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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1931 Evans, Ivor H. N. A further slab-built grave at Sungkai Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums [Evans, 1931 #31368]
Journal Article 1921 Wallace, W. A. Plans of the Negri Sembilan grave and megaliths, with notes Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums [Wallace, 1921 #31383]
Journal Article 1953 Srinivasen, K. R. Survey of south Indian megaliths Ancient India [Srinivasen, 1953 #31387]
Journal Article 1964 Quaritch-Wales, H. G. A stone casket from Satingpra Journal of the Siam Society [Quaritch-Wales, 1964 #31586]
Journal Article 1965 Lamb, Alistair A stone casket from Satingpra: some further observations Journal of the Siam Society [Lamb, 1965 #31584]
Journal Article 1955 van Heekeren, H. R. Proto-historic sarcophagi on Bali Bulletin of the Archaeological Institute of the Republic of Indonesia [van 1955 #31564]
Book in a Series 1967 Loofs-Wissowa, H. H. E. Elements of the megalithic complex in Southeast Asia: an annotated bibliography [Loofs-Wissowa, 1967 #21853]
Journal Article 1997 Made Sutaba, I. Preliminary notes on ancestor statues in Bali Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Made 1997 #31747]
Journal Article 1997 Blundell, David Archaeology, cultural resource management, and the Pacific: a look at the east coast of Taiwan Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Blundell, 1997 #31746]
Journal Article 1946 Cheng Te-k'un, The slate tomb culture of Lilan Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies [Cheng 1946 #31935]
Journal Article 1993 McKinnon, E. Edwards A note on finds of early Chinese ceramics associated with megalithic remains in northwest Lampung Journal of Southeast Asian History [McKinnon, 1993 #32286]
Journal Article 1928 Heine-Geldern, Robert Die Megalithen Südostasiens und ihre Bedeutung für die Klaerung der Megalithenfrage in Europa und Polynesien Anthropos [Heine-Geldern, 1928 #32494]
Journal Article 1968 Devenish, David A megalithic circle at Taipo Kau, New Territories, Hong Kong Asian Perspectives (1966) [Devenish, 1968 #33436]
Journal Article 2002 Kennedy, Kenneth A. R. Megalithic Pochampad: the skeletal biology and archaeological context of an Iron Age site in Andhra Pradesh, India Asian Perspectives (2002) [Kennedy, 2002 #32711]
Journal Article 1928 Evans, Ivor H. N. On slab-built graves in Perak Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums [Evans, 1928 #34000]
Conference Paper 1990 Sutaba, I Made Prehistoric stone seats in contemporary life in Bali 14th Congress of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Sutaba, 1990 #26507]
Book in a Series 1935 Colani, Madeleine Les mégalithes du Haut-Laos (Hua Pan, Tran Ninh) [Colani, 1935 #21903]
Journal Article 1971 Kauffmann, H. E. Stone memorials of the Lawa (northwest Thailand) Journal of the Siam Society [Kauffmann, 1971 #34233]
Book Section in a Series 1974 Crystal, Eric Man and the menhir: contemporary megalithic practice of the Sa'dan Toraja of Sulawesi, Indonesia Ethnoarchaeology [Crystal, 1974 #26107]
Journal Article 1939 Hutchinson, E. W. Megaliths in Bayab Journal of the Siam Society [Hutchinson, 1939 #35370]
Journal Article 1939 Hutchinson, E. W. Megaliths in Thailand Journal of the Siam Society [Hutchinson, 1939 #35369]
Journal Article 2000 Prasetyo, Bagyo The distribution of megaliths in Bondowoso (East Java, Indonesia) Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Prasetyo, 2000 #35326]
Book Section 1997 Soejono, R. P. Considerations on the Megalithic tradition with special reference to Indonesia Southeast Asian Archaeology 1992: Proceedings of the 4th Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Soejono, 1997 #24850]
Journal Article 1983 Damon, Frederick H. Further notes on Woodlark megaliths and trenches Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Damon, 1983 #35756]
Book Section 1979 Christie, Anthony H. The megalithic problem in South East Asia Early South East Asia: essays in archaeology, history, and historical geography [Christie, 1979 #25169]
Book Section 1979 Glover, Ian C. Comment on 'megaliths' in South East Asia Early South East Asia: essays in archaeology, history, and historical geography [Glover, 1979 #25128]