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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book 1996 Maloney, Bernard K. New perspectives on possible early dry land and wet land rice cultivation in highland North Sumatra University of Hull, Centre for South-East Asian Studies Occasional Paper [Maloney, 1996 #19924]
Journal Article 1996 Maloney, Bernard K. Canarium in the Southeast Asian and Oceanic archaeobotanical pollen records Antiquity [Maloney, 1996 #31240]
Journal Article 1995 Maloney, Bernard K. A 30,000-year pollen and radiocarbon record from highland Sumatra as evidence for climatic change Radiocarbon [Maloney, 1995 #31239]
Journal Article 1993 Maloney, Bernard K. Climatic change and early forest clearance in highland north Sumatra Indian Ocean Review [Maloney, 1993 #31243]
Journal Article 1995 Maloney, Bernard K. Dry periods and forest fires in Indonesia Indonesian Environmental Newsletter [Maloney, 1995 #31242]
Journal Article 1994 Maloney, Bernard K. Pea Bullock: a preliminary account of a 30,000-year record of vegetation and climatic change from highland north Sumatra Quaternary Newsletter [Maloney, 1994 #31241]
Conference Paper 1995 Maloney, Bernard K. The origins of rice cultivation: recent advances [Maloney, 1995 #26457]
Journal Article 1996 Maloney, Bernard K. Possible early dry-land and wet-land rice cultivation in highland north Sumatra Asian Perspectives (1996) [Maloney, 1996 #32820]
Journal Article 1982 Maloney, Bernard K. A fossil pollen diagram from the Toba highlands of north Sumatra and its relevance to cultural history Indonesia Circle [Maloney, 1982 #33852]
Journal Article 1990 Maloney, Bernard K. Grass pollen and the origins of rice agriculture in north Sumatra Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia [Maloney, 1990 #33867]
Journal Article 1985 Maloney, Bernard K. Ulmus pollen at Sibisa Swamp, north Sumatra (Ulmaceae) Blumea [Maloney, 1985 #33866]
Journal Article 1984 Maloney, Bernard K. Pollen of Ulmus (Ulmaceae) in the subfossil record from north Sumatra - a note Blumea [Maloney, 1984 #33865]
Journal Article 1985 Maloney, Bernard K. Man's impact on the rainforests of West Malesia: the palynological record Journal of Biogeography [Maloney, 1985 #33864]
Journal Article 1992 Maloney, Bernard K. Late Holocene climatic change in Southeast Asia: the palynological evidence and its implications for archaeology World Archaeology [Maloney, 1992 #33863]
Book Section in a Series 1984 Maloney, Bernard K. Inverted and other anomalous radiocarbon dates from Southeast Asian pollen sites: some comments Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia [Maloney, 1984 #26068]
Journal Article 1999 Maloney, Bernard K. A 10,600 year pollen record from Nong Thale Song Hong, Trang Province, south Thailand Journal of the Siam Society [Maloney, 1999 #33877]
Journal Article 1987 Higham, Charles F. W. Khok Phanom Di: the results of the 1984-85 excavation Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Higham, 1987 #34667]
Book Section in a Series 1994 Maloney, Bernard K. The prospects and problems of using palynology to trace origins of tropical agriculture: the case of Southeast Asia Tropical archaeobotany: applications and new developments [Maloney, 1994 #26099]
Journal Article 1999 Maloney, Bernard K. A 10,600 year pollen record from Nong Thale Song Hong, Trang province, south Thailand Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Maloney, 1999 #35458]
Journal Article 1996 Maloney, Bernard K. Bibliography of Southeast Asian palynology Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Maloney, 1996 #35537]
Journal Article 1997 Maloney, Bernard K. Update to bibliography of Southeast Asian palynology Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Maloney, 1997 #35536]
Journal Article 1996 Maloney, Bernard K. Palaeoenvironments of North Sumatra: a 30,000 year old pollen record from Pea Bullok Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Maloney, 1996 #35535]
Journal Article 1991 Maloney, Bernard K. Rice agricultural origins: recent advances GeoJournal [Maloney, 1991 #35557]
Book Section in a Series 1989 Higham, Charles F. W. Coastal adaptation, sedentism, and domestication: a model for socio-economic intensification in prehistoric Southeast Asia Foraging and farming: the evolution of plant exploitation [Higham, 1989 #26214]
Book Section in a Series 1991 Maloney, Bernard K. Field and laboratory methods and problems of interpretation The excavation of Khok Phanom Di: a prehistoric site in central Thailand. Volume II: the biological remains (part I) [Maloney, 1991 #26236]
Book Section in a Series 1991 Maloney, Bernard K. Khok Phanom Di: the physical environment The excavation of Khok Phanom Di: a prehistoric site in central Thailand. Volume II: the biological remains (part I) [Maloney, 1991 #26235]
Book Section in a Series 1991 Maloney, Bernard K. Notes on pollen and pteridophyte spore types The excavation of Khok Phanom Di: a prehistoric site in central Thailand. Volume II: the biological remains (part I) [Maloney, 1991 #26234]
Book Section in a Series 1991 Maloney, Bernard K. Palaeoenvironments of Khok Phanom Di: the pollen, pteridophyte spore and microscopic charcoal record The excavation of Khok Phanom Di: a prehistoric site in central Thailand. Volume II: the biological remains (part I) [Maloney, 1991 #26233]
Book Section in a Series 1991 Maloney, Bernard K. Pollen analysis: results and discussion The excavation of Khok Phanom Di: a prehistoric site in central Thailand. Volume II: the biological remains (part I) [Maloney, 1991 #26232]
Book Section in a Series 1991 Maloney, Bernard K. The pollen, pteridophyte spore and microscopic charcoal: conclusions The excavation of Khok Phanom Di: a prehistoric site in central Thailand. Volume II: the biological remains (part I) [Maloney, 1991 #26231]