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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book 1970 United Nations Survey of world iron ore resources: occurrence and appraisal [United 1970 #20114]
Book 1970 Getchell, Shelley Sawankhalok porcelain exhibition [Getchell, 1970 #20227]
Book 1970 Needham, Joseph Clerks and craftsmen in China and the West: lectures and addresses on the history of science and technology, based largely on collaborative work with Wang Ling, Lu Gwei-Djen and Ho Ping-Yü [Needham, 1970 #20354]
Book 1970 Fergusson, J. Archéologie des hautes terres et de l'Afrique orientale: anthropologie [Fergusson, 1970 #20595]
Book 1970 Hodges, Henry Technology in the ancient world [Hodges, 1970 #20628]
Book 1970 Breeks, James Wilkinson An account of the primitive tribes and monuments of the Nilagiris [Breeks, 1970 #20729]
Book 1970 Tiamson, Alfredo T. Mindanao-Sulu bibliography: containing published, unpublished manuscripts, and works-in-progress [Tiamson, 1970 #20806]
Book 1970 Tan, Mely Giok-lan Social and cultural aspects of food patterns and food habits in five rural areas in Indonesia [Tan, 1970 #20847]
Book 1970 Great Britain, Central Office of Information, Reference Division Laos [Great 1970 #20854]
Book 1970 Langer, Paul F. North Vietnam and the Pathet Lao, partners in the struggle for Laos [Langer, 1970 #20857]
Book 1970 Wallace, Ben J. Hill and valley farmers: socio-economic change among a Philippine people [Wallace, 1970 #20872]
Book 1970 Nitisastro, Widjojo Population trends in Indonesia [Nitisastro, 1970 #20878]
Book 1970 Breeman, N. van Aspects of rice growing in Asia and the Americas Miscellaneous papers 7 [Breeman, 1970 #21079]
Book 1970 Boriskovsky, P. I. The new problems of the palaeolithic and mesolithic of the Indochinese Peninsula [Boriskovsky, 1970 #21084]
Book 1970 Al-attas, Syed Naguib The correct date of the Trengganu inscription [Al-attas, 1970 #21092]
Book 1970 Belo, Jane Traditional Balinese Culture: essays selected and edited by Jane Belo [Belo, 1970 #21097]
Book 1970 Johnson, Donald C. A guide on reference materials on Southeast Asia [Johnson, 1970 #21196]
Book 1970 Tweedie, M. W. F. Malayan animal life [Tweedie, 1970 #21241]
Book 1970 Tambiah, S. J. Buddhism and the spirit cults of northeast Thailand [Tambiah, 1970 #21262]
Book 1970 Higham, Charles F. W. Prehistoric research in north-east Thailand 1969-70: a preliminary report [Higham, 1970 #21267]
Book in a Series 1970 Bayard, D. T. Non Nok Tha: the 1968 excavation procedure, stratigraphy, and summary of the evidence [Bayard, 1970 #21639]
Book in a Series 1970 Needham, Joseph Civil engineering and nautics [Needham, 1970 #21707]
Book in a Series 1970 Kuhn, Thomas S. The structure of scientific revolutions [Kuhn, 1970 #21750]
Book in a Series 1970 Sartono, S. The discovery of a hominid skull at Sangiran, central Java [Sartono, 1970 #21774]
Book in a Series 1970 Brown, D. E. Brunet: the structure and history of a Bornean sultanate [Brown, 1970 #21905]
Book in a Series 1970 Fox, Robert B. The Tabon caves: archaeological explorations and excavations on Palawan Island, Philippines [Fox, 1970 #22005]
Book in a Series - VN 1970 Duff, Roger Stone adzes of Southeast Asia: an illustrated typology [Duff, 1970 #22138]
Book Section 1970 Christie, A. H. The provenance and chronology of early Indian cultural influence in South-East Asia R. C. Majumdar felicitation volume [Christie, 1970 #23886]
Book Section 1970 Brill, Robert H. The chemical interpretation of the texts Glass and glassmaking in ancient Mesopotamia: an edition of the cuneiform texts which contain instructions for glassmakers with a catalogue of surviving objects [Brill, 1970 #23905]
Book Section 1970 Strathern, Marilyn Stone axes and flake tools: evaluations from two New Guinea highlands societies Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society (New Series) [Strathern, 1970 #24517]