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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Thesis 1968 Ebihara, May Mayko Svay: a Khmer village in Cambodia [Ebihara, 1968 #36303]
Book 1968 Cox, John B. A review of the engineering characteristics of the recent marine clays in South East Asia Asian Institute of Technology Research Report [Cox, 1968 #19830]
Journal Article 1968 Carbonnel, Jean-Pierre. Guth, Christian Le gisement pléistocène inférieur du Phnom Loang (Cambodge), stratigraphie, et faune Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Série D [Carbonnel, 1968 #27886]
Journal Article 1968 Carbonnel, Jean-Pierre Industrie osseuse et prèsence humaine dans le gisement pléistocène inférieur du Phnom Loang (Cambodge) Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Série D [Carbonnel, 1968 #27885]
Book 1968 Kwang-Chih Chang, The archaeology of ancient China [Kwang-Chih 1968 #19849]
Journal Article 1968 Harrisson, Barbara A Niah stone age jar-burial C-14 dated Sarawak Museum Journal [Harrisson, 1968 #27943]
Book in a Series 1968 Pym, Christopher The ancient civilization of Angkor [Pym, 1968 #21663]
Journal Article 1968 Boisselier, Jean Les linteaux Khmers du VIIIe siècle. Nouvelles données sur le style de Kompong Prah Artibus Asiae [Boisselier, 1968 #28372]
Journal Article 1968 Bénisti, Mireille Recherches sur le premier art khmer : I. les linteaux dits de Thala Borivat Arts Asiatiques [Bénisti, 1968 #28377]
Book 1968 Bilibin, Y. A. Metallogenic provinces and metallogenic epochs [Bilibin, 1968 #20060]
Journal Article 1968 Chowning, Ann A flint industry from southwest New Britain, Territory of New Guinea Asian Perspectives (1966) [Chowning, 1968 #28601]
Journal Article 1968 Harrisson, Tom Incised figures from the top of a lid found on Samui Island, Thailand Asian Perspectives (1966) [Harrisson, 1968 #28600]
Book Section in a Series 1968 Verhoeven, T. Vorgeschichtliche Forschungen auf Flores, Timor und Sumba Anthropica: Gedenkschrift zum 100. Geburtstag von P. W. Schmidt [Verhoeven, 1968 #25562]
Journal Article 1968 Saurin, E. Le Paléolithique du Cambodge Oriental Asian Perspectives (1966) [Saurin, 1968 #28863]
Journal Article 1968 Saurin, E. Présence de zircons dans les basaltes de Xuan Loc (Sud Viet-Nam) Comptes Rendus Sommaires des Séances de la Société Géologique de France [Saurin, 1968 #28861]
Journal Article 1968 Pearson, M. N. Spain and Spanish trade in Southeast Asia Journal of Asian History [Pearson, 1968 #28950]
Thesis 1968 Osborne, Milton The French Presence in Cochinchina and Cambodia : Rule and Response (1859-1905) [Osborne, 1968 #36364]
Journal Article 1968 Murty, M. L. K. Blade and burin industries near Renigunta on the south-east coast of India Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society [Murty, 1968 #29066]
Book Section 1968 Misra, Virendra Nath Middle Stone Age in Rajasthan La préhistoire: problèmes et tendances [Misra, 1968 #23512]
Book 1968 Cœdès, George The Indianized states of Southeast Asia [Cœdès, 1968 #20377]
Journal Article 1968 Marschall, Wolfgang Metallurgie und frühe Besiedlungsgeschichte Indonesiens Ethnologica [Marschall, 1968 #29310]
Book in a Series (Edited) 1968 Takimoto, Kiyoshi Geology and mineral resources in Thailand and Malaya [Takimoto, 1968 #22048]
Journal Article 1968 Tugby, Donald J. A report on a world survey of field practices and problems: ethnological and allied work on Southeast Asia, 1950-1966 Current Anthropology [Tugby, 1968 #29475]
Thesis-MA 1968 Tima, Rufino G. Reaction to health innovation: the case of two Kalinga villages [Tima, 1968 #36445]
Map 1968 United Nations, Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East, Committee for Coordination of the Lower Mekong Basin Atlas of physical, economic and social resources of the Lower Mekong Basin [United 1968 #36116]
Book Section in a Series 1968 Merrill, Robert S. The study of technology International encyclopedia of the social sciences [Merrill, 1968 #25771]
Journal Article 1968 Dikshit, M. G. A brief study of the glass industry at Kapadwanj Bulletin of the Museum and Picture Gallery of Baroda [Dikshit, 1968 #29788]
Book 1968 Clarke, D. L. Analytical archaeology [Clarke, 1968 #20680]
Book Section 1968 Binford, Lewis R. Archeological perspectives New perspectives in archaeology [Binford, 1968 #23935]
Book Section 1968 Binford, Sally R. Variability and change in the Near Eastern Mousterian of Levallois facies New perspectives in archaeology [Binford, 1968 #23934]