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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section in a Series 1998 Boyd, William E. The palaeoenvironment of the archaeological site at Nong Nor The excavation of Nong Nor: a prehistoric site in central Thailand [Boyd, 1998 #26144]
Book Section in a Series 1997 Kealhofer, Lisa Evidence for cultural impact on the environment during the Holocene: two phytolith sequences from the Lopburi Region, central Thailand Southeast Asian Archaeology 1992: Proceedings of the 4th Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Kealhofer, 1997 #26172]
Book Section in a Series 1991 Maloney, Bernard K. Palaeoenvironments of Khok Phanom Di: the pollen, pteridophyte spore and microscopic charcoal record The excavation of Khok Phanom Di: a prehistoric site in central Thailand. Volume II: the biological remains (part I) [Maloney, 1991 #26233]
Book Section in a Series 1996 Kealhofer, Lisa Two phytolith sequences from the Bang Pakong Valley The excavation of Khok Phanom Di: a prehistoric site in central Thailand. Volume IV: subsistence and environment: the botanical evidence (the biological remains, part II) [Kealhofer, 1996 #26248]
Journal Article 2009 Clark, Peter U. The last glacial maximum Science [Clark, 2009 #26610]
Journal Article 2007 Barbour, Margaret M. Stable oxygen isotope composition of plant tissue: a review Functional Plant Biology [Barbour, 2007 #26617]
Journal Article 2017 Hawkins, Stuart Oldest human occupation of Wallacea at Laili Cave, Timor-Leste, shows broad-spectrum foraging responses to late Pleistocene environments Quaternary Science Reviews [Hawkins, 2017 #26626]
Journal Article 2013 Balme, Jane Of boats and string: the maritime colonisation of Australia Quaternary International [Balme, 2013 #26628]
Journal Article 2017 Vannieuwenhuyse, Dorcas Settling in Sahul: Investigating environmental and human history interactions through micromorphological analyses in tropical semi-arid north-west Australia Journal of Archaeological Science [Vannieuwenhuyse, 2017 #26630]
Journal Article 2018 Sutikna, Thomas The spatio-temporal distribution of archaeological and faunal finds at Liang Bua (Flores, Indonesia) in light of the revised chronology for <i>Homo floresiensis</i> Journal of Human Evolution [Sutikna, 2018 #26634]
Journal Article 2009 Westaway, K. E. The evolving landscape and climate of western Flores: an environmental context for the archaeological site of Liang Bua Journal of Human Evolution [Westaway, 2009 #26646]
Journal Article 2016 Janssen, Renée, Joordens, Josephine C. A. Tooth enamel stable isotopes of Holocene and Pleistocene fossil fauna reveal glacial and interglacial paleoenvironments of hominins in Indonesia Quaternary Science Reviews [Janssen, 2016 #26652]
Journal Article 2019 Hall, Tegan The environmental context of a city in decline: the vegetation history of a Khmer peripheral settlement during the Angkor period Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports [Hall, 2019 #26680]
Journal Article 2018 Cai, Qiufang Tree-ring δ18O, a tool to crack the paleo-hydroclimatic code in subtropical China Quaternary International [Cai, 2018 #26682]
Journal Article 2018 Wang, Mengyuan The environmental conditions of MIS5 in the northern South China Sea, revealed by <i>n</i>-alkanes indices and alkenones from a 39 m-long sediment sequence Quaternary International [Wang, 2018 #26685]
Journal Article 2019 Roberts, Patrick Plastic pioneers: hominin biogeography east of the Movius Line during the Pleistocene Archaeological Research in Asia [Roberts, 2019 #26690]
Journal Article 2018 Milano, Stefania Environmental conditions framing the first evidence of modern humans at Tam Pà Ling, Laos: a stable isotope record from terrestrial gastropod carbonates Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Milano, 2018 #26708]
Journal Article 2018 Bacon, Anne-Marie Nam Lot (MIS 5) and Duoi U'Oi (MIS 4) Southeast Asian sites revisited: zooarchaeological and isotopic evidences Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Bacon, 2018 #26709]
Journal Article 2007 Ku, Huei-Wei Paleo-environmental evolution as revealed by analysis of organic carbon and nitrogen: a case of coastal Taipei Basin in northern Taiwan Geochemical Journal [Ku, 2007 #26973]
Journal Article 2010 Proske, Ulrike The palaeoenvironmental development of the northeastern Vietnamese Mekong River Delta since the mid Holocene The Holocene [Proske, 2010 #26983]
Journal Article 2016 Wohlfarth, Barbara Human adaptation to mid- to late-Holocene climate change in northeast Thailand The Holocene [Wohlfarth, 2016 #27001]
Journal Article 2013 Chawchai, S. Lake Kumphawapi – an archive of Holocene palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic changes in northeast Thailand Quaternary Science Reviews [Chawchai, 2013 #27005]
Journal Article 2017 Shengmin Huang, Paleoenvironmental background of the early Pleistocene <i>Gigantopithecus</i> fauna in Bubing Basin, south China Quaternary International [Shengmin 2017 #27351]
Journal Article 2017 Twaddle, Robin W. Complexities in the palaeoenvironmental and archaeological interpretation of isotopic analyses of Mud Shell <i>Geloina erosa</i> (Lightfoot, 1786) Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports [Twaddle, 2017 #27367]
Journal Article 2016 Sémah, Anne-Marie The palaeoenvironmental context of the Palaeolithic of Java: a brief review Quaternary International [Sémah, 2016 #27617]
Journal Article 2016 Zeitoun, Valery A sustainable review of the Middle Pleistocene benchmark sites including the <i>Ailurpoda—Stegodon</i> faunal complex: the proboscidean point of view Quaternary International [Zeitoun, 2016 #27618]
Journal Article 2016 Choa, O. Stable isotopes in guano: potential contributions towards palaeoenvironmental reconstruction in Tabon Cave, Palawan, Philippines Quaternary International [Choa, 2016 #27824]
Journal Article 2005 Field, Julie S. Assessment of the southern dispersal: GIS-based analyses of potential routes at oxygen isotopic stage 4 Journal of World Prehistory [Field, 2005 #27852]
Journal Article 2009 Bettis, E. A. Way out of Africa: early Pleistocene palaeoenvironments inhabited by <i>Homo erectus</i> in Sangiran, Java Journal of Human Evolution [Bettis, 2009 #27868]
Journal Article 2015 Chawchai, Sakonvan Hydroclimatic shifts in northeast Thailand during the last two millennia — the record of Lake Pa Kho Quaternary Science Reviews [Chawchai, 2015 #28046]