade and the evolution of Philippine societies: a reconsideration Economic exchange and social interaction in Southeast Asia: perspectives from prehistory, history and ethnography [Hutterer, 1977 #26164]
Book Section in a Series 1977 Hall, Kenneth R. The coming of Islam to the archipelago: a re-assessment Economic exchange and social interaction in Southeast Asia: perspectives from prehistory, history and ethnography [Hall, 1977 #26165]