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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book 1974 Pirazzoli-t'Serstevens, M. La civilisation du royaume de Dian à l'époque Han d'après le matériel exhumé à Shizhai shan [Pirazzoli-t'Serstevens, 1974 #20242]
Book Section in a Series 2002 Van Driem, George Tibeto-Burman phylogeny and prehistory: languages, material culture and genes Examining the farming/language dispersal hypothesis [Van 2002 #25593]
Book Section 2008 Stark, Miriam T. Why breaking down boundaries matters for archaeological research on cultural transmission: an introduction Cultural transmission and material culture: breaking down boundaries [Stark, 2008 #23476]
Journal Article 1955 Picard, C. La lampe alexandrine de P'ong Tuk (Siam) Artibus Asiae [Picard, 1955 #28941]
Book Section 2010 Hodos, Tamar Local and global perspectives in the study of social and cultural identities Material culture and social identities in the ancient world [Hodos, 2010 #23482]
Book 2008 Skibo, James M. People and things: a behavioral approach to material culture [Skibo, 2008 #20281]
Book 2010 Hales, Shelley Material culture and social identities in the ancient world [Hales, 2010 #20276]
Book 1987 Adhyatman, Sumarah Kendi, traditional drinking water container [Adhyatman, 1987 #20322]
Journal Article 1995 Orogo, Alford B. Tradeware ceramics found in the Philippines SPAFA Journal [Orogo, 1995 #28995]
Book 2009 Calo, Ambra The distribution of bronze drums in early Southeast Asia trade routes and cultural spheres [Calo, 2009 #20345]
Journal Article 2009 Minc, L. Style and substance: evidence for regionalism within the Aztec market system Latin American Antiquity [Minc, 2009 #29015]
Book Section 2008 Gosselain, O. Mother Bella was not a Bella: inherited and tranformed traditions in Southwestern Niger Cultural transmission and material culture: breaking down boundaries [Gosselain, 2008 #23489]
Book Section 2005 Masson, Marilyn A. Trade and Exchange Handbook of Archaeological Methods [Masson, 2005 #23488]
Journal Article 1988 David, Nicholas Why pots are decorated Current Anthropology [David, 1988 #29030]
Journal Article 2003 Moody, Jennifer Ceramic fabric analysis and survey archaeology: the Sphakia survey Annual of the British School at Athens [Moody, 2003 #29026]
Book Section in a Series 2009 Higham, C. F. W. The material culture The origins of the civilization of Angkor, vol. 3: the excavation of Ban Non Wat, part one: introduction [Higham, 2009 #25606]
Book (Edited) 2000 Nicholson, Paul T. Ancient Egyptian materials and technology [Nicholson, 2000 #21457]
Journal Article 1952 Nebesky-Wojkowitz, R. Prehistoric beads from Tibet Man [Nebesky-Wojkowitz, 1952 #29065]
Book (Edited) 2008 Stark, Miriam T. Cultural transmission and material culture: breaking down boundaries [Stark, 2008 #21458]
Book Section 1996 Spriggs, Matthew The archaeology of Vanuatu in Pacific perspective Arts of Vanuatu [Spriggs, 1996 #23608]
Book Section 1996 Spriggs, Matthew L'archéologie du Vanuatu dans le contexte de l'Océanie Vanuatu Océanie: arts des îles de cendre et de corail: [exposition] Port-Vila, Musée, 28 juin 1996-10 août 1996, Nouméa, Musée territorial de Nouvelle-Calédonia, 3 septembre 1996-30 octobre 1996, Bâle, Museum für Völkerkunde, 15 mars 1997-10 août 199 [Spriggs, 1996 #23611]
Book 1960 Malleret, Louis L'archéologie du delta du Mékong: la civilisation matérielle d'Oc-èo [Malleret, 1960 #20409]
Book 1929 Lucas, A. Ancient Egyptian materials [Lucas, 1929 #20430]
Book (Edited) 1980 Loofs-Wissowa, H. H. E. The diffusion of material culture: 28th International Congress of Orientalists, proceedings of Seminar E, Canberra, January 1971 [Loofs-Wissowa, 1980 #21466]
Serial 1999 ABIA South and Southeast Asian art and archaeology index [ 1999 #36265]
Book Section in a Series 2008 Lorrillard, Michel Pour une géographie historique du bouddhisme au Laos Recherches nouvelles sur le Laos [Lorrillard, 2008 #25660]
Book in a Series 1995 Debaine-Francfort, Corinne Du Néolithique à 'Âge du Bronze en Chine du Nord-Ouest: la culture de Qijia et ses connexions [Debaine-Francfort, 1995 #21740]
Journal Article 1987 Gwinnett, A. J. A history of drills and drilling New York Dental Journal [Gwinnett, 1987 #29618]
Journal Article 1910 Groneman, J. Der kris der javaner International Archiv für Ethnologie [Groneman, 1910 #29632]
Journal Article 1983 Gorelick, L Ancient Egyptian stone-drilling: an experimental perspective on a scholarly disagreement Expedition [Gorelick, 1983 #29639]