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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2020 Barron, Aleese Sherds as archaeobotanical assemblages: Gua Sireh reconsidered Antiquity [Barron, 2020 #36813]
Journal Article 2019 Curnoe, Darren Femur associated with the Deep Skull from the West Mouth of the Niah Caves (Sarawak, Malaysia) Journal of Human Evolution [Curnoe, 2019 #26633]
Journal Article 2018 Curnoe, Darren Rare Late Pleistocene-early Holocene human mandibles from the Niah Caves (Sarawak, Borneo) PLOS One [Curnoe, 2018 #26728]
Journal Article 2016 Curnoe, Darren Deep skull from Niah Cave and the Pleistocene peopling of Southeast Asia Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution [Curnoe, 2016 #27632]
Book Section 2013 Lloyd-Smith, Lindsay The cultured rainforest project: preliminary archaeological results from the first two field seasons in the Kelabit Highlands, Sarawak, Borneo (2007, 2008) Unearthing Southeast Asia's past: selected papers from the 12th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Lloyd-Smith, 2013 #22854]
Journal Article 2007 Barker, Graeme The ‘human revolution’ in lowland tropical Southeast Asia: the antiquity and behavior of anatomically modern humans at Niah Cave (Sarawak, Borneo) Journal of Human Evolution [Barker, 2007 #28795]
Journal Article 1993 Datan, Ipoi Archaeological excavations at Gua Sireh (Serian) and Lubang Angin (Gunung Mulu National Park), Sarawak, Malaysia Sarawak Museum Journal [Datan, 1993 #31412]
Journal Article 1993 Datan, Ipoi Recent research at Gua Sireh (Serian) and Lubang Angin (Gunung Mulu National Park), Sarawak Sarawak Museum Journal [Datan, 1993 #31965]
Journal Article 1991 Datan, Ipoi Recent research at Gua Sireh (Serian) and Lubang Angin (Gunung Mulu National Park), Sarawak Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Datan, 1991 #35581]