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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1930 Evans, Ivor H. N. A comparative study of ancient objects from Sarawak Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums [Evans, 1930 #31366]
Journal Article 1993 Ahmad, Fasihuddin B. Medicinal plants used by Kadayan community in Sarawak Sarawak Museum Journal [Ahmad, 1993 #31413]
Journal Article 1999 Said, Sanib The history of Sarawak: where do we begin? Sarawak Museum Journal [Said, 1999 #31399]
Journal Article 2002 Ashton, Elizabeth C. Preliminary assessment of the plant diversity and community ecology of the Sematan mangrove forest, Sarawak, Malaysia Forest Ecology and Management [Ashton, 2002 #32524]
Journal Article 1962 Harrisson, Tom Dating methods and related deductions in the Niah Great Caves Asian Perspectives (1961) [Harrisson, 1962 #33571]
Journal Article 1962 Harrisson, Tom Niah excavations, 1957-1961 Asian Perspectives (1961) [Harrisson, 1962 #33557]
Journal Article 1970 Harrisson, Tom A rare ceramic bangle from Borneo Asian Perspectives (1968) [Harrisson, 1970 #33382]
Journal Article 1970 Harrisson, Tom Borneo's prehistoric "Turtle-Ware" and "Phallic-Top" lidded pots Asian Perspectives (1968) [Harrisson, 1970 #33381]
Journal Article 1970 Harrisson, Tom New analysis of excavated prehistoric glass from Borneo Asian Perspectives (1968) [Harrisson, 1970 #33380]
Journal Article 1973 Brooks, Sheilagh T. A preliminary report on the Palaeoserology of the Niah Cave burials Asian Perspectives (1972) [Brooks, 1973 #33263]
Journal Article 1974 Harrisson, Tom Rare ceramic bangles from Borneo Asian Perspectives (1973) [Harrisson, 1974 #33242]
Journal Article 1975 Harrisson, Tom Tektites as "date markers" in Borneo and elsewhere Asian Perspectives (1975) [Harrisson, 1975 #33186]
Journal Article 1976 Harrisson, Tom Early dates for "seated" burial and burial matting at Niah Caves, Sarawak (Borneo) Asian Perspectives (1975) [Harrisson, 1976 #33176]
Journal Article 1979 Brooks, Sheilagh T. Radiocarbon dating and palaeoserology of a selected burial series from the Great Cave of Niah, Sarawak, Malaysia Asian Perspectives (1977) [Brooks, 1979 #33130]
Journal Article 1964 Harrisson, Tom Monochrome glass beads from Malaysia and elsewhere Man [Harrisson, 1964 #33997]
Book 1961 Scanlon, Betty (Sarawak Museum) Sarawak in the museum [Scanlon, 1961 #21051]
Report 1971 Chung, S. K. Annual Report of the Geological Survey Malaysia 1971 [Chung, 1971 #36264]
Journal Article 1991 Brosius, J. Peter Foraging in tropical rain forests: the case of the Penan of Sarawak, East Malaysia (Borneo) Human Ecology [Brosius, 1991 #34814]
Book in a Series 1969 Harrisson, Tom Excavations of the prehistoric iron industry in west Borneo [Harrisson, 1969 #21941]
Journal Article 1953 Fitch, F. H. Tertiary to recent sea level changes and their effect on British Borneo physiography Annual Report of the Geological Survey Department, British Territories in Borneo [Fitch, 1953 #35518]
Journal Article 1958 Harrisson, Tom Carbon-14 dated palaeolithics from Borneo Nature [Harrisson, 1958 #35515]
Journal Article 1991 Datan, Ipoi Recent research at Gua Sireh (Serian) and Lubang Angin (Gunung Mulu National Park), Sarawak Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Datan, 1991 #35581]
Book Section in a Series 1988 Christie, Jan Wisseman Ironworking in Sarawak Metal-working in Borneo: essays on iron- and silver-working in Sarawak [Christie, 1988 #26218]
Book Section in a Series 1971 Brunig, E. F. On the ecological significance of drought in the equatorial wet evergreen (rain) forest of Sarawak (Borneo) [and discussion] The Water Relations of Malesian Forests. Transactions of the First Aberdeen-Hull Symposium on Malesian Ecology, Hull, 1970 [Brunig, 1971 #26328]
Journal Article 1987 Sutlive, Vinson H., Jr. Archaeology and anthropology in East Malaysia and Brunei Journal of Southeast Asian Studies [Sutlive, 1987 #35792]
Journal Article 1979 Chin, Lucas Brief history of prehistory in Sarawak Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Chin, 1979 #35776]
Journal Article 1979 Chin, Lucas Archaeological research in Sarawak since 1971 Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Chin, 1979 #35775]
Journal Article 1979 Chin, Lucas Sarawak Museum Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Chin, 1979 #35773]
Journal Article 1959 Harrisson, Tom New archaeological and ethnological results from Niah Caves, Sarawak Man [Harrisson, 1959 #35967]
Book in a Series 1954 Geddes, William Robert The Land Dayaks of Sarawak [Geddes, 1954 #22013]