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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book in a Series 1996 Pollard, A. M. Archaeological chemistry [Pollard, 1996 #21751]
Book in a Series 1962 Service, Elman R. Primitive social organization: an evolutionary perspective [Service, 1962 #21753]
Book in a Series 2005 Knappett, Carl Thinking through material culture: an interdisciplinary perspective [Knappett, 2005 #21756]
Book in a Series 1992 Lemonnier, Pierre Elements for an anthropology of technology [Lemonnier, 1992 #21755]
Book in a Series 2003 Liu, Li State formation in early China [Liu, 2003 #21754]
Book in a Series 1993 Herbert, Eugenia W. Iron, gender, and power: rituals of transformation in African societies [Herbert, 1993 #21759]
Book in a Series 1967 Hummel, C. L. Geology and mineral deposits of the Phuket mining district, south Thailand [Hummel, 1967 #21758]
Book in a Series 2002 Jones, Andrew Archaeological theory and scientific practice [Jones, 2002 #21757]
Book in a Series 1969 Gettens, Rutherford J. The Freer Chinese bronzes: vol. II: technical studies [Gettens, 1969 #21760]
Book in a Series 2000 Dobres, Marcia-Anne Technology and social agency: outlining a practice theory for archaeology [Dobres, 2000 #21761]
Book in a Series 2001 David, Nicholas Ethnoarchaeology in action [David, 2001 #21762]
Book in a Series 1995 Schoop, Ulf-Dietrich Die Geburt des Hephaistos: Technologie und Kulturgeschichte neolithischer Metallverwendung im Vorderen Orient [Schoop, 1995 #21763]
Book in a Series 1988 Basalla, George The evolution of technology [Basalla, 1988 #21765]
Book in a Series 1984 Bray, Francesca Biology and biological technology: agriculture [Bray, 1984 #21764]
Book in a Series 2007 O'Reilly, Dougald J. W. Early civilizations of Southeast Asia [O'Reilly, 2007 #21766]
Book in a Series 1900 Aymonier, Étienne Le Cambodge: le royaume actuel [Aymonier, 1900 #21767]
Book in a Series 2006 Thorp, Robert L. China in the early Bronze Age: Shang civilization [Thorp, 2006 #21768]
Book in a Series 1992 Chernykh, E. N. Ancient metallurgy in the USSR: the early metal age [Chernykh, 1992 #21769]
Book in a Series 1953 T'ien, Ju-k'ang The Chinese of Sarawak [T'ien, 1953 #21771]
Book in a Series 1968 Tiglao, Teodora V. Health practices in a rural community [Tiglao, 1968 #21770]
Book in a Series 1970 Sartono, S. The discovery of a hominid skull at Sangiran, central Java [Sartono, 1970 #21774]
Book in a Series 1961 Textor, Robert B. From peasant to pedicab driver [Textor, 1961 #21773]
Book in a Series 1953 Sharp, Lauriston Siamese rice village: a preliminary study of Bang Chan, 1948-1949 [Sharp, 1953 #21772]
Book in a Series 1973 Sartono, S. On cranial measurements of Pithecanthropus erectus (Pithecanthropus VIII) [Sartono, 1973 #21776]
Book in a Series 1961 Sartono, S. Notes on a new find of a Pithecanthropus mandible [Sartono, 1961 #21775]
Book in a Series 1950 Suwatabandhu, Kasin Weeds in paddy field in Thailand [Suwatabandhu, 1950 #21777]
Book in a Series 1956 Stutterheim, Willem Frederik Studies in Indonesian archaeology [Stutterheim, 1956 #21778]
Book in a Series 1959 Steinberg, David J. Cambodia: its people, its society, its culture [Steinberg, 1959 #21780]
Book in a Series 1935 Steenis, C. G. G. J. van On the origin of the Malaysian mountain flora [Steenis, 1935 #21779]
Book in a Series 1988 Smuckarn, Snit A culture in search of survival: the Phuan of Thailand and Laos [Smuckarn, 1988 #21783]