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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1956 Damais, Louis-Charles Études javanaises: I. Les tombes musulmanes datés de Trålåyå Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Damais, 1956 #26880]
Journal Article 1956 van Heekeren, H. R. Note on a proto-historic urn-burial site at Anjayr, Java Anthropos [van 1956 #27656]
Journal Article 1956 Boisselier, Jean Arts du Champa et du Cambodge préangkorien. La Date de Mi-so'n E-1 Artibus Asiae [Boisselier, 1956 #28373]
Journal Article 1956 Turner, W. E. S. Studies in ancient glasses and glassmaking processes. Part IV. The chemical composition of ancient glasses Journal of the Society of Glass Technology [Turner, 1956 #28724]
Journal Article 1956 Turner, W. E. S. Studies in ancient glasses and glassmaking processes. Part III. The chronology of the glassmaking constituents Journal of the Society of Glass Technology [Turner, 1956 #28723]
Journal Article 1956 Turner, W. E. S. Studies in ancient glasses and glassmaking processes. Part V. Raw materials and melting processes Journal of the Society of Glass Technology [Turner, 1956 #28722]
Journal Article 1956 van der Sleen, W. G. N. Trade-wind beads Man [van 1956 #28784]
Journal Article 1956 Sieveking, G. de G. The distribution of stone bark cloth beaters in prehistoric times Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society [Sieveking, 1956 #28787]
Book 1956 Ray, Priyadaranjan History of chemistry in ancient and medieval India, incorporating the history of Hindu chemistry [Ray, 1956 #20214]
Book Section 1956 Mendes Correa, A. A. Nouvelles stations lithiques du Timor portugais et la prehistoire de l'Indonesie orientale Actas de la IV sesion, Madrid 1954: Congresos Internacionales de Ciencias Prehistoricas y Protohistoricas (4th International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences) [Mendes 1956 #23576]
Journal Article 1956 Malleret, Louis Objets de bronze communs au Cambodge, à la Malaisie et à l'Indonésie Artibus Asiae [Malleret, 1956 #29330]
Book in a Series 1956 Trager, Frank N. Annotated bibliography of Burma [Trager, 1956 #21736]
Journal Article 1956 Heekeren, H. R. van Proto-historic urn-burial site at Anjar, Java Anthropos [Heekeren, 1956 #29559]
Book 1956 Groslier, Bernard Philippe Angkor, hommes et pierres [Groslier, 1956 #20546]
Journal Article 1956 Galis, K. W. Oudheidkundig onderzoek in Nederlands Nieuw Guinea Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde [Galis, 1956 #29678]
Book 1956 Casal, Jean-Marie Site urbain et sites funéraires des environs de Pondichéry: Virampatnam, Mouttrapaléon, Souttoukèny [Casal, 1956 #20708]
Journal Article 1956 Li Fang-Kuei, Native Songs of Wu-ming Annals of Academia Sinica [Li 1956 #30231]
Thesis-MA 1956 Sudsaneh, Saovanee A study of food consumption and nutrient intakes in relation to physical findings for eleven selected Thai families, Bang Chan [Sudsaneh, 1956 #36451]
Book in a Series 1956 Stutterheim, Willem Frederik Studies in Indonesian archaeology [Stutterheim, 1956 #21778]
Book in a Series 1956 Pelzer, Karl Josef Selected bibliography on the geography of Southeast Asia, part 3, Malaya [Pelzer, 1956 #21800]
Journal Article 1956 Harrison, Tom Siamese Ceramic Sculpture Far Eastern Ceramic Bulletin [Harrison, 1956 #30367]
Journal Article 1956 Li, Fang Kuei Siamese wart and vaan Language [Li, 1956 #30508]
Journal Article 1956 Sieveking, Gale de G. The Iron Age collections of Malaya Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society [Sieveking, 1956 #30514]
Book Section 1956 Von Koenigswald, G. H. R. The Pleistocene of Java and the Plio-Pleistocene boundary Actes du IV Congrès international du quaternaire, Rome-Pise, août-septembre 1953. Rédigés par Gian Alberto Blanc avec la contribution du Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche, Comitato per la geologia, la geografia e la talassografia [Von 1956 #24314]
Book 1956 Von Koenigswald, G. H. R. Meeting prehistoric man [Von 1956 #20902]
Journal Article 1956 Loewenstein, Prince John The origin of the Malayan Metal Age Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society [Loewenstein, 1956 #31193]
Journal Article 1956 Lafont, Pierre Bernard Note sur un site néolithique de la province de Plei Ku Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Lafont, 1956 #31215]
Journal Article 1956 Tibbetts, G. R. Pre-Islamic Arabia and South-East Asia Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society [Tibbetts, 1956 #31385]
Journal Article 1956 Sieveking, G. de G. Pottery cones from Kodiang, Kedah Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society [Sieveking, 1956 #31392]
Journal Article 1956 van Heekeren, H. R. The urn cemetery at Melolo, East Sumba (Indonesia) Bulletin of the Archaeological Institute of the Republic of Indonesia [van 1956 #31563]