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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section in a Series 1993 White, J. Peter Highlanders and islanders People of the stone age: hunter-gatherers and early farmers [White, 1993 #25894]
Book in a Series (Edited) 1993 Burenhult, Göran People of the stone age: hunter-gatherers and early farmers [Burenhult, 1993 #22076]
Book Section 1998 Newton, Douglas Les Papous et les Mélanésiens primitifs Arts des mers du Sud : Insulinde, Mélanésie, Polynésie, Micronésie : Collections du musée Barbier-Muelle [Newton, 1998 #24089]
Book Section in a Series 2002 Bellwood, Peter Farmers, foragers, languages, genes: the genesis of agricultural societies Examining the farming/language dispersal hypothesis [Bellwood, 2002 #25946]
Book Section 1995 Bellwood, Peter Early agriculture, language history and the archaeological record in China and Southeast Asia Archaeology in Southeast Asia [Bellwood, 1995 #24127]
Book (Edited) 1977 Megaw, J. V. S. Hunters, gatherers and first farmers beyond Europe: an archaeological survey [Megaw, 1977 #21554]
Journal Article 2005 Barker, Graeme The archaeology of foraging and farming at Niah Cave, Sarawak Asian Perspectives (2005) [Barker, 2005 #30563]
Book 2005 Bellwood, Peter First farmers. The origins of agricultural societies [Bellwood, 2005 #20892]
Journal Article 2004 Chun Chang Huang, Holocene pedogenic change and the emergence and decline of rain-fed cereal agriculture on the Chinese Loess Plateau Quaternary Science Reviews [Chun 2004 #30598]
Book Section 2004 Bellwood, Peter S. The origins and dispersals of agricultural communities in Southeast Asia Southeast Asia: from prehistory to history [Bellwood, 2004 #24282]
Journal Article 2001 Stiner, Mary C. Thirty years on the "Broad Spectrum Revolution" and paleolithic demography PNAS [Stiner, 2001 #30685]
Journal Article 2004 Weiss, Ehud The broad spectrum revisited: evidence from plant remains PNAS [Weiss, 2004 #30684]
Journal Article 2004 Kislev, Mordechai E. Impetus for sowing and the beginning of agriculture: Ground collecting of wild cereals PNAS [Kislev, 2004 #30682]
Journal Article 1996 Trinh Nang Chung, Khao sat thuc dia mot so dia diem khao co hoc thoi dai do da o Quang Tay - Trung Quoc [ Field Survey of Some archaeological sites of stone age in Guangxi ( China )] Khao Co Hoc [Trinh 1996 #30847]
Journal Article 1988 Chu Van Tan, Van de nong nghiep som o Viêt nam va Dong Nam A [ Problem of early agriculture in Vietnam and South East Asia ] Khao Co Hoc [Chu 1988 #31074]
Journal Article 2003 Spriggs, Matthew Chronology of the Neolithic transition in island Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific: a view from 2003 Review of Archaeology [Spriggs, 2003 #31247]
Journal Article 1980 Ha Van Tan, Ve mo hinh Tre-xto Gooc-man va nien dai xuat hien nong nghiep trong lua o Dong Nam A [ On the Chester gorman's models and the appearance date of rice-cultivation in Southeast Asia ] Khao Co Hoc [Ha 1980 #31328]
Journal Article 1980 Dang Nghiem Van, Cac hinh thuc trong lua: tr lieu dan toc hoc [ Various forms of rice - cultivation: ethnographical data] Khao Co Hoc [Dang 1980 #31613]
Journal Article 1951 Burkill, I. H. The rise and decline of the greater yam in the service of man Advancement of Science [Burkill, 1951 #31942]
Journal Article 1952 Burkill, I. H. Habits of man and the origin of cultivated plants of the Old World Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London [Burkill, 1952 #31941]
Journal Article 1992 Bayliss-Smith, Tim A Colocasian revolution in the New Guinea highlands? Insights from Phase 4 at Kuk Archaeology in Oceania [Bayliss-Smith, 1992 #32369]
Book Section 2002 Agrawal, D. P. The earliest agriculture and pottery in South Asia The origins of pottery and agriculture [Agrawal, 2002 #24416]
Book Section 2002 Shinde, Vasant The emergence, development and spread of agricultural communities in south Asia The origins of pottery and agriculture [Shinde, 2002 #24415]
Journal Article 2001 Araus, José Luis FOCUS: estimated wheat yields during the emergence of agriculture based on the carbon isotope discrimination of grains: evidence from the 10th millennium BP site on the Euphrates Journal of Archaeological Science [Araus, 2001 #32480]
BAR Book 1999 Lu, Tracey Lie Dan The transition from foraging to farming and the origin of agriculture in China [Lu, 1999 #19632]
Book (Edited) 2002 Yasuda, Yoshinori The origins of pottery and agriculture [Yasuda, 2002 #21579]
Book Section 2002 Pei Anping, Rice paddy agriculture and pottery from the middle reaches of the Yangtze river The origins of pottery and agriculture [Pei 2002 #24436]
Book Section 2002 Guo Ruihai, The Nanzhuangtou and Hutouliang sites: exploring the beginnings of agriculture and pottery in north China The origins of pottery and agriculture [Guo 2002 #24433]
Book Section 2002 Cohen, David Joel New perspectives on the transition to agriculture in China The origins of pottery and agriculture [Cohen, 2002 #24432]
Book Section 2002 Toyama, Shuichi The origin and spread of rice cultivation as seen from rice remains The origins of pottery and agriculture [Toyama, 2002 #24431]