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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1994 Bronson, Bennet Eyewitness accounts of the early mining and smelting of metals in mainland Southeast Asia SPAFA Journal [Bronson, 1994 #29214]
Book Section 2006 Bronson, Bennet Patterns of political regeneration in Southeast and East Asia After collapse: the regeneration of complex societies [Bronson, 2006 #23779]
Journal Article 1992 Bronson, Bennet Against migration: a negative perspective on population movements in prehistoric Southeast Asia Philippine Quarterly of Culture and Society [Bronson, 1992 #29927]
Journal Article 1976 Bronson, Bennet Prehistoric investigations at Tianko Panjang cave, Sumatra: an interim report Asian Perspectives (1975) [Bronson, 1976 #29926]
Journal Article 1985 Bronson, Bennet Notes on the history of iron in Thailand Journal of the Siam Society [Bronson, 1985 #30047]
Book Section 1992 Bronson, Bennet Southeast Asia Chronologies in old world archaeology, vol. I and II [Bronson, 1992 #24424]
Journal Article 1971 Bronson, Bennet Review of "Report on the excavations at Beikthano" by Aung Thaw Asian Perspectives (1969) [Bronson, 1971 #33313]
Journal Article 1973 Bronson, Bennet Excavations at Chansen, Thailand, 1968 and 1969: a preliminary report Asian Perspectives (1972) [Bronson, 1973 #33277]
Journal Article 1978 Bronson, Bennet Palembang as Srivijaya: the lateness of early cities in Southern Southeast Asia Asian Perspectives (1976) [Bronson, 1978 #33156]
Journal Article 1990 Bronson, Bennet Review of "Prehistoric Indonesia: a reader," Pieter van de Velde, editor Asian Perspectives (1986-1987) [Bronson, 1990 #33010]
Conference Paper 1991 Bronson, Bennet Theoretical aspects of bronze and iron use in ancient Southeast Asia The High Bronze Age of Southeast Asia and South China Conference, January 14-19, 1991 [Bronson, 1991 #26475]
Conference Paper 1992 Bronson, Bennet Metal working and development in eastern and southern Asia 91st annual meeting, American Anthropological Association [Bronson, 1992 #26474]
Book 1990 Rostoker, William Pre-industrial iron: its technology and ethnology Archaeomaterials monograph no. 1 [Rostoker, 1990 #20976]
Report 1973 Bronson, Bennet The prehistory and early history of Sumatra [Bronson, 1973 #36261]
Journal Article 1987 Bronson, Bennet Review of "Prehistoric investigations in northeastern Thailand" by C. Higham and A. Kijngam Journal of Archaeological Science [Bronson, 1987 #34052]
Book Section in a Series 1999 Bronson, Bennet The transition to iron in ancient China The archaeometallurgy of the Asian Old World [Bronson, 1999 #26114]
Journal Article 1966 Bronson, Bennet Roots and the subsistence of the ancient Maya Southwestern Journal of Anthropology [Bronson, 1966 #35311]
Book Section 1975 Bronson, Bennet The earliest farming: demography as cause and consequence Population, ecology and social evolution [Bronson, 1975 #24802]
Book Section 1978 Bronson, Bennet Angkor, Anuradhapura, Prambanan, Tikal: Maya subsistence in an Asian perspective Pre-hispanic Maya agriculture [Bronson, 1978 #24801]
Thesis-PhD 1976 Bronson, Bennet Excavations at Chansen and the cultural chronology of protohistoric central Thailand [Bronson, 1976 #36629]
Book Section in a Series 1996 Bronson, Bennet Metals, specialization, and development in early eastern and southern Asia Craft specialization and social evolution: in memory of V. Gordon Childe [Bronson, 1996 #26207]
Book Section 1992 Bronson, Bennet Patterns in the early Southeast Asian metals trade Early metallurgy, trade and urban centres in Thailand and Southeast Asia [Bronson, 1992 #24904]
Book Section 1996 Bronson, Bennet Chinese and middle eastern trade in southern Thailand during the 9th century A.D Ancient trades and cultural contacts in Southeast Asia [Bronson, 1996 #24903]
Journal Article 1990 Bronson, Bennet Review of "Southeast Asia in the age of commerce, 1450-1680, vol. I, The lands below the winds," by Anthony Reid Ethnohistory [Bronson, 1990 #35586]
Book Section 1980 Bronson, Bennet South-east Asia: civilizations of the tropical forests Cambridge encyclopedia of archaeology [Bronson, 1980 #24924]
Journal Article 1987 Bronson, Bennet Terrestrial and meteoritic nickel in the Indonesian Kris Journal of the Historical Metallurgy Society [Bronson, 1987 #35697]
Book Section 1989 Bronson, Bennet The extraction of natural resources in early Thailand Culture and environment in Thailand [Bronson, 1989 #25016]
Journal Article 1972 Bronson, Bennet A thermoluminescence series from Thailand Antiquity [Bronson, 1972 #35859]
Journal Article 1985 Bronson, Bennet Patterns in the early Southeast Asian metals trade. Notes on the history of iron in Thailand Journal of the Siam Society [Bronson, 1985 #35858]
Book Section in a Series 1992 Bronson, Bennet Radiocarbon and chronology in Southeast Asia Chronologies in old world archaeology, vol. I and II [Bronson, 1992 #26390]