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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 1994 Michener, R. H. Stable isotope ratios as tracers in marine aquatic food webs Stable isotopes in ecology and environmental science [Michener, 1994 #24451]
Journal Article 2002 Sosis, Richard Patch choice decisions among Ifaluk fishers American Anthropologist [Sosis, 2002 #33743]
Journal Article 1965 Yengoyan, Aram A. Aspects of ecological succession among Mandaya populations in eastern Davao Province, Philippines Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters [Yengoyan, 1965 #33952]
Journal Article 2000 Ding, Z. L. C<sub>3</sub> /C<sub>4</sub> vegetation evolution over the last 7.0 Myr in the Chinese Loess Plateau: evidence from pedogenic carbonate delta<sup>13</sup>C Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Ding, 2000 #34382]
Journal Article 2000 Edwards, T. W. D. delta<sup>13</sup>C response surface resolves humidity and temperature signals in trees Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta [Edwards, 2000 #34379]
Journal Article 2000 Feranec, Robert S. Evolution of the grazing niche in Pleistocene mammals from Florida: evidence from stable isotopes Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Feranec, 2000 #34375]
Journal Article 2001 Hutley, L. B. Monsoonal influences on evapotranspiration of savanna vegetation of northern Australia Oecologia [Hutley, 2001 #34365]
Journal Article 2000 Kelly, Jeffrey F. Stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen in the study of avian and mammalian trophic ecology Canadian Journal of Zoology [Kelly, 2000 #34357]
Journal Article 2000 Webb, Elizabeth A. The oxygen isotopic compositions of silica phytoliths and plant water in grasses: implications for the study of paleoclimate Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta [Webb, 2000 #34318]
Journal Article 2000 Zhang, H. C. A Holocene climatic record from arid northwestern China Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Zhang, 2000 #34308]
Book Section 1996 Reitz, J. Elizabeth Issues in environmental archaeology Case Studies in Environmental Archaeology [Reitz, 1996 #24593]
Book Section 1994 Crumley, Carole L. Historical ecology: a multidimensional ecological orientation Historical ecology: cultural knowledge and changing landscapes [Crumley, 1994 #24575]
Journal Article 1962 Baker, Paul T. The application of ecological theory in anthropology American Anthropologist [Baker, 1962 #34797]
Journal Article 1997 Bocherens, Hervé Comments on: diet, physiology and ecology of fossil mammals as inferred from stable carbon and nitrogen isotope biogeochemistry: implications for Pleistocene bear by Bocherens et al Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Bocherens, 1997 #34780]
Journal Article 1985 Erickson, Jonathon E. Strontium isotope characterization in the study of prehistoric human ecology Journal of Human Evolution [Erickson, 1985 #34720]
Journal Article 1988 Headland, Thomas N. Ecosystemic change in a Philippine tropical rainforest and its effect on a Negrito foraging society Tropical Ecology [Headland, 1988 #34674]
Journal Article 1976 Hoyme, L. E. S. Ecology of dental disease American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Hoyme, 1976 #34660]
Journal Article 1996 Kirch, P. V. Late Holocene human-induced modifications to a central Polynesian island ecosystem PNAS [Kirch, 1996 #34635]
Journal Article 1997 Schoeninger, Margaret J. Stable isotope ratios indicate diet and habitat use in New World monkeys American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Schoeninger, 1997 #34522]
Journal Article 1995 Stafford, C. Russell Geoarchaeological perspectives on paleolandscapes and regional subsurface archaeology Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory [Stafford, 1995 #34492]
Journal Article 1969 Takaya, Y. Topographical analysis of the southern basin of the Central Plain, Thailand Tonan Ajia Kenkyu [Takaya, 1969 #34480]
Journal Article 1991 Wada, E. The use of stable isotopes for food web analysis Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition [Wada, 1991 #34449]
Journal Article 1982 White, Joyce C. Natural history investigations at Ban Chiang Expedition [White, 1982 #34437]
Book Section in a Series 1980 Hardesty, Donald L. The use of general ecological principles in archaeology Advances in archaeological method and theory [Hardesty, 1980 #26100]
Book Section 1994 Winterhalder, Bruce Concepts in historical ecology: the view from evolutionary ecology Historical ecology: cultural knowledge and changing landscapes [Winterhalder, 1994 #24718]
Book Section 1990 Moran, Emilio F. Ecosystem ecology in biology and anthropology: a critical assessment The ecosystem approach in anthropology: from concept to practice [Moran, 1990 #24711]
Book Section 1989 Engelhardt, Richard A., Jr. Forest-gatherers and strand-loopers: econiche specialization in Thailand Culture and environment in Thailand [Engelhardt, 1989 #24659]
Book Section 1996 Brown, Peter J. Disease, ecology, and human behavior Medical anthropology: a handbook of theory and method [Brown, 1996 #24637]
Book Section 1984 Kaida, Y. Climate and agricultural land use in Thailand Climate and agricultural land use in monsoon Asia [Kaida, 1984 #24616]
Book 1976 Goody, J. Production and reproduction [Goody, 1976 #21134]