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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 1990 Christie, Jan Wisseman Trade and state formation in the Malay Penninsula and Sumatra, 300 B.C. - A.D. 700 The Southeast Asian port and polity: rise and demise [Christie, 1990 #24630]
Book Section 1995 Higham, Charles F. W. The transition to rice cultivation in Southeast Asia Last hunters first farmers: new perspectives on the prehistoric transition to agriculture [Higham, 1995 #24625]
Thesis 1993 Stark, Miriam T. Pottery economics: a Kalinga ethnoarchaeological study Department of Anthropology [Stark, 1993 #36414]
Journal Article 1922 Barton, Roy F. Ifugao economics University of California Publication in American Archaeology and Ethnology [Barton, 1922 #34815]
Thesis-PhD 1995 Bacus, Elisabeth A. Political economy and interaction: late prehistoric polities in the central Philippine Islands [Bacus, 1995 #36638]
Book (Edited) 1992 Glover, Ian C. Early metallurgy, trade and urban centres in Thailand and Southeast Asia: 13 archaeological essays [Glover, 1992 #21611]
Book Section 1989 Tingsabadh, Charit Economic systems and the environment in Thailand Culture and environment in Thailand [Tingsabadh, 1989 #25008]
Book Section 1977 Dalton, G. Aboriginal economics in stateless societies Exchange systems in prehistory [Dalton, 1977 #25177]
Book 1986 Bray, Francesca The rice economies [Bray, 1986 #21293]